Glucosulin sounds like a diabetes drug but it’s really a weight loss supplement. According to the products website, Glucosulin works by reducing how much you eat as well as slowing the absorption of sugar (glucose) into the blood stream. Sounds interesting but does it work? What I want to do is review the research on the ingredients in Glucosulin and see what we can discover.
Glucosulin research
From what I can gather from the product website – – the supplement itself appears to have no published peer reviewed research. I say this because the website shows no research on glucusulin itself. Also, when I searched the National Library of Medicine for “Glucosulin” no relevant studies showed up either. Therefore, the only way to understand this product is to look at the research on its ingredients.
Glucosulin Ingredients
- Glucomannan (Konjac Root)
- Sodium Alginate
- Xanthum Gum
- Mulberry Extract
- Gymnema Slyvestre
- Chromium Picolinate
Let’s now review the evidence for each ingredient.
This is a type of fiber. One of the ways that fiber helps weight loss is by making people feel full. Glucomannan does this also by expanding in size greatly when it comes in contact with water. In this way, glucomannan stretches the stomach, making you feel like you are full. Because of this property, glucomannan tablets should be used with caution because there are several cases where glucomannan tablets swelled in size while in the esophagus.
Glucomannan capsules may have a reduced chance of this happening but to be safe put one in water to see how fast it expands in size. Here is a product that is a glucomannan powder that people can mix with liquids.
There are also a few studies on glucomannan helping weight loss and this is likely one of the main reasons it's included in this product.
While not all studies show glucomannan effective for weight loss, the logic is sound: trick the brain into thinking the stomach is full and people eat less.
Other research suggests that glucomannan can modestly reduce cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and lower blood sugar in diabetics.
Diabetics should remember that glucomannan may interact with their diabetes drugs so run this by your doctor if your a diabetic.
Sodium Alginate (also called Align)
This is derived from seaweed and is an additive used to make foods thicker. Because it is thought to be indigestible, it makes sense that it would be used in a weight loss product. In other words, like glucomannan, it takes up space in the stomach without giving any nutritional calories. Also like glucomannan, Align may also modestly lower cholesterol in some people. I could not locate any published peer reviewed studies that sodium alginate helps weight loss in humans.
Xanthum Gum
This is another type of food additive frequently showing up in salad dressings and ice cream. It is also sometimes used as a laxative. Xanthum gum also has a blood sugar lowering effect and as such may interact with medications for diabetes. There are no published peer reviewed studies that xanthum gum helps weight loss.
Because xanthum gum can be derived from several foods including wheat, soy or corn, those who are sensitive to these foods should contact the company first to determine where their xanthum gum comes from.
Mulberry Extract
is also used as a laxative due to its fiber content. In theory mulberry may lower blood sugar levels and/or interact with diabetic medications. There are no published peer reviewed studies on mulberry helping weight loss.
Gymnema Slyvestre
This ingredient also may lower blood sugar levels and interact with diabetic medications. There is no published peer reviewed research on gymnema slyestre helping weight loss.
Chromium Picolinate
Chromium frequently shows up in weight loss supplements despite a deluge of evidence that it does not work. Because chromium does appear to have a blood sugar lowering effect, it also sometimes is marketed to those with type II diabetes. For more info, also see my review of chromium.
As with other ingredients mentioned, chromium can interact with diabetic medications including insulin and oral medications like glucophage (metformin) .
Glucosulin Weight Loss Summary
Ingredients that may help weight loss
- Glucomannan (Konjac Root)
- Sodium Alginate (in theory)
Ingredients that lower blood sugar
- Glucomannan (Konjac Root)
- Xanthum Gum
- Mulberry Extract 30:1 Ratio
- Gymnema Slyvestre
- Chromium Picolinate
Of all the ingredients in Glucosulin most of the weight loss research is on only one substance – glucomannan. Here is glucomann on Amazon for those who want to compare prices.
