Update 1/20/20. Japanese Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills are another in a long line of weight loss supplements from Japan, China, Vietnam, etc. aimed predominately at Americans. I admit I'd never heard of these slimming pills until it was brought to my attention by one of the readers of my blog. At various websites, these pills are said to be “in high demand,” and when I checked eBay, I saw some people selling them for over $60! Do these slimming pills work? Let’s see what the research says. This review contains updated and new information, thanks to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who tested Hokkaido weight loss pills and discovered what I suspected from the start… Also, see the review of Slim Trim U for more info.
Hokkaido Pills Ingredients
Hokkaido weight loss pills contain these ingredients.
- Dill Extract
- Chinese rose extract
- Trumpet Creeper extract
- Evening primrose extract
- Lotus
Is there any evidence that these ingredients help people lose weight? Let’s look at the research and see:
Dill Extract
They don’t tell you what “extract” they are talking about, but when I searched for weight loss research on dill, I found nothing. Dill does seem to have a diuretic effect so it may act as a natural water pill. I'm guessing that is why it’s in the ingredients.
Women who may be pregnant should avoid Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills. There is some speculation that dill may cause menstrual bleeding. I cannot find any research or case studies to substantiate this, however, but it is something to consider.
Chinese Rose Extract
Again, they do not tell us what specific extract they are talking about. What is the scientific name of the Chinese rose they are using? If anyone knows, let me know, and I will update this review.
Trumpet Creeper Extract
If you search for research on Trumpet Creeper, online, it can be a little difficult to find because its scientific name is Campsis radicans. Another name –albeit less scientific – is cow itch, which is a reference to how farm animals sometimes get a rash when they rub against it. This makes sense since the name “radicans” is the same classification as poison ivy (Rhus radicans).
That said, I could not locate any weight loss proof that Trumpet Creeper helps weight loss. When I googled Trumpet Creeper and weight loss, many sites that came up had to do with sites that sell weight-loss pills and that was no help. I then checked the National Library of Medicine and also couldn’t find anything. One problem with my search is that we are not told what extract of Trumpet Creeper is in Hokkaido weight loss pills.
Evening Primrose Extract
This is also called GLA, which stands for gamma-linolenic acid. The lack of evening primrose weight loss research makes me very skeptical. One study from the 1980s found evening primrose oil did not help weight loss.
Because evening primrose oil effects blood clotting, people taking blood thinners should avoid this product. There is also some perplexing cancer research hints that evening primrose oil might either reduce breast cancer growth or speed up breast cancer growth, depending on how much is used. The bottom line, if you have a history of cancer, talk to your doctor first.
The product Abdominal Cuts also has evening primrose oil. See that review for more info.
Evening primrose oil is sometimes used for PMS symptoms –with mixed results. Like Dill, women who may be pregnant should not use evening primrose oil.
It may be very dangerous. If you have my book on supplements see the chapter on evening primrose oil for more on its other uses.
Hokkaido FDA Update
In November 2012, The FDA alerted the public that Japanise Hokkaido Slimming Pills contained the weight loss drug called sibutramine, a weight-loss drug that was removed from the US market in 2010 because it posed significant health risks. Here is what the FDA said in their warning about Hokkaido pills:
“Sibutramine is known to substantially increase blood pressure and/or pulse rate in some patients and may present a significant risk for patients with a history of coronary artery disease, congestive heart failure, arrhythmias, or stroke. This product may also interact, in life-threatening ways, with other medications a consumer may be taking.”
This explains the very strange symptoms people have been reporting in the comments.
Human weight loss research on lotus cannot be located. I did locate one test-tube study where lotus and L carnitine reduced fat buildup inside fat cells. This is interesting but it’s a study of fat cells in test tubes. You are MUCH more complex than a test tube.
You may recall that lotus is one of the ingredients in Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen weight loss supplements.
On one of the websites that sell Hokkaido Pills, they spelled “primrose” wrong and there is broken English. Nobody is perfect but ingredient typos – and broken English on websites make me wonder about who put this website together.
Do Hokkaido Weight Loss Pills work?
Based on the research I can find, I say no, this stuff cannot possibly work – if these are the only ingredients in the pills. If people are losing weight, I am interested in hearing about it. Since I wrote this review, the FDA has confirmed what I thought all along – that Hokkaido slimming pills contained something not listed in the ingredients, a drug called sibutramine. Because of this, Hokkaido weight loss pills cannot be recommended.
