Updated 8/25/23. Easy Slim 9 is a weight loss supplement whose manufacturer claims has the correct ingredients in the correct proportion to accelerate and activate weight loss, energize the mind and body, control appetite and cravings and combat insulin resistance. The name of the supplement implies that it will enable people to slim down easily without effort. Claims and benefits aside, if you are wondering if this supplement really works the best way to know is to understand the Easy Slim ingredients and research as well as its side effects and pros and cons. Affiliate Disclosure: This site may earn a small commission on purchases you make. See the affiliate disclosure page for more insights.
Easy Slim 9 Ingredients
The supplement facts label tells us that 1 scoop of Easy Slim 9 has zero calories and 5.125 grams of the following ingredients:

- Beta-alanine
- Taurine
- L theanine
- Caffeine
- Evodiamine
- Octopamine HCL
Additional ingredients are ascorbic acid (vitamin C) citric acid, sucralose, silicon dioxide, and natural flavor. These other ingredients do not play a role in how well Easy Slim 9 works.
The company website does not tell how much caffeine is in Easy Slim 9. But since it is the 4th ingredient listed, we know it does not make up most of the proprietary blend.
Amount To Use and How To Take It
The directions call for mixing 1 to 2 scoops of Easy Slim 9 powder with water and drinking it. The company states the supplement is specially formulated to help people during intermittent fasting, also known as timed delayed eating. By using the supplement and following the 1,2,3 diet plan laid out by the company, it is stated people could lose 9 pounds in 9 days. The 1,2,3 intermittent fasting weight loss plan involves:
- Choosing your eating time frame. The company recommends eating within a 9-hour window
- Figuring out when you will stop your fast
- Drinking Easy Slim 9 twice a day. The company recommends drinking it in the morning and afternoon.
In addition, the company also recommends:
- Healthy eating
- Exercise
- Drinking water
Easy Slim 9 Research
The manufacturer does not list clinical research on the supplement itself. This makes it difficult to know how well this slimming powder improves the weight loss benefits of intermittent fasting. Here is a summary of the ingredients and some of the research.
Beta-alanine is based on the non-essential amino acid, alanine, and is a popular ingredient in exercise sports supplements. Athletes often use beta alkaline to reduce lactic acid buildup in the muscles which causes muscle fatigue and reduces exercise performance. Research on beta-alanine supplements helping people lose weight cannot be located.
Taurine is a sulfur-containing, non-essential amino acid that may be found in various energy drinks. It may be used to improve fatigue that may accompany exercise and weight loss. One study revealed taurine reduced exercise-induced muscle damage. Another study noted taurine supplements (3 grams and 6 grams a day) improved fat burning in men who were fasting.
While humans can make taurine, sometimes we may not make enough. Good food sources of taurine include shellfish, chicken, and turkey. Plant foods do not contain taurine. As such, it is possible vegans may be deficient. One study noted taurine levels were 22% lower in vegans vs. meat-eaters. While taurine may lower triglyceride levels in the blood, benefit the liver, and have other health benefits, it does not appear to be effective for weight loss.
Can Taurine Lower Blood Pressure?'
L- Theanine

Theanine, also called L-theanine is a non-essential amino acid found in abundance in green tea leaves. It appears to have a mental health and stress-reducing effect on the body and may also improve thinking and attention span. Green tea is popular for weight loss although not all studies show it works. It is also not known if L theanine helps to slim waistlines either. In theory, if L theanine reduces stress and anxiety, it might also reduce stress overeating. Studies need to confirm this.
Caffeine is likely the most used stimulant in the world and is a popular ingredient in many fat burners appetite suppressants and weight loss supplements including:
And others. Caffeine is also the key ingredient in most energy drinks too. So, does it work? Some studies have documented that caffeine, stacked with ephedrine may help support weight loss. This is encouraging since Easy Slim 9 contains both caffeine and octopamine which “looks” like ephedrine. In one study the combination of caffeine and ephedrine caused people to lose over 11 pounds when taken for several months.
Octopamine HCL
Octopamine, also known as octopamine and nor-synephrine, is a stimulant that looks like ephedrine. This means it also looks like Ephedra too as such it is able to raise adrenaline levels. While octopamine is found in the bitter Seville orange, it is also made by the human body too. In worms, octopamine levels increase when they are deprived of food. Some research suggests a combination of octopamine and caffeine may help overweight women lose body weight and body fat.
While this is encouraging, if you are an athlete who is drug tested, understand that octopamine is a banned substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). Ironically, in one study, octopamine did not improve cycling performance in normal healthy people. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website does not consider octopamine a lawful substance to be used in dietary supplements. If you are drug tested, do your due diligence and ask if they screen for octopamine.
Evodiamine is a substance derived from a tree called evodia, a tree that grows in Korea and China. Another name for the tree is evodia rutaecarpa. Some research shows evodiamine may be a natural substance that inhibits chronic diseases such as cancer metastasis, although human studies need to confirm this benefit. In mice, evodiamine has been shown to help insulin resistance, one of the signs of type 2 diabetes.
While evodiamine is thought to promote weight loss in a similar way as capsicum, most of the research on this substance is limited to laboratory animals and isolated cells in a test-tube. So we need more human research to understand its effects on people.
The evodia tree contains a substance called rutaecarpine, which appears to interact with an enzyme system called P450. This is an important enzyme that's needed to metabolize many medications. It might also raise liver enzymes. What this means for evodiamine supplements is not known, but to be safe, do speak with your doctor and pharmacist if you take any medications. It is not known if evodimine helps people lose weight.
Who Makes Easy Slim 9?
The company is called Pride Holdings Inc., also known as Pride Global Sales. Not much can be discovered about this company. The company lists a basic address of Salt Lake City, UT 84120. The website (EasySlim9.com) has an email contact form but no customer service number. They also provide this email address: service@easyslim9.com.
How Much Is It?
A container with 30 servings will cost about $34. Prices may vary, so check the company website for more insights on the price.
Easy Slim 9 vs. Easy Slim 10

