Update 1/20/20. Japanese Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills are another in a long line of weight loss supplements from Japan, China, Vietnam, etc. aimed predominately at Americans. I admit I'd never heard of these slimming pills until it was brought to my attention by one of the readers of my blog. At various websites, these pills are said to be “in high demand,” and when I checked eBay, I saw some people selling them for over $60! Do these slimming pills work? Let’s see what the research says. This review contains updated and new information, thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who tested Hokkaido weight loss pills and discovered what I suspected from the start… Also, see the review of Slim Trim U for more info.
Hokkaido Pills Ingredients
Hokkaido weight loss pills contain these ingredients.
- Dill Extract
- Chinese rose extract
- Trumpet Creeper extract
- Evening primrose extract
- Lotus
Is there any evidence that these ingredients help people lose weight? Let’s look at the research and see:
Dill Extract
They don’t tell you what “extract” they are talking about, but when I searched for weight loss research on dill, I found nothing. Dill does seem to have a diuretic effect so it may act as a natural water pill. I'm guessing that is why it’s in the ingredients.
Women who may be pregnant should avoid Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills. There is some speculation that dill may cause menstrual bleeding. I cannot find any research or case studies to substantiate this, however, but it is something to consider.
Chinese Rose Extract
Again, they do not tell us what specific extract they are talking about. What is the scientific name of the Chinese rose they are using? If anyone knows, let me know, and I will update this review.
Trumpet Creeper Extract
If you search for research on Trumpet Creeper, online, it can be a little difficult to find because its scientific name is Campsis radicans. Another name –albeit less scientific – is cow itch, which is a reference to how farm animals sometimes get a rash when they rub against it. This makes sense since the name “radicans” is the same classification as poison ivy (Rhus radicans).
That said, I could not locate any weight loss proof that Trumpet Creeper helps weight loss. When I googled Trumpet Creeper and weight loss, many sites that came up had to do with sites that sell weight-loss pills and that was no help. I then checked the National Library of Medicine and also couldn’t find anything. One problem with my search is that we are not told what extract of Trumpet Creeper is in Hokkaido weight loss pills.
Evening Primrose Extract
This is also called GLA, which stands for gamma-linolenic acid. The lack of evening primrose weight loss research makes me very skeptical. One study from the 1980s found evening primrose oil did not help weight loss.
Because evening primrose oil effects blood clotting, people taking blood thinners should avoid this product. There is also some perplexing cancer research hints that evening primrose oil might either reduce breast cancer growth or speed up breast cancer growth, depending on how much is used. The bottom line, if you have a history of cancer, talk to your doctor first.
The product Abdominal Cuts also has evening primrose oil. See that review for more info.
Evening primrose oil is sometimes used for PMS symptoms –with mixed results. Like Dill, women who may be pregnant should not use evening primrose oil.
It may be very dangerous. If you have my book on supplements see the chapter on evening primrose oil for more on its other uses.
Hokkaido FDA Update
In November 2012, The FDA alerted the public that Japanise Hokkaido Slimming Pills contained the weight loss drug called sibutramine, a weight-loss drug that was removed from the US market in 2010 because it posed significant health risks. Here is what the FDA said in their warning about Hokkaido pills:
“Sibutramine is known to substantially increase blood pressure and/or pulse rate in some patients and may present a significant risk for patients with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke. This product may also interact, in life-threatening ways, with other medications a consumer may be taking.”
This explains the very strange symptoms people have been reporting in the comments.
Human weight loss research on lotus cannot be located. I did locate one test-tube study where lotus and L carnitine reduced fat buildup inside fat cells. This is interesting but it’s a study of fat cells in test tubes. You are MUCH more complex than a test tube.
You may recall that lotus is one of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements.
On one of the websites that sell Hokkaido Pills, they spelled “primrose” wrong and there is broken English. Nobody is perfect but ingredient typos – and broken English on websites make me wonder about who put this website together.
Do Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills work?
