Update 3/12/20. Have you heard of Juice Plus? Juice Plus (also called Juice Plus +) is a whole food phytonutrient supplement. The supplement contains the extracts of 17 different fruits and vegetables in capsule form. Juice Plus is intriguing not only because it comes from food but also because there are several clinical studies on this supplement. Most of them show it has benefits. In this review, let's look at the Juice Plus research. So you know, I am not a juice plus distributor and have no connection to the company which makes it.
Juice Plus Research
There is clinical research on this supplement -human research. Many of the studies can be viewed from the companies website. The company does support research. Some people take that in a bad way but I don't. I like it when companies take the time – and spend the money -to publish research on their supplements. This is rare and I appreciate seeing it.
Here are summaries of the research conducted on this supplement. To make it easier, I'll try to make reading the research easier by dividing them into different sections.
Antioxidant Research
In one of the earlier studies, researchers in 1996 noted higher levels of various vitamins and antioxidants like folic acid, vitamin E and phytonutrients like B carotene and lutein when they gave Juice Plus to 15 healthy people for days. More specifically, they noted the following improvements
- beta-carotene 510%
- alpha-carotene, 119%
- lutein/zeaxanthin, 44%
- lycopene, 2046%
- alpha-tocopherol, 58%
There was no single ingredient said to be responsible for these effects. The improvements were considered the result of all the phytonutrients working in together.
Multiple studies in both healthy and unhealthy people have documented the supplement improves antioxidant levels. This is one of the most consistent findings in all of the research.
Heart Disease Research
In a separate investigation, researchers tested JP and the Vineyard Blend to see if it slowed the progression of heart disease. Specifically, they wanted to by measuring its effects on blood pressure and calcium in coronary arteries. Doctors sometimes measure the amount of calcium in coronary arteries as an indicator of heart disease progression.
The people in this study were 51 men and women with high blood pressure and pre-high blood pressure (prehypertension). They were given Juice Plus and followed for 2 years. Results showed those who received Juice Plus had:
- lower systolic and diastolic blood pressures
- reduced homocysteine
- slower increase in coronary calcium
In theory, this appears to show JP might slow down some aspects of heart disease. One problem, however, was the lack of a placebo group. Interestingly hemoglobin A1C –a sign of diabetes – also decreased. That is good.
Eating high-fat meals can cause vasoconstriction (closing up) of blood vessels. This is bad. In an attempt to see if Juice Plus might help reduce this from happening, researchers in 2003 devised a study where they took 38 healthy people and split them into the following 3 groups:
- Juice plus only group
- Juice Plus + vineyard blend (Vineyard Blend contains grape and berry extracts)
- Placebo group
After 4 weeks, those taking either JP alone or JP and the Vineyard Blend had less vasoconstriction after eating a high-fat meal, compared to people who took a placebo. In addition, the fruit/vegetable concentrate promoted a small (but significant) reduction in cholesterol levels after 4 weeks (cholesterol changed from 184 to 172).
In my own very unscientific “study” many years ago, I noticed Juice Plus alone (no Vineyard Blend) reduced cholesterol from 260 to 220 after one month. My test subject was in a friend with chronically high cholesterol levels.
One compound thought to contribute to heart disease is homocysteine, a substance that makes blood sticky and easier to clot inside blood vessels. Investigators recruited 32 men (smokers and non-smokers) and randomly gave them either a placebo or Juice Plus for 6 weeks each.
Juice Plus reduced homocysteine levels and raised levels of B vitamins and beta carotene. To be fair, other researchers have raised questions about this study.
Researchers in Tokyo saw that after 4 weeks, Juice Plus supplements reduced homocysteine levels as well as markers of free radical damage.
Reducing Inflammation Research
Chronic, long term inflammation is thought to contribute to a variety of health problems. Being overweight is one thing that can raise inflammation. To see if this supplement helped, researchers in Australia, recruited 56 overweight adults and gave them either juice plus or a placebo for 8 weeks.