What do you think?
I just bought a bottle today. I took a pill (not 2 pills) before lunch. I just planning to lose 10 lbs then I’ll quit.
I’m currently doing aerobics for cardio and strength training 3x a week and planning to do run 2x since its the holiday vacation already.
Would it be safe if I continue to take the pills?
Shay you ask a question that I don’t think anybody can answer. Hokkaido pills were found to contain a weight loss drug that was banned because of health risks. I don’t know how much of the drug is in Hokkaido pills and I don’t know if any amount is “safe.” I think you’re taking a risk with even 1 pill but it comes down to I just don’t know. Why don’t you talk to your doctor or pharmacist about this and see what they say. Please do let me know what you turn up.
Sorry – despite all the warnings here, i still want to try it.
I will regulate my own dosage though, I will take as instructed (2 pills-a-day) for 5 days, then take 1 pill daily for 10 days then 1 pill every other day for another 10 days.
I just want help to flush out those unwanted fats then, slowly trying to get my metabolism back the way it was…
After some time, when i get my ideal weight, i will maintain my figure thru exercised and workouts.
Thanks for this site and the very knowledgeable people here.
Matty, just know that no supplement “flushes” fat from the body. I’ll cross my fingers that you dont have any problems with it.
I have been taking these pills and have lost about 7 pounds in three weeks. I have not been exercising. I do not have any of those symptoms described above. My only experience with these pills is I am never hungry, I make myself eat. I have somewhat dry mouth, but I drink lots of water anyway so I don’t experience major thirst.
I do have night stool release, in the morning. If I eat Chinese food I will have a reaction and have a diarrhea type of effect on my body; not all the time only if I eat heavy oil content foods. I take the gold label box.
I did read the FDA warning and I wonder which box does it apply to since there are more than one type of labels? there is the gold, blue and black labels?
What I like is that it helps me to control my eating.
Yvon, I believe the FDA warning is for all Hokkaido pills. I am happy that you are not having any side effects.
I used to take pills like this before, it worked but of course, when I stopped, I started gaining weight again. Got so nervous as well since you really do not know what you are taking… I took Zhen de Shou and Slimina… I think there will come a time that even with your continuous use, it will plateau eventually.
I have been taking them for a few months, I did feel some of these side affects but not the numbness thank goodness. After a few weeks the side effects have pretty much gone away, I have lost almost two pant sizes and I hate to weigh so don’t!! I have fibromyalgia and it actually helps with my body aches…dont know how or why but it does make me feel better. I am currently not on any meds for it. It also does not make me feel bloated or weighed down.
Autumn, my guess is that since you lost weight, you are putting less stress on your joints. this may cause less fibromyalgia pain. Since fibromyalgia is a condition related to hyper sensitive nerves, less joint stress may mean reduced pain signals. I am only guessing on this so take it for what its worth.
These Pills like Joe said contain Sibutramine, in regulated small doses under the supervision of a Physician I can say safe. But we have no Idea how much these pills contain and there are so many contraindications that it’s dangerous to take them.
If Any of you are Experiencing The following, Please seek medical attention immediately;
*Abnormal Bruising or Bleeding
*Black Tar-like feces
*Cardiac arrhythmia (Palpitation)
*Chest pain
*Edema (swelling of any sort)
*Fever (38’C and Above)
*Hemiplegia (Paralysis of half of the body)
*Jaundice (Skin becomes yellow or yellowish)
*Mood Changes or Mood Swings (specially suicidal thoughts)
*Numbness (any part of the body)
*Problem Urinating
*Rigors (Shaking)
*Shortness of Breath (Air Hunger)
*Vision impairment (blurred, double,any kind)
*Vomiting of blood of any amount
These are Life threatening, please go to the nearest clinic or hospital.
You need to see a Doctor immediately.
Thanks a lot, Joe! In addition, I have experienced bleeding even when it is not my time of the month, I wonder about this, too. I have yet to go to the clinic, by the way.
Anna, please go to the clinic today. take the hokkaido pills with you. Tell them about your bleeding too. Its best to know whats going on especially now since the holidays are coming up and you’ll probably be away from school for break soon.
Joe and Dice, thank you for replying and worrying for my health. I’m actually just a student and I haven’t told my parents I’m taking weight loss pills. I’ll have it checked in our clinic at school. Again, thanks for your concern!