Based on the research I can find, I say no, this stuff cannot possibly work – if these are the only ingredients in the pills. If people are losing weight, I am interested in hearing about it. Since I wrote this review, the FDA has confirmed what I thought all along – that Hokkaido slimming pills contained something not listed in the ingredients, a drug called sibutramine. Because of this, Hokkaido weight loss pills cannot be recommended.
What do you think?
My friend is taking up the pill now and said she loose weight too fast, she said that i should try it but i read this review i changed my mind. I should stop my friend from taking the pill. Thankyou!
Joe- thank you so much!!
Joyce- it’s a VERY unhealthy pill. I was taking another pill that worked well so I figured I’d go a little stronger and try this… WRONG!
There’s a reason why the FDA ban one main ingredient from the US. That stuff is extremely dangerous!!! 1 dose and I was in the hospital.
Hello, thank you Joe!
After laying in the hospital for a few hours, they did blood work to test my liver and kidney function as well as my blood count and levels. Everything was perfect!! The dr said, “DO NOT take those pills EVER again”.
I was borderline stroke for being only 28. So so so scary!! I’m thankful I found this site, I only wish I would found it before hand. However, these reviews are what urged me to check my blood pressure!!! Thank you for all the consistent warnings!!!
Kim I am SO glad you are ok! I was thinking about you all day yesterday. Thank you very much for letting me know you are good 🙂
I am laying in a ER bed as we speak because within a hour of taking these my blood pressure sky rocketed to 158/115,y whole body started to tingle, felt as if I was going to puke, pressure I’m my face and chest… These are horrible and I have the REAL ones!!! Stay away from these!!!!
Kim, Oh my goodness! Are you ok? Please let me know. I’m saying a prayer for you now!!
hi Joe!
i started taking this pill for a week now, i should have made some research before trying it, now im having those common side effects like always thirsty, suppressed appetite and insomnia… it’s tolerable though, but what what im scared at is these may cause or promote disease in future terms… diet ,exercise and discipline should be my choice and not slimming pills and laziness. 😉 thank you so much for this post.
i think many lives are spared with these blog.
and thank you for all those who are concerned for discouraging people to buy this product. I personally wont recommend it either.
Chic, you are very kind. thank you.
Hi joe,
Ive been taking this pills for 2 years.. Got palpitation and dizzy in the first month of taking the pills.. But after that it went oh so well. O take on and off. When i think im small anymore ill stop taking and when i got bigger again i tried to take the pills again. Ohh its makes my menstruation cycle flow slow..
Hello, Joe! I’ve been researching about Hokaido pills for a while. I was interested in taking them until I read your post and everything makes sense now. I wanted to know if they really are safe because my friends are taking the pills and they claim that they surely have lost the weight. One of my friend, a guy, told me he lost so much weight back when he took the pills but had trouble concentrating in school. Also, with his present figure, I could tell his weight surely doubled up.
My other friend, a girl, told me she saw instant results but had trouble sleeping at night and in just 3 days of taking the pills, she knew she just had to stop. I also noticed she had pimples around her chin which was surprising. It also happened to my best friend and she’s bigger than ever. All of these three people told me they experienced excessive thirst or Polydipsia, Dehydration, Insomnia, Acne Vulgaris, Anorexia and to the extent, Palpitations.
They also claimed that they took the original ones. Two of them bought their bottles from the Chinese drug store while the other one bought her bottle from her uncle who was a supplier of these pills.
Now, with all these symptoms being said, I take it Hokkaido pill contains a diuretic component, just like Joe said. The fact that you become so thirsty is already a sign of dehydration and that’s how you lose weight because the human body is made of 70% water. Diaphoresis or excessive sweat also contributes to weight loss.
For those who experience Diarrhea, expect that you’re losing water and electrolytes that are vital for your function. Dizziness may be the result of dehydration or the starvation. Since Hokkaido pill is claimed to be a diet suppressant, it only means you don’t feel the hunger but deep within, your body is already starving and must use the stored fats in order to fuel up and continue it’s function.