The researchers wanted to see if the fruit and vegetable concentrate supplement would reduce inflammation caused by being overweight. The people took either 6 capsules of placebo or 6 capsules of fruit and vegetable supplements (4 JP and 2 orchard blend) per day.
Results showed those taking juice plus had lower markers of inflammation and reduce cholesterol and LDL.
The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables are well known to reduce free radicals. But what if you smoked? Researchers in Italy recruited 101 heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day) who smoked for more than 10 years. 75 people completed the study. The people were randomly given either:
- A placebo
- Juice Plus
- Juice Plus + Vineyard blend (berry blend)
Those who received JP, as well as the JP/Vineyard combination, saw significant reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) and free radical damage.
Boosting Immunity Research
Some research suggests this fruit/vegetable supplement may improve the immune system. In one such study, 59 healthy law students (21-53 years of age) were given JP or placebo for 77 days. Blood tests revealed a 30% increase in T cells and a 40% reduction in DNA damage in white blood cells (lymphocytes) in those who took Juice Plus.
Another study has also noted less DNA damage in lymphocytes after taking the supplement after only 60 days of use.
Prior to this other researchers noted the supplement increased the activity of natural killer immune cells (NK cells) when it was given to 53 smokers and non-smokers for 80 days. Levels of an immune substance called Interleukin 2 also improved.
Other researchers have noted fewer sick days when JP or placebo was given to 41 police officers for 28 days. While the reduction was not significant from a science perspective, in real-world terms it came to 26 fewer sick days. (108 vs. 134 sick days). I call that significant.
To reinforce these findings, at least one study has found Juice Plus caused a 20% reduction in moderate to severe cold symptoms in health care workers. This study involved 529 people who took JP or a placebo for 8 months.
Juice Plus Cancer Research
There is at least one study of Juice Plus improving the levels of antioxidants in cancer patients. This investigation involved 51 women. Other than this, no further research on the effects of the supplement involving cancer patients could be located.
Juice Plus and Pregnancy Research
Preeclampsia refers to a dangerous elevation in blood pressure that can occur during pregnancy. Left untreated, pre-eclampsia can cause organ damage and can be deadly. Needless to say, pregnant women are routinely monitored for this condition.
Researchers in the US recruited 684 women and gave them either the supplement or a placebo before their 12th week of pregnancy until delivery. The women took either 4 capsules per day or a placebo.
These researchers saw no differences in the rates or severity of preeclampsia. But, babies of the women who took the supplement had fewer respiratory problems and lower rates of admissions to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of hospitals compared to babies born to women who took the placebo.
Can It Help Diabetes?
Insulin resistance is the term used when insulin doesn't work as well as it should. It is one of the signs of type II diabetes. To see if the supplement might help, researchers followed 30 boys (21 boys were overweight) for 6 months. They were randomly given the supplement or a placebo, along with nutritional counseling. Insulin resistance decreased in the overweight boys (that's good) and they lost body fat too. This was not seen in the normal weight boys.
Can It Help Gingervitis?
Dental health and heart health seem to be related. So, might this supplement help reduce heart disease by helping reduce gum disease? At least one study has noted JP improved gum disease compared to a placebo. The study involved 120 people who were given either the supplement or a placebo for two months. While more studies are needed, this investigation appears to show the supplement helps some aspects of gum disease fairly quickly.
Does It Improve Exercise?
Evidence suggests naturally occurring antioxidants are better for exercise than taking isolated nutrients (like vitamin C for example). Some JP research has looked into this. In one such investigation, researchers took 48 healthy men and women and split them up into the following groups:
- The control group (placebo)
- JP supplement group
- Vitamin group (400 IU vitamin E + 1000 mg vitamin C)
Those taking Juice Plus received 1 fruit capsule, 1 veggie capsule, and 1 Vineyard Blend capsule twice a day (total of 6 capsules per day).
