Updated 12/6/21. One a past episode of the Dr. Oz show, he was talking about the benefits of chromium polynicotinate for diabetes. If you also saw this, you were probably curious –especially if you have diabetes – so let me give you some more info on this issue. The first thing you need to know is that Dr. Oz was likely talking about type II diabetes. Dr. Oz just said “diabetes” in the segment, but I'm pretty sure he meant type II diabetes since this is the type that is most common in America and other industrialized countries. Basically, chromium helps insulin work better. Chromium has also been shown to lower hemoglobin A1C levels, a good indicator of how bad your diabetes is getting. This is why chromium is found in so many supplements as a drugless prescription to help diabetes.
After you are finished reading this, you may want to read my thoughts on whether type II diabetes can be cured, at my other website. I know that's a controversial statement to make. Just take a look at it in case you never heard these words before.
Chromium Polynicotinate vs Chromium Picolinate
If you’ve heard about chromium and diabetes, odds are you’re aware of chromium picolinate. Chromium picolinate is made of chromium and picolinic acid. On the other hand, chromium polynicotinate (say, poly-nick-o-tin-ate) is made up of chromium and niacin. The niacin helps chromium absorption.
The important thing to remember is that it’s not the niacin (or picolinic acid) that helps diabetes. It’s the chromium.
I'm guessing that Dr. Oz suggested that chromium polynicotinate was best for a few reasons.
Reason #1 is that some people think chromium polynicotinate is better absorbed. The better the absorption of the chromium, the better it might help diabetes.
Reason #2 why chromium polynicotinate was mentioned by Dr Oz may have to do with some controversial research in the 1990s that hinted that high doses of chromium picolinate might damage DNA. In theory, this might mean chromium picolinate might cause cancer.
Personally, I don’t feel chromium picolinate causes cancer. If it did, people would be dropping like flies because chromium is in MANY supplements. I've never seen a study that specifically linked chromium supplements to cancer in people so I don’t worry about this too much.
Reason #3 – and this is a biggie – is that one study in the 1990s noted that chromium picolinate caused weight gain in young women who did not exercise.
The other interesting part of this study also found that chromium polynicotinate helped women lose weight. I think this was the main reason Dr. Oz touted the benefits of chromium polynicotinate.
Keep in mind that this is the only study to ever to show that chromium picolinate caused women to gain weight. In addition, the women who got the chromium picolinate did not exercise. This is a problem.
On the other hand, the women who got the chromium polynicotinate lost weight – and they also exercised.
Personally, I think this was a flawed study and as far as I can tell It’s never been replicated (hey college students, this would make a great Masters Thesis project!).
When I was writing my book about supplements, I tried to track down the author of this study but was never able to locate him.
Another reason why Dr. Oz didn’t mention chromium picolinate is that there are many studies that show chromium picolinate does not help weight loss.
This is ironic because almost ALL weight loss supplements contain chromium. For example, see these reviews
Chromium Polynicotinate side effects
Chromium supplements are generally thought to be safe when used by most healthy people in moderation. To reduce side effects start with less than is recommended for the first week.
- In theory, chromium polynicotinate may harm the liver so be careful if you have any liver problems.
- Since chromium can reduce blood sugar levels, it might have an additive effect if you take other diabetes medications. The result might be blood sugar that goes too low. Ask your doctor if you take insulin, metformin or other blood sugar reducing supplements
- Chromium might cause kidney problems so talk to your doctor if you have any kidney issues.
- If you have thyroid problems, don’t take chromium at the same time as Synthroid. Chromium seems to reduce Synthroid levels. This might reduce your metabolic rate.
Does Chromium Lower Blood Sugar?
I personally don’t think there is a significant difference between chromium polynicotinate and other types of chromium supplements when it comes to diabetes. Regardless of what type of chromium you use, please remember to exercise, lose weight if needed, and watch your intake of refined carbohydrates. There is much more evidence that these things help diabetes than chromium polynicotinate.
Here is chromium polynicotinate on Amazon.
What do you think?
Hi Joe !
In response to your comment about “not hearing of a type II diabetic on the pump.” Well, I am a T II Diabetic using the pump. And to top it off, I’m insulin resistant. I’ve been on the pump since May 2012. Things started off ok, sugars were always high in the mornings and now they are high all day long.
I keep telling my Endo how disappointed I am with the results, but he just says I am doing everything right. Really ! I see him q 2 wks and I am now back up to near 300 units of insulin a day.