Now I know it sounds good that you’re burning fats but it causes ketone build up in your system and your brain uses it. Ketones are acidic and toxic to the brain. It will destroy your neurons making it difficult for you to concentrate in work or class and in the long run, you will have short term memory. In other words, you become dumb. This explains why your head hurts or you feel dizziness when you haven’t eaten anything or when you are experiencing hypoglycemia. Diabetic Ketoacidosis is linked this.
The acne vulgaris is obviously linked to insomnia due to the lack of sleep and oxygenation. I have also read your post saying that it contains L-Carnitine which helps in weight loss. It doesn’t really make you lose weight but it helps metabolize the cholesterol and distribute it to areas where it is needed by the body. Anything in excess is useless, therefore, builds up. However, L-Carnitine ONLY works when there is enough oxygenation which means you have to have a proper exercise and sleep routine. So for those of you, especially living in the Philippines who take Fit and Right with L-Carnitine, seriously, stop relying on it and not do anything else. Get up and exercise!
As for the palpitation, well that’s the side effect of the dehydration since your body is trying to compensate for the dehydration, thus increasing your blood pressure. If you continue this and you don’t drink enough water, expect that your pulse will go slow since your body cannot compensate any longer and that’s an alarming sign.
Whether you’re taking the fake or real ones, if you have the following symptoms, consider yourself at risk.
I hope this helps out those who are taking the pill or are planning to take it. I can only explain the cause and effect of these symptoms because I learned them from my Nursing and Med school experience. As for the different herbal extracts, that’s out of my scope of knowledge. lol
The best way to lose weight is exercise and proper diet ( it means no skipping meals. There’s a difference between diet and starvation. Unless of course, you want to destroy your brain with ketone build up ) that includes eating the right kind of food. Above everything else, the most important is DISCIPLINE. Nothing great comes easy. You must work hard for it. Set a goal and keep it. God bless!
this is really helpful.. thanks for the information, Jenny
Jenny you are very welcome.
My last taking of my weight was one year ago, & I was 132lbs at that time & I feel bigger now, as others told too.. Facebook online shops are very popular in Philippines & I read all the photo comments in before & after pic, this pill is really effective costumers says, the major effect is they will get thirsty & drink a lot of water.. Anyway, I dont have the opportunity to take my weight for now.. I got the pill later this afternoon, I’ll take it tom, Ill update you soon.
Hi to all,
I gained a lot of weight from taking birth control pills for 2 years & just recently stopped it. I am really kinda desperate to lost weight, I don’t have time to exercise,I do not have an idea what is my weight now because I am afraid to know that I might be obese or near to obese, I think I am 65-70 kgs & I am only 5 ft & 2 inches in height (imagine?).
I ordered 1 bottle of Hok yesterday through online, and hopefully I’ll receive it by tomorrow. I feel worry after I had all read your comments here but on the other side, I’d really like to lost weight instantly lol so I should try this.
I am planning to take one pill first so I will know the effects to my body & will be warn if not good, so good luck to me.. I’ll update you guys soon, thanks for this blog. Anyway, am from Philippines 🙂
Che, I think you will have to do more than take a pill. you said you dont even want to know your weight. you will need to know this. I think you can find time to take a 20 minute walk a day cant you? Regardless, I would not trust these pills. I cant recommend them.
Hello Joe,
I took the pill now, no other effects aside from being always thirsty, sweating, and I wasn’t feel so much hunger though I only ate 1 cup of rice only but anyway, this is my second day of taking it.
Che, sweating sounds odd to me. Its up to you but I will advise yo to not use those pills. I just dont have a good feeling about them.
Hi everyone here,
Im also taking hokkaido before and at first i really amazed on the effect i loose 2.5 kg within 2 weeks but when i finish taking my first bottle i experience those side affect that they mention earlier like insomnia, Lots of PIMPLES that i really hate and the worst, a high level of uric acid and Etc…so for those people planning to take this pills ,please do think wisely coz your really not going to like what is the side effect on your body..