Everybody performed 3 exercise treadmill tests at the following intervals:
- 1 test before supplementation
- 1 test after 2 weeks of supplementation
- 1 test after a week of no supplementation
1. Both the vitamin and JP resulted in “modest” suppression of protein breakdown during exercise after 2 weeks. This is good because we don't want our muscles to be broken down during exercise.
2. Neither JP or the vitamins seemed to reduce indicators of free radical damage. This is odd since both JP and vitamin E possess antioxidant activity.
3. Neither the vitamins or JP improved exercise performance.
In another exercise, study researchers gave 41 healthy people either JP or a placebo for 28 days before they performed an intense exercise program. Blood tests revealed Juice Plus reduced various markers of free radical stress but did not reduce pain damage caused by the exercise.
Who Makes Juice Plus
The company is National Safety Associates (NSA). The website is JuicePlus.com.
The company is located at 140 Crescent Drive Collierville, TN 38017-3374. They can be contacted at 901-850-3000 M-F 8 am to 5 PM central time.
According to the Better Business Bureau, they have been in business since 1970. They have an A+ BBB rating and are a BBB accredited business. See the BBB file for updates and more information.
Juice Plus Price
The cost is around $41 a month if you just purchased the original version. The cost would be extra if you also purchased their other supplements such as their Vineyard Blend, protein powder, etc.
Buy Juice Plus
You can purchase Juice Plus directly its website JuicePlus.com. The supplement can also be purchased from one of the many people who sell it. If you don't know anyone, a quick google search of “Juice Plus + your zip code” will likely reveal people in your area sell it.
Currently, this supplement is not sold in stores like Walmart, Costco, CVS, Target, Rite Aid, Walgreens, etc.
Juice Plus Side Effects
In healthy people, this supplement is safe. No published study has noted any significant side effects. While I have no connection to this supplement, I have taken it for extended periods and suffered no problems.
That said, if you have a serious health problem, it's always wise to discuss all supplements you take with your doctor. Here's a shortlist of general things to consider. This list is not complete:
- start with less than recommended for the first week.
- stop taking at least 2 weeks before having surgery
- if you take medications like blood thinners, talk to your doctor first
- As with all supplements, talk to your doctor first if have any health issues
See the Juice Plus Q and A review for more insights.
Juice Plus Alternatives
Because it was likely one of the first whole food supplements, there are now many other competitors out there.
Just a few include:
Of these, Juice Festiv appears to garner the most attention. See the review on JuiceFestive for more information.
Whether or not these other supplements work the same or better than JP is open speculative. No head-to-head comparison studies between supplement could be located.
Does Juice Plus Work?
Juice Plus has more clinical studies than pretty much any supplement I've looked seen. Overall, the research on Juice Plus is interesting. From that research, I am pretty sure the supplement will raise levels of antioxidants. It will probably also reduce inflammation also. These things may lead to better health. If you want to try it and see how you respond, why not get a full blood test first. Then try Juice Plus for several months and get another blood test. That's good advice no matter what fruit and vegetable supplements you try.
As a nutritionist I feel I must also put an end to the Juice Plus commercial happening on these comments. The bottles don’t list the amounts of vitamins and minerals on the bottles because they don’t want you to compare the product to a multivitamin.
They want you to compare it to “whole food”. The research shows that while Juice Plus claims to be “whole food” and “natural” the fact is that the Juice Plus capsules contain a variety of synthetic vitamin additives and non-nutritive fillers and only about 25% juice powders by weight. Spend your money on REAL whole foods, not Juice Plus.
Get facts first.
Dear Jackie
I’m not where you got this information from, but you are incorrect. There are no fillers nor synthetic vitamins in JP+. Also. JP+ does not carry a supplement label, but rather a nutrition label.
I was in a hospital bed in my home for 14 years due to Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. I had about 20 surgeries for internal and joint issues. Chronic pain kept me incapacitated most of the time. I was unable to eat much at all and had no hope until I tried Juice Plus. Since the first day I tried it I felt better and have since sold my hospital bed and am almost a normal person.