Anna, please stop taking the pills and I hope things work out for you at the clinic. I would tell your parents too. They are there to help you. Please let them.
I’m not trying to scare you. But Please see a Dr. immediately
I’ve worked in the E.R. for 2 years and have seen strange undocumented(not in the book) symptoms. That croaking noise, I don’t know exactly what pitch yours is but I’ve seen it in 3 patients, 1 with heart failure (first symptom), 1 with Pulmonary Hypertension and 1 about to have a heart attack. I hope I’m being paranoid… But please see a Doctor. just to be safe.
Dice, thanks for saying that! I was not aware of this.
The bottom line is if you want to lose weight do something about it. I don’t mean trying to find magic pills that give you these strange feelings and side effects. Stop eating garbage and exercise. True health and fitness come from dedication and hard work.
I don’t want to rain on anybodies parade but unless you eat right and exercise the results you get will never stick. They are a temporary fix to a life long problem. I have been over weight my whole life and am now making these changes.
If like me it’s a problem you’ve always had then it is time to make life changes because what you have been doing obviously is not the answer. Just saying.
It works well for me. yeah, it gets you dehydrated. We’ve been informed by the product. It says there, anyway I’m gonna stop taking it, just as soon as I’m able to achieve my target weight.
I have tried this as well but started with only a pill a day. I just needed to shed a few lbs. I lost 4lbs in a week but with workout 3x/week. I felt completely fine. None of any of the side effects mentioned above.
But the minute I stopped taking them, I felt ALL the side effects. Dry mouth. Palpitations. Always thirsty. Numbness.
Been off the pills for 3 days now and am still feeling the effects. It’s scaring me. I threw all of whatever’s left.
I don’t suggest this for anyone
wow.. so much reactions from jap hok..
have tried this before, bought 2 bottles from magic potion. but only for a week,,, why? experienced palpitations, dry mouth.. headaches..
yes, there’s an amazing weight reduction,, in a wk Ive lost 3 kgs. but what the heck.. i dont want to lose myself in exchange of weight loss. joe was right.. i think it has a secret ingredient that dont actually appear in the box.
and what do u all expect.. we dont now either who the manufacturer was and doesn’t have any address, phone numbers or email add. anyway,, just needed to comment on this to let everyone know that aint no right with this pills. and if u think u have to tried this for yourself.. i still have 1 bottle left… but be sure to read all the comments who have tried this before including me,, might help u to think twice before using this product. its not even recommended by fda. better to be safe than never… 🙂
I have read the post from FDA and I still have a few pills on-hand… I’m still planning on finishing them, though. One of the side effects I’m experiencing is my throat making a sort of a croaking noise, often mistaken for a grumbling stomach. Right now I can feel it sort of… prominent and it makes me want to vomit. I’m quite surprised no one else has experienced this. Is this a sign for my upcoming heart attack?
Anna, I dont know but Im not a doctor. I strongly recommend you stop taking them now and go to the doctor. weight loss is NOT worth a heart attack or stroke
i already took 3 bottles of these japan hokkaido diet pills in a year and from 165 lbs, i’m down to 125 lbs now. They really work especially if you do some exercises. The side effects on me are insomnia, dry mouth, heart palpitation, and numbness. I’m planning to take them again next month . But, I’m already considering what damage will it bring me in the future… :/
i already stop taking them., what remedy can i do? i still feel those effects.,
Jentian, go to the doctor and get checked out.
ive also been using this pill for three days now and have experienced palpitations, numbness, dry mouth, dizziness and headache.,
Jentian, you need to stop taking them now. Hokkaido pills are NOT safe
thank u! im not taking them anymore
so weird Ive been taking these pills off and on for years.. ill start taking them then end up giving them away .. they make me nervous, no appetite, and I CANT SLEEP. its so weird all the posts Ive read nobody mentioned anything about insomnia..
it is so hard for me to sleep when i take these pills even if i take them 6am i still have to take a Advil pm to sleep and i sleep for 4 to 5 hours.. today is day two and just read that one of the ingredients in the pill increases blood pressure and i already have high blood pressure!! omg i cant catch a break guess ill be giving them away again.
doesn’t it seem toooo risky to take these pills being that i have high blood pressure?? they do make me lose weight but i dont wanna lose my life.. #got kids lol
Marrame, Please stop taking them. They are not safe.