Hi Joe
I have already finished one bottle of these and working on my second now. I have not had any weird side effects and have lost 15 lbs so far but now its seems I have stopped losing weight and inches! I am getting married in July and I have tried diets but they just don’t work and I need to lose another 10 lbs at least to fit in my wedding dress.
My question is do you know if the body builds and immunity to them like other things? Should I start taking more then 2 pills in a day to make them work again?
Kathy, when you say immunity I think you mean do we build up a tolerance, where more of the pills would be needed to get the same benefits. While I don’t honestly know the answer to this, my gut instinct is that we do not build up a tollarance to Hokkaido weight loss pills. You said you were on your 2nd bottle which makes me wonder if the contents of the bottles is the same?
Because the FDA has found an illegal weight loss drug in Hokkaido pills I think its more likely that some bottles may have that drug while others might not.
I would not take more than the recommended amount and for what its worth, I would not take them at all.
hi im rose from phil
my friend is on her second bottle and shes really losing weight
im planning to buy only a bottle but had a second thought after reading the comments on this site
im a 130lbs and just wanted to lose 30lbs and maintain that
can you suggest any supplement?
i dont have time for exercises
but i love sweets
another thing is i cant do the self discipline 🙁
any reply would be appreciated
thanks a lot
Rose, no supplement will help you if you dont change the way you eat. Even if a supplement did curb your desire for sweets, once you stopped the product – and you eventfully would – any weight you lost would return as you went back to eating the way you used to. Since you have computer access, I say check out MyFitnessPal.com and use it to keep tabs of your eating and exercise. I know you said you dont have time for exercise but do you have even 20 minutes to talk a walk? How about getting down on the floor and doing 10 push ups – or 5 push ups? or walking up and down your steps 5 times a day? Exercise doesn’t mean going to a gym. you can find the time to do something Rose. Also look at the National Weight Control registery to see what those people did to lose weight.
I dont think supplements are the answer for you Rose because they alone wont do the work for you. you have to do your part too.
hi thanks for the reply
, i do take a brisk walk everyday for about 20mins but it didnt change my weight, i think i would stop craving for sweets thanks again
Rose, exercise alone usually isnt enough to help weight loss unless we do a lot of it. for example, the new weight loss guidelines in the US are 90 minutes of exercise a day. this can be broken up into smaller bouts (for example, 3 30 minute sessions per day) but, since thats not always possible, its best to combine it with eating a few less calories per day.
That said, dont give up. even if it didn’t help weight loss, your 20 minute brisk walk DID help a lot of other things to keep you healthy -and that is VERY important!
i am rose and i am from the Philippines.
i just purchased my first bottle (and planning not to do it again) of japan hokkaido slimming pills today, which capsule is colored green and yellow (with a light beige color inside). i have made a research about this before buying from an online store in metro manila. i was reassured by the seller that this one is original, bearing the silver and gold rose stickers with all different numbers on it.
i am afraid of taking it, however, i still wanted to try it out because i believe i purchased the original ones and i needed to loose weight in time for a wedding this April.
i actually prayed to God while i was planning to purchase it, that if it would do good to me, He would let me find a seller of original ones near my area. then, it happened.
i am lifting everything to God as I would be taking the pills tomorrow morning.
my husband and i just started taking this pills a couple of days ago. the first time we took the pills:
we felt dizzy the first time we took the pill, always thirsty and was not really feeling good. my husband’s blood pressure shoot up. after our afternoon nap, he said he’s not feeling very good and asked me to take his bp. i took his bp and it was 143/110, i panicked for a while so i let him rest early for the night and gave him a medicine. i did not let him take the pill the next day.
aside from the dizziness that we felt, we also noticed that lesser appetite, we get hungry but we eat less.
what makes me decide to take this pill is because our neighbor who has not menstruated for 3yrs and 5months after taking the pill, had spotting and finally got her period. she also lost weight.
i think this pill can really make you lose weight. but my worry is just if there would be side effects like not having a baby. the reason i took this pill, too, is because i am overweight for my height and age and i really want to get pregnant. but my OB said i really need to lose weight first because i am a PCOS patient.
now, reading all these good and bad effects of this pill…i am not sure anymore if i should continue taking the pills or not. i want to lose weight because i want to have a baby and i’m really having a difficult time losing weight.
thoughts on this?