Because of a possible significant blood sugar lowering effect (in diabetics especially), I honestly do not like the name, Glucosulin. It sounds like a diabetes drug (which it is not!). The product appears to be at least partially based on the idea that lowering blood sugar causes weight loss – which is not true. Reducing calories causes weight loss. Because of this fact, I come to the conclusion that it is Glucomannan (Konjac Root) that is the active ingredient in Glucosulin.
Who makes Glucosulin?
The product website – – does not readily list any company name or contact email or phone number that I can locate by looking at the main page. Upon looking at the bottom of the page, at the “Terms and Conditions” page, I see a reference to “Health Resource.” I assume this may be the company in charge of Glucosulin? According to the Better Business Bureau File Health Research is located at 650 N Rose Dr #136, Placentia, CA 92870. If you Google this address, you'll see it appears to be a shopping center. I dont think this is where they make Glucosulin. The BBB file givies Glucusulin a rating of “F” as of 4/20/14. Check the file for updates as ratings sometimes change quickly.
At the Terms and Conditions page I also found a customer support number of 888-237-7172. Interestingly, when I called this number, the person answered “Colon Flow” another supplement that I have reviewed previously.
The customer service person I spoke with told me that Natural Health Network LLC is the company behind Glucosulin. This company is located at 2500 E Imperial Hwy Ste 201-273, Brea, CA 92821. According to the Google link, this appears to be some type of shopping center . Notice that this is a different address than the BBB listed.
How to contact Glucosulin
In the Terms and Conditions page of, they list a customer service number of 888 237 7172. The Better Business Bureau also lists 800 252 3314 as a contact number.
Will Glucosulin Work?
Fiber can help people lose weight. Because glucosulin has glucomannan which is a fiber, it makes sense that this product may work for some people. But will glucamannan work better than other fibers – like those in fruits and vegetables? That is the question people should ask themselves.
Here is Glucosulin and glucomannan powder on Amazon for those who want to compare prices. There are also glucomman capsules for those who don't like the powders.
Buyer Beware
A one month supply of Glucosulin costs about $50 according to the product website. That is a lot of money for a fiber supplement. Compare that to glucoamman which I feel is the active ingredient in tis product. There is a “free 30 trial” available on the Glucosulin website but, if you choose this option, you will automatically be sent a new 60 day supply every 60 days at a cost of $39.98 per bottle. In addition, your credit card will also be charged $ 7.80 for shipping and handling. Also this option does not allow you to return the product if you do not like it. These terms are stated clearly on the Glucosulin website. Here is Glucosulin on Amazon for those who want to compare prices and dont want to deal with the auto-ship program.
What do you think?
Whoever is selling that crap doesn’t have a phone number or an email link on his website, so that alone should tell you to walk away.
Perry, good point. I did some digging and found contact numbers for the company and added additional info to my review as well. Thanks much for the heads up!
*shrugs* Why bother?
By the way, I like what you do here. 🙂
Have fun over there.
Perry, you got me curious with your question and so I went back and did more research. I found they are the same company that markets Colon Flow, which I also reviewed.
Thanks for the compliment 🙂
Joe I’m a single mom of twins and a full time worker with a lot of pain in my hands and feet and was told I have type ii I lost 20 pounds but cant seem to lose anymore I did try the glucosulin for 2 months and my Dr. was telling me that my test came back at a 5.6 which she was very happy.
now I just don’t know what else to do I don’t have time to exercise and im in too much pain when I do exercise. got any suggestion.
Kim, do you know what is causing the pain in your hands and feet? hopefully your doctor can help you find a solution to that problem. Has your doctor ever tested your thyroid hormone level? Im sure its probably find since you already lost 20 lbs but just thought Id toss it out, just in case.
when you say you dont have time to exercise, do you have time to take a 20 minute walk? Do you have stairs in your home? how about walking up and down the stairs 15 times? Can you do a bent knee push up? exercise doesn’t have to mean “go to the gym.” That said, exercise mostly is good because it helps your diabetes and helps you prevent muscle loss. Exercise usually doesn’t burn many calories (unless you workout for hours).