I now sleep with my husband and have a life. I thank God every day for helping me to find the nutrition I’ve needed so badly in Juice Plus. I have had NO SURGERIES since I started taking JP. I know that not everyone has the results that I have with JP but for someone who can’t digest the fruits and veggies, JP can be a life saver!
If you are able to eat an abundance of fruits and veggies then you may not benefit as much from JP but for someone who can’t digest food as easily, it makes all the difference in the world!
Just wanted you to know. Peace!
I have enjoyed reading this blog on jp. my wife has been diagnosed with Scleroderma, a auto-immune disease that causes inflammation of main organs, muscle pain, joints inflammation etc. I am willing to try anything to help relieve her condition. Is any one aware of a more comprehensive study on jp an this kind of immune problems ( benefits and side-effects) anything help. Thanks
Dan B, Im not aware of any new Juice Plus research but if you do try it, have your wife measure her inflammation level before JP and after 3-4 months to see if it changed. Doctors often measure “CRP (c reactive protein) as a test for cellular inflammation. If it works, do let me know.
I was recommended to take Juice Plus by my naturopathic dr. I HATE fruits and vegies, I have tried, without success, to gag down the things that are good for me and I just can’t/wont do it. Therefore, he recommended taking JP. I take a ton of supplements and was just wondering if taking this would be worth my money or not.
Tisha, If you’re “healthy” I dont think JP will hurt you. theoretically it might be good “insurance” but I’d point out that no study so far shows Juice Plus reduces heart disease ect. What the studies do show however are interesting. I do wish the company that makes JP -NSA – would do a study of JP in people who eat no fruits/ veggies.
if you want to try it for a few months, first get a full blood test and make sure your doctor also measures “homocysteine and CRP” then get everything tested again in 3-4 months and see if things are better.
I’m more curious about what the “ton of supplements” that you take. most people dont need to take a lot of supplements. you can search my site for the supplements you take and if they are not there, try the ingredients. that might help you see if you need them or not.
I am wondering about my Mominlaw who has frequent uti’s (urinary track infections) and is on lipitor. She has had blood pressure issues, anemia, low white blood count, painful arthritis in her hip,and vitilago.
Do you think juice plus (or some other specific supplement) would hep?
daughterinlaw, based on what you said, I dont think Juice plus will hurt her (just to be safe, Id do a blood test and check liver enzymes in a week or two, since shes taking lipitor). Best I can say it might help her cholesterol. is she doing any exercise? Exercise (even water exercise) can help reduce arthritis pain and its also been shown to help the immune system. Hopefully she has a reason why she has vertigo. drinking cranberry juice might her UTIs.
With reference to the cranberry juice or tablets to help with UTIs is absolute rubbish. I suffer a lot with UTI’s because of Kidney Stones and have taken the cranberry for some time, they make no difference whatsoever like most other stuff of this nature, I would just prefer to eat fresh fruit and vegetables than pay our all that money for capsules, I am afraid I have had a bad experience of trying this kind of thing which turned out to be a scam, fortunately my credit card company withheld a large payment request and contacted me, I immediately reported them !!!!!!
HI Joe
Great info! I just found your site and hope to visit it again 🙂
I have been on Juice Plus+ for 2 yrs. this month [July 20102] I can not say it has ‘cured’ my fibromyalgia, but I do not have symptoms anymore.
Recently, my primary care dr tested my trigger points & yes, I still have fibro. He did document my current health on JP.
My spouse had arthritis in his hands that caused significant pain on a daily basis. That pain was gone within 4 to 6 weeks of starting JP and rarely occurs now. He is building our house! So, at times, he does admit he may ‘over do it’ but his recovery is quick and he is back to enjoying life and the construction.
There were comments about Juice Festiv .. I have info on this but will have to locate it and reply back. It is an attempt to copy JP but there are differences.
As a registered nurse & JP distributor, I invite others to review the research and see if the product makes sense to them. Customer service is a priority, with calls to see if the customer has questions or concerns. If the customer wants to stop it, it is returned with no additional charges.