Helen, I’ve been very vocal on the fact that I do not trust these pills. I do not feel they are safe and I do not think they work without the added “secret” ingredient which the FDA has said is an illegal weight loss drug called sibutramine. Here is the FDA warning letter
I say stop taking these pills and throw them away. If your husband is no better go to your doctor.
Hello there, This website is very interesting! I have a friend that is using this hokkaido slimming pills and She lost a lot of weight. Her tummy, arms, and thighs got a lot smaller. She just finish her 1st bottle. So because of that. I purchased these pills and I am on my 3rd day of taking it. I started at 142 lbs.
The first day I took 2 pills 30 mins before breakfast as instructed on the label. 30 mins after I experience sweating and I got really thirsty. I felt light headed as well like everybody else, and most of the side effects other experienced. I talked to my friend and asked her about these side effects.
She told me that she is taking the pills 1 in the morning and 1 at night because she felt like 2 pills at a time is was very strong for her. After that she doesnt feel nauseated and dizzy anymore but she still has no appetite and she still fells thirsty all the time. She has no problem sleeping. So I will do what she’s doing right now. Maybe every individual is different so we have different reaction to this slimming pill.
I will just remember that too much is bad always. I am not planning to take this pill forever. I am just hoping that this pill will help me start on my weight loss and I will eat healthy and exercise at least 30 mins 3 times a week as well.
Hey people,
My sister started taking these pills and in 4 months lost 40 lbs so obv, I wanted to give it a try. I have been on them for 3 weeks lost 6 lbs. I am not doing anything different. The pills make me not hungry and not want food at all. They do keep me up at night and thirsty isn’t the word more like dying for one drop of water!!!!
I have had days where I didn’t feel jittery but my heart was pounding a little harder than normal. That I didn’t like. Do I think this is a good idea? Well not really but I don’t plan on taking it forever. I am getting married in 5 months and need to drop some weight. I do work out, but I am taking the pills because if not I am always hungry!!! I hate it lol. Thanks for the site Joe!
Japan Hokkaido Slimming Pills is effective.
I’m taking the genuine one and I lost 1 kg in three days! I’m confident that I will lose more than 5 kg in a month or two! To lose more weight, combine the pills with a balanced diet, lots of water, and exercise. The results will make you happy and satisfied!
Always remember this: NOT ALL EFFECTS ARE THE SAME. We’re different individuals. Our body has different reactions to the pill so don’t expect that we will all experience the same effects.. but it will surely help you lose weight fast!
Me and my friend didn’t experience the same effect even if we took the genuine pill from the same bottle.. the effects are like laxative to her while I felt less hungry and more thirsty. We both take this pill every morning. Of course you have to try one pill first and know the effects on your body before continuing. If you nothing’s happening to you, then you surely bought the fake pills.
Know the genuine and the fake! Google it!
Janice, I’m glad you are having some success but I have to ask how do you know your 2.2 pounds of weight loss in 3 days are due to Hokkaido pills or the fact that you are also doing a “balanced diet, lots of water and exercise?” If you were doing those things Id expect you to lose weight. 2.2 pounds in 3 days is less than a pound a day which is a healthy weight loss.
Believe me Im not trying to argue with you -I want to your weight loss to continue to where you get to your desired weight. I just think its not the pills doing it.
Hi Joe, i just bought it from my colleague and he just ordered it from his neighbour also and I was advised that i could be allergic with one of the substance in the pills..