The important thing is you are healther becuase of your weight loss and that is really what is important. Think health not weight loss. The 5.6 your doctor mentioned sounds like your hemoglobin A1C level. If thats correct then your level is fantastic (anything less than 6% is great). On my personal website Ive listed 13 different things that might help you lose weight. take a look at them and see if you could incorporate one or two of them into your daily life to try to achieve your goals. Here is the link
I hope this helps Kim.
Is ANYBODY aware of the mounting dozens of complaints, on such websites as Ripoff Report, Scambook, etc. – and of the Class Action lawsuit already on record for this product?
Ingredients, schmedients! This is a plain and simple credit-card-ripoff scam, intended to get into your account and grab as much as they can, as fast as they can, until you figure out a way to cut them off.
The only thing that surprises me is why they aren’t just using ground apple pills, like most other weight-loss pill scams (and, of course, those magical penis-enlargement pills). This stuff is simply an over-priced joke, intended to victimize diabetics who want to believe there are shortcuts to conventional methods and treatment.
A foole & his money, be soone at debate:
Which after with sorrow, repents him to late.
Thomas Tusser, 1573
Is Glucomannan safe for people to take for the most part? Im 19 and my moms always telling me that weight loss supplements just mess up your body. is that true?
Hi Andi, As a rule, Id tend to agree with your mom. There is a lot of junk out there when it comes to weight loss products. As Ive said before most of them are just the same things in different bottles. Ive written about this and other things that might help weight loss on my personal site, here is the link
I think Glucosulin is an expensive fiber supplement. I think its main active ingredient is Glucomannan which is basically a fiber that makes you feel full. In this way it might decrease how much we eat. While it might reduce blood sugar and that can be a problem for some diabetics if thats not an issue for you I don’t think glucomannan will hurt.
That said its important to know what if glucosulin /glucomannan going to work, people need to think about “are they really hungry” when they eat. Im sure you know that We often eat for fun, when we are sad, because its expected of us to eat, to eat when our favorite TV show is on, etc. Being aware of the reasons why we eat will help weight loss a lot also.
Remember supplements are meant to “supplement” other things we do. I don’t think any weight loss supplement will work unless it supplements /compliments/ adds to other healthy things that help us lose weight.
I hope that helps Andi 🙂
Joe it’s 3:15 am and you JUST saved my ass and my wallet THANK YOU XOXO Binky
Anonymous, glad I was able to help – and hope you got some sleep 🙂
Hi, like Wayne I have been type 1 for a long time since 1976 I was 14. I have gained some weight mostly pot bellie area. Been on diet and exercise my whole life. Can not seem to loose tge extra pounds could use a suggestion for sure. Thank you Kato Given. Ps was fooled by the name as well.
Kato, have you seen an RD who specializes in type I diabetes? My thoughts are maybe he/she could give you some insights you had not considered.
I just called the number that was on the tv,Just to get information!!I was treated very RUDELY and was told that I would get 2 bottles of 90 pills and all I had to pay 11.00 for shipping and handling,I told the woman that I would think about it and talk to my Dr,She then started getting very hostile with me. I don’t just GIVE out my credit card info,for something that I am not sure about..Did anyone else experience this??Kinda seems like a scam to me..
I have been taking glucosulin for a couple months now and have not lost an ounce an inch or any sign of my blood sugar lowering. I am a type II diabetic and I not only take a pill, but I also take a long acting insulin as well as a fast acting insulin.
This has brought me to the conclusion that the only thing that is going to help me is a proper diet and exercise.
Shame on those companies that take advantage of folks like me with low willpower and the desire for an easy out.
I really miss the fen-phen, I wish they would legalize that again.
Hello I’m Silvia and i have problems with my thyroid ,which has given me caused weight gain ,and I have a hard time losing weight. This product would help me to my metabolism even having problems with the thyroid?