Several of my friends with auto-immune diseases have found a reasonable reprieve for their situations. [Lupus, MS, Crohn’s disease] They highly recommend others try it & have referred them to me to be their ‘wellness warrior’.
Again.. thanks for a great discussion group!
Thank you for your responses and information.
If I decide to try it I will definitely let you know my findings.
I would definitely be interested in hearing your thoughts on fitness and food strategies. I have been doing some reading on these topics and have made some changes in my life and I’m seeing a difference in pain as well as flexibility.
Thanks again,
Hello Phillip. Hope all is well and I just wanted to follow up with you if you had any questions or concerns. Live well my friend!
Hello Phillip. First off I couldn’t think of a better choice of trainers to ask this question to besides Joe Cannon. I am also a CFT and Juice Plus+ wellness consultant. I am not here to push Juice Plus+ on you, but to offer my services in dealing with your RA through fitness and while food strategies. As far as research with Juice Plus+ and RA I am not aware of any at this time, but there are well documented research on how fruits and vegetables reduce systemic inflammation and reduce homocysteine levels.
Thanks again Joe for all that you do at keeping the truth public and unbiased!!
Do you have any updated information on the use of JP to offset the affects of rheumatoid arthritis? I have recently been diagnosed with RA and I’m not crazy about the selection of meds used to treat it. I have seen where specific fruits, veggies, and antioxidants help battle it and i can see where JP would help with that but would like to have more unbiased information rather that of a distributor.
Thank you for the time and effort you have put into this article.
Phillip, I have not seen any Juice Plus research on rheumatoid arthritis. are there any JP distributors saying it does help it? I dont think it will hurt it, so with that in mind, best i can say is try it for a few months and see. I wish I had more info i could give you on this. if you do try it and it helps or not I hope you will let me know.
This is all very interesting! I was curious after reading this where Earp received his information? I am evaluating the possibility of JP and taking each opinion and research post into consideration. Nearly every comment has an explanation or at least an opinion as to why that person posted. Wondering where his info was from. Thanks for this site! Very informative!
Hi Joe, thanks for all of the great work and study. Usually all you can find is well disguised sales pitch, but your info is non-biased and factually, so… good job!
I used to use JP a few years ago but never really noticed any remarkable difference. Although I wasn’t having any issues at the time either so who knows. I did however change my diet when my doctor wanted to put me on a statin drug for my cholesterol. I insisted on trying a diet and exercise change first. After just over three weeks, I dropped my cholesterol 45 points and my triglycerides 15.
The doc said I could skip the statins 😉 Anyway, I think JP may be a good addition to a healthy diet and exercise but people shouldn’t rely on it to fulfill your bodies needs for vitamins and minerals etc. Fresh organics are the way to go. While on my diet, I went fresh vegetarian… I have since kinda slipped a but, but I try. That’s where JP would be a help I believe.
Anyway, keep up the research, we appreciate it!
Greg thanks I appreciate that and am VERY glad you got your blood levels under control 🙂
I appreciate your efforts in putting out an unbiased report/study. I am interested in trying this supplement, as I suffer form an auto-immune disorder that causes chronic pain etc. However, I find it interesting that all of say it is “unbiased” but are pulling information from studies sponsored/coordinated from the company itself.
I’d like to see some notes or captions of how funded/coordinated the studies you referenced. I have learned with my disease that many people, distributors etc., love to “leach” on to me and tell me about the new cure–but everything/facts they offer up are always one sided. I am leaning toward trying these supplements based on my own research and talks with unbiased dietitians, but have a hard time trusting some of the distributors. I find this especially so not with Juice Plus, but the new rage Vemma-their distributors are quick to sell any research, or “first hand testimonies” just to “cure me.”
I like JP does not do that, I truly think Vemma has a little evil up their sleeves despite potential health benefits. So Joe if you don’t mind clarifying your studies, who funded them etc., I would love to know more. But its hard to keep this unbiased with the distributors chiming in every two seconds, or you guys’ waiting on JP’s marketing/pr team to release “their” results…not exactly unbiased.