Anyways, it’s not illegal here in Philippines.. So i really can’t do anything to make the distribution stopped.. At the moment, i am still experiencing pain on my back and nape.
Dizziness and palpitation.. I really hope to be fully recovered soon! So i can go back to work.. I already warned my friends but it seems that they still wanna continue it 🙁 please note that i have no history of any heart diseases. But now, i really felt that it did made a huge impact in my heart..
Abster, Ill say a prayer you start to feel better soon and no lasting damage was done.
I started using this pill last Saturday.. I never had a chance to sleep.. On Monday.. I had a diarrhea and shamely got an anal fissure because of too much defecating..so on Tuesday morning. I stopped taking hokaido pills. Tuesday night i experienced too much dizziness so i lay down on the bed thinking it would help.. In just a while, i can feel that my heart is slowly breathing! And really had a difficulty to breathe..
So then i told my mum that i am losing my breath.. My mum and aunt rushed me in the hospital.. And doctor said i had a complication in the heart and asked me to stop using pills. I got really traumatized! Up to now i still feel so week.. And get exhausted very easily.. Yes, it just happen in a week and i only had 6 pills.. I promise myself that i will never take any pills again.. Don’t wanna risk my life.. Seriously guys.. I almost die 🙁
Abster, WOW! I’m really glad you are ok! I don’t know who sold you these pills Abster but PLEASE tell the distributor what happened. I think some people who sell them are under the misguided notion that only certain pills are unsafe (counterfeit pills etc) which I just dont believe. I believe they need to know they are selling things that can hurt people. I glad you are not going to use Hokkaido weight loss pills anymore and that you are ok.
Joe, I failed to tell the doctors that some batches had sibutrimine in them. All they asked after looking at my paperwork was if I had any side effects. Which I didn’t other than the dry mouth early in taking the pills. At the time, I didn’t even think about the sibutrimine.
These pills have been out for years and when I started taking them I looked on line for any bad information as to side effects and what they could do to you. Didn’t find anything bad about them. I also found your blog back then in March 2012. This is the first time FDA reported on these pills.
Barbara, thanks for letting me know. I’m positive the doctors would have said something different if they knew. Its too bad though that their radar didn’t go up when you mentioned the name of the pills. Mine does any time a weight loss supplement sounds like it comes from Asia.
Hello Joe, I am 61 years old. I started taking the Japanese Hokkaido pills March 1, 2012. I have lost 28 lbs, and went from size 16-18 to size 12. I have had boxes tested at my sister in laws work place where they do that sort of drug testing.
The first box I had tested did have sibutrimine in it. Then the guy I bought from couldn’t believe it, so he started testing them at the same place. The next batch did not have it in it.
So who knows what is in the pills. I have lost a lot of inches. I took the pills to my regular doctor. He said if I am loosing weight and no side effects than it was ok.
I also took the pills to my heart doctor I go to every year. He said the same thing. To me the pill is a fat flusher, so you are going to have diarrhea if you eat greasy fat foods. At first I did have diarhea a lot and now I don’t.
I did have real dry mouth but started drinking lot more water, so I don’t have that any more. My doctor had my blood tested to see what changes I had about a month and a half after I started the pills and had lost 10 lbs.
I have always had high triglycerides 300 (fat in your blood) and when my blood tests came back my triglycerides was 150. I am still taking the pills. I stop every once in a while to get off of them.
I believe if you take these pills it effects people different ways, has different side effects. I also believe if you have a headache could be you are not eating. You still have to eat something. I recommend drinking lots of water and taking a supplement vitamin.
Barbara, thanks for writing. Im guessing that your reduced triglycerides were due to your weight loss. That is good because high triglycerides are associated with more stroke risk in women (men too but its greater in women as I understand it). That said, I am totally surprised that both your doctors would say they were ok AFTER you told them you tested the pills and found some batches had an sibutrimine.