You may have heard about Easy Slim 10, another weight loss supplement that has been around for many years. Is Easy Slim 10 better than Easy Slim 9? If you are wondering how they compare to each other, understand the ingredients in these similar-named supplements are different and made by different companies. Easy Slim 10 does not have stimulants like caffeine, octopamine, or evodiamine. If you are debating which of these supplements is best, frustration is understandable since no studies have compared them to each other.
If you are sensitive to stimulants, realize the active ingredient in Easy Slim 10 is a fiber called konjac, also known as glucomannan. Several companies have used this ingredient in their weight loss formulations because there is human research showing it may be effective.
See the Easy Slim 10 review for more insights
Easy Slim 9 Side Effects and Cautions
No side effects are known and the company does not report any adverse reactions either. While this is encouraging if you are considering taking Easy Slim 9, here are some things that may help you avoid adverse effects if they were to occur.
- Start with less for the first week. Consider beginning with 1/2 scoop for example.
- Don't use it if you are a pregnant woman or nursing
- Stop taking Easy Slim 9 at least 2 weeks before surgery, including dental surgery
- Ask your doctor and pharmacist if you take any medications
- Avoid caffeine and other stimulants if you have anxiety issues or are sensitive to stimulants
- Both caffeine and octopamine may raise blood pressure
- People with high blood pressure should talk to their doctor before taking caffeine and octopamine
- Evodiamine may alter how your heart pumps blood.
- Taking close to bedtime may keep you awake at night.
- High levels of beta-alanine may cause paraesthesia, better known as feelings of pins and needles all over the body. This is one of the more commonly reported side effects of beta-alanine. The stinging sensations are temporary and go away when beta-alanine use is stopped. It is not known if Easy Slim 9 has enough beta-alanine to cause this to occur.
Does Easy Slim 9 Really Work?
Without research, it's hard to know if Easy Slim 9 bolsters the effects of intermittent fasting, although it's encouraging the manufacturer has included some ingredients that have been used in weight loss studies. That said, some of the ingredients should be used with caution by people who are not healthy, take any medications, or are subject to drug testing. My opinion is if you are looking for safer weight loss ingredients, there are alternatives such as this one.
I have taken these capsules 2 twice a day with water for 2 weeks but there has been NO loss of weight, not even 1 pound. I stupidly had faith and bought 1 plus 6 extra. How can i get my money back
Hi Jean, are you referring to Easy Slim 9 or Easy Slim 10 (see review). I have the company contact info for each in the reviews. Does that help?
Hi . i wouldd like to oredr the Easy Slim 9 Tablets
Hi Madiha, you can get it from the company. It may be found on Amazon too
hi joe I’m 73 and I feel fantastic, so lucky. I buy the finest quality supp like pro cap, youngevity, life extension, etc.
I just purchased some Douglas labs 400 mcg chromium nicotinate. I’m non-diabetic AIC 4.7 – GREAT.
do you think one a day is custom for me, I read I should go w/ 3 a week instead. I’m trying to raise my metabolism.
do you think the chfromium is satisfactory for me? I try to tweak to perfection, thanks jack
Hi Jack, as you said your AIC level is fantastic! chromium can help lower blood sugar but it sounds like yours is already really good, given your A1C level. Why are you trying to raise your metabolic rate? Metabolism is a funny thing because it tends to what to stay put although we can raise it temporarily. One of the best ways is exercise. Both aerobic exercise (like walking) and strength training can raise metabolism. Muscle burns more calories at rest so building muscle might help raise metabolism a bit too.
Hi Wendy Jo, yes I do. Here is the Okinawa Flat Belly Tonic review
Hi jenny, yes, Bio Fit is a very popular weight loss and probiotic supplemenent. Here is the BioFit Review to learn more about it.
In addition to helping weight loss do you think Easy Slim 9 would help my workouts too?
Gizalle, Easy Slim 9 contains Beta-alanine. This is a popular exercise supplement. Some research finds beta-alanine supplements reduce lactic acid build up in muscles. As you may know, latic acid plays a role in muscle fatigue. There is some evidence Beta-alanine may improve exercise. In one review, researchers noted beta-alanine supplements improved exercise that lasted between 1 and 4 minutes. However, It did not appear to help people who exercised less than 1 minute.
That said I have not seen any studies on Easy Slim 9 and exercise. If you try it and it works – or doesn’t work -write back and let me know.
Nice review! I try to give a different perspective about obesity at my web site: http://carbsyndrome.com/
It outlines the connection between diet and brain function. When it comes to fat storage, the brain calls the shots so that is the first opportunity for therapeutic intervention.
Thanks, Dr Wilson 🙂