Joe, as I understand it, the research on juice plus has been sponsored by juice plus (NSA, the company that makes juice plus). As far as I can tell, they do not seem to have interfered with the statistics /conclusions of the research. But they have also been very careful in what they test. For example, as I mentioned in my review, I’d LOVE to see a direct comparison between Juice Plus and the Vineyard blend. The research so far subtly hints to me that the vineyard blend may not be worth it. Id also love to see that pre-eclampsia juice plus study that they have been dangling in front of me for about 8 years too!
As for Vemma, I could not find any research on vemma itself, just some research on its ingredients. here’s my review http://supplementclarity.com/vemma-review-mangostene-aloe-green-tea/
Hello Cait and good day. Juice Plus+ provides the nutritional equivalent of 9-13 servings daily. Like you said its not a replacement just a solid insurances policy that you get every single day.
I’m considering going on the JP+ supplements for my family. What I’d really love to know, is how many fruit/veggie servings does each day’s dose of supplements equal out to. I realize you are getting the variety from 17 different types, but how many servings does it actually amount to in comparison to the nutrition you would get from eating a whole piece of fruit per say? I realize it is still important to still eat who fruits and veggies too for the fibre, but if the supplement gives you the nutrition of say one serving, then it’s not really worth it, but if it works out to 6 or 7, well that’s great! Any insight on this (if I’m making and sense at all, lol)?
Cait, that is a very good question and Im not sure of the answer. Maybe on of the JP distributors reading this can answer your question?
IMHO, unless you have an extremely poor diet or multiple food intolerances, or your blood work shows an actual deficiency (for example, vitamin D deficiencies are quite common in people like myself, who don’t spend much time outside), any sort of supplementation is pretty much a waste of money. However, if you think you absolutely have to have a supplement, my advice would be to take a simple multivitamin. Much cheaper!
Hi Joe, thanks so much for all of the informative discussion. Do you know much about CellFood vs. Cell Energy. Are these products worth considering on a daily basis, and are these particular products compatible in function. Thank you in advance for your time.
Sunflower, I apprecaite you sharing these products with me. Ive looked at the product website and I recommend you save your money. They say the product gives you ATP but when we eat ATP its broken up in the stomach. we dont absorb it as ATP. same goes for DNA and RNA. We make ATP, DNA and RNA. there is no need to consume them from food and there is no reason to believe that they are absorbed intake and even if they were, there is no proof that the eaten DNA or RNA would be used to rebuild your own DNA and RNA or ATP. Eat food. Food is better cell food and cell energy than that product. Of course thats just my opinion 🙂
I have taken Juice plus for almost 11 years. I started it because I had taken care of people for years and years but not myself. As a nurse, the science was important to me. It is published in medical journals of all types. I can locate it and read it myself. I will never be without it because of the positive changes.
There is even more published research today. The positive results I have seen in myself and many others could not have occurred without JP…or they would have. I know MANY physicians, chiropractors, PTs and OTs, nutritionists and others who get what JP is and take it them selves and yes recommend it. Some also sell it out of their office because they so believe in it.
I’m still not sold on it. I’ve had two doctors, a chiropractor and physical therapist basically say save my money and continue eating healthy and exercise.
If you changed your eating habits, stopped drinking soda etc, you would notice a difference as well..without JP.
Juice Plus is utterly useless. It’s a placebo used as the entrance fee into an MLM pyramid scam that preys on people’s greed and gullibility. An unbiased review of the product and the company, as well as the research, can lead to no other conclusion.
A couple of Juice Plus capsules isn’t even equivalent to a single serving of fruit or vegetables. It’s roughly equivalent to eating a bite of an over-processed apple sprinkled with powdered vitamins (the product is in fact laced with added vitamins). You can’t defeat the laws of physics simply be dehydrating fruit/vegetables into powder.