Silvia, there is no proof that glucosulin will help your thyroid or help weight loss in people with low thyroid function. You should go to your doctor and see about the thyroid medication for this. If you are taking it and its not helping, maybe the dose needs to be adjusted if you are not losing weight? your doctor can best tell you the answer to this.
Why are you peddling this medicine, if this product does not help diabetics. That is just false advertisment in order to just be another company taking people hard earn money and giving diabetics false hope. People like you and your company should be locked away!
Toni, I hope you don’t mean me. I’m not selling glucosulin and have no connection to the company. I just wrote a review on glucosulin.
Definitely false advertisement. Tried the product and was needless to say dissatisfied. Called to get my RMA# and was informed I would need to pay $49.98 for this trial order… iF NOT SATISFIED GUARANTEED item.
When ordering item the sales person was difficult to understand and every time I said NO to her soliciting of another product she would say ..So I am sending you this product… My wife had to pick up phone and say ONLY GLUCOSULIN … Multiple times….
i have diabetes and i had a kidney transplant 3 years ago will i be able to use this drug to help me lose weight?
Hi Teresa, remember Glucosulin is a supplement, not a drug. I recommend you speak to your doctor about this because several ingredients in glusosulin can lower blood sugar and I wonder if they would interact with any diabetes medications you are already taking. remember glucosulin is for the most part, just a fiber supplement. fiber is in fruits and vegetables too . this is why so many experts recommend these to those trying to lose weight.
have you been doing ant exercise? please do ask your doctor about the importance of exercise for diabetes management
Here is some more on diabetes I hope helps
Pleas talk to your dr before you try glucosulin. He/ she know the medications you take and can make the right decision
The herbal component, Gymnema Slyvestre, is one of the key components in Genomyx’s Slin-Sane, which has been discontinued (new version forthcoming) but is still readily available on supplement websites for $20ish a bottle, which could last 1-2 months easily depending on how you dose it.
I’m neither a representative of the company, or a doctor for that matter, so as with all things you should take caution with what you put into your body and, of course, individual results will vary – but myself and many others have had good results with the reported increase in insulin sensitivity and are eagerly anticipating the release of v2.
Definitely a cheaper alternative for anyone looking to see if Gymnema Slyvestre works for them or not.
I am a type 1 Diabetic. I have been for 42 years. I bought the trail bottle to see if it would help and found that it did little if anything. I called and canceled that I did not want the autoship. Of course I got the autoship and they charged me the $87.00.
I called and complained but since I did not have the persons name I canceled with they would do nothing. Many Diabetics are looking for something special that might help them out and I am no different.
I believe this drug does little except generate money. The ingredients are cheap and as you said they are fiber. You can get good fiber for a whole lot less than $30.00 a month.
Hi needed some information on the gelatin that the glucosulin contains. Is the gelatin in the capsule and why gelatine is used
As I understand it there is no gelatin in glucosulin.
As a type 1 diabetic I know the more insulin I take the more weight I will gain, but many insulin is needed to process the food I eat so it’s the chicken and the egg.
That being said if I can increase my insulin sensitivity thus take less insulin for the same amount of food in theory I should lose weight.
Appreciate your take on this.
Kirk, I want you to speak to your doctor / endocrinologist about this. As you know, as type I diabetic, you are not making insulin. Yes, exercise can help the cells absorb glucose by ramping up non-insulin dependent receptors but I get worried when type I diabetics start talking about cutting back on insulin. As you know, we need insulin to live. I’m just afraid of what might happen to you if you start to do this without the proper supervision. Heck, you you might even pass out while driving your car putting others in danger. PLEASE talk to your doctor if you are going to do this.
Caveat emptor! I read that warning about the non-cancellation from the earlier posts. That’s the main reason why I didn’t order the product. Nothing is free!
Do you have any review/information regarding the Hcg diet? I am getting mixed reactions. Most people I have talked with swear by it. What do you think?
John, yes I’ve done reviews on both HCG injections and HCG drops here they are