I started taking JP 13 days ago, having bought a 4-month plan from a friend. I did so to be supportive, not because I thought it would do anything at all. This week my morning blood sugar readings plummeted from over 250 almost every day to under 180.
I have to mention that after suffering for several years with almost debilitating knee pain, I finally saw an orthopedist who gave me cortisone shots 10 days ago. I’ve been almost pain-free since then.
I can’t say for certain whether my lowered blood sugar is due to pain relief or JP, but I’m encouraged. I guess I’ll know when the cortisone eventually wears off. All I know is that I feel great!
Dee, glad your blood sugar has decreased! I’ve never seen anything in the JP research on blood sugar but I’ll take it 😉 (Hey Juice Plus / NSA have you ever considered a JP blood sugar study?). Do you know what your A1c level is?
I’m guessing its the cortisone shot that decreased your knee pain. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes then I hope you use this pain free time to do some easy walking or recumbent biking or water exercise as this will help strengthen the muscles that support your knee joints so they might hurt less in the future. If you do have diabetes, here is an interview I did with a woman who used to be a diabetic http://www.joe-cannon.com/interview-yolanda-bowles-diabetes-exercise-nutrition-cure-type-ii-diabetes/
Keep me posted on your blood sugar and knee pain!!
genital walking….hahaha great autocorrect there, joe (sorry I couldn’t resist pointing that out)
Katie, where do I say that? I checked the whole juice plus post and didnt see ‘genital walking” – let me know and Ill fix my goof up 🙂
Joe in the March 12, 2012 at 9:15 am 2nd paragraph LOL “I’m guessing its the cortisone shot that decreased your knee pain. If you have diabetes or pre-diabetes then I hope you use this pain free time to do some genital walking ….”
Mo, I should hire you as my comment proof reader 🙂 I fixed it thanks. changed genital to “easy” – no way I’ll mess that word up lol
I am so glad I came across your reviews of Juice Plus+ and Shakeology. I’ve been hearing alot about Shakeology lately and became very curious what exactly is in it. I have been a JP customer for almost 8 years now. I LOVE IT!!!! I was never a healthy eater until I was introduced to JP. I went to a seminar and had the pleasure of hearing the creator of JP+ speak. I was moved to change my horrible eating habits. I started on JP and an organic/all natural diet.
I stopped drinking soda all day long and started drinking a ton of water. Within 6 months I had lost weight (without strenuous exercise), started eating foods I would have never touched before. I also noticed a difference in other ways: my skin was clearer and had a healthy glow, I was no longer using my inhaler as much as in the past with allergies and during/after exercise and my female problems were no longer. And I felt great way more energy without having to consume a ton of caffeine.
Its amazing what eating healthy can do for you. I would have never consumed the daily amounts of fruits and veggies recommended if it was not for JP. I love knowing that if I eat no fruit or veggie in a day but take my JP I am still getting something nutritional. From what I’ve read above the research on pregnancy and JP is not out yet? Is that correct.
When I found out I was pregnant in Dec of 2010 I immediately started taking an additional capsule of each everyday. My OBGYN was informed I was taking JP and how much and she said that was absolutely fine. I never had any concerns/complications in my pregnancy and my son arrived healthy and happy 10 days after my due date by Csection at a whopping 9lbs 2oz, 22inches. He is still a happy and healthy lil man and a healthy eater. I’m actually asking his Pediatrician at this months appt. if I could sprinkle a lil on his baby food.
From what I’ve found and read on Shakeology, I wouldn’t drink it. Here’s why: 1. No research behind it. 2. Ecdysterone- naturally occurring but added to the NFL list of Banned substances.
Claire, congrats on your healthy baby! About the Juice Plus pregnancy research, as far as I know its still going on. Ive been waiting for it for several years (I think its Dr Odom who is doing it). If I remember right, the very preliminary /non peer reviewed research showed lower rates of pre-eclampsia in women who were taking Juice Plus. When that study comes out I will update my review with its outcomes.
I’m very glad to hear that JP lead to you eating better and weight loss too 🙂