He is 1 of 2 Endo’s in town and my insurance doesn’t cover the other Dr. I’ve gone down the Chromium route as well as the Cinnamon route, with no luck on either.
Isn’t there anything out there designed for the TII diabetic/insulin resistant patient ? I also truly feel the pump is not of any use for me. Any comments are greatly appreciated.
Hi Mark
Have you ever heard of agaricus mushroom extract. I did some digging and found a study that it might help. here is a study
Another thing is the fiber glucomannan. Here is a study http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12569112?dopt=Abstract
hope that helps.
Hi, I just started taking chromium picolinate 1000mcg about 2 and a half weeks ago. I am on an insulin pump. I just saw my diabetes doctor yesterday and he told me the results on my pump for the past 2 weeks are greatly improved. I did not know that I should not take it with my thyroid meds. For the past few months I have been waking with a bg of over 300.
Since start the chromium picolinate I am waking with a bg between 92 and 114. I still run high the rest of the day when I eat. I think I am going to get a lower dose of it and take it before meals to see if I stay more stable. I hope it works and I can get off the pump and insulin as well.
Tami, I have never heard of a type II diabetic using an insulin pump. thanks for mentioning this. Here is an interview I did with somebody who “was” a type II diabetic – and how she changed things. I hope it is some inspiration to you
keep me posted on your progress. I believe in you Tami.
thank you for your help ….your friend in christ ….wayne
hello my name is wayne, years ago my wife had a operation to remove a goiter in her throat ,i think they removed most if not all her thyroid gland, she takes med’s for it.[l-thyroxine ]. she is also a type 2 diabetic.my question is can she safely take chromium pills or pills with chromium in then ..she is trying to loose some weight and everything seems to have chromium in it ..thanks for your help …….wayne
wayne, I believe most wt loss supplements have chromium because people still think it helps weight loss. But there is a lot of research showing it doesn’t. Im not a doctor but I dont think it will hurt her (do ask your doctor or pharmacist) but Id also have your wife get her TSH levels tested again. maybe she needs more Thyroxine? Im not sure on this. just thought Id mention it.
Chromium picolinate 1200mcg w/ cinnamon
aids greatly in the control of my type 2 diabetes.
I have noticed that when my sugar is lower my weight
is higher. Chromatic helps put the sugar in the body
not the blood. I also time my supplements with prescription
drugs for efficiency.
my husband does not have diabetes but his A1C count is 6.7 drs. prescribed metformin . i take his blood sugar morning and night and is always a normal level why is this. he has never taken the metformin ?
miriam , I’m guessing that your doctor things maybe your husband is heading for diabetes and is trying to decrease any problems that may arise from it by being preemptive with the Medformin. Does your husband do any type of exercise like walking? Walking just 20 minues a day might reduce his A1C level to below 6% which most Drs say is “normal.”
Hi Joe,
Great information. My husband was diagnosed with type II diabetes after having surgery for a dislocated disk in his back. He’s horrible with eating right and doesn’t exercise much, although he says cutting the grass allows him to exercise. He just started taking this Chromium Picolinate 200 mcg a couple days ago, and it has helped TREMENDOUSLY!
Serious readings prior to taking this supplement was from 508 to sometimes low of 53. It’s hard to believe that now he’s normal, but he complains of bad headaches. Any findings that this supplement will cause headaches. Thanks
Serena, does he only get the headaches when he takes chromium? does he get headaches on days he doesn’t use chromium? headaches have been reported in some people who take chromium, as well as nausea. these are common complaints of a lot of supplements. If they are really bad headaches I do recommend he get to the doctor as headaches can be a sign of other things like a stoke – or even a urinary tract infection. since he has diabetes thats not a bad idea anyway because diabetes can lead to many other medical conditions.
Its good the chromium is helping him but remind him that its not helping him the same way as eating better and a regular walking program will. chromium is best used as a part of a total plan of attack on diabetes.
here is some readings at my personal site he may like to look at:
How she cured her diabetes
it pays to be a type ii diabetic
can type ii diabetes be cured?
Chromium may help us to lower blood sugar and reduce cravings for foods. This subject has been discussed from years, but many studies suggest that adequate chromium in your diet can be an aid for high blood sugar and weight loss.
I went to the site but it said ” The Antiaging Systems website is currently down for essential maintenance, we hope to have the work completed presently so please check back soon.”
Im not sure what is on that site but Ill say I dont deny that chromium seems to help lower blood sugar but I dont see much proof it helps weight loss. Pretty much all the studies Ive seen over the last 10 years show it doesn’t help weight loss
is this bad for diabetes with stage 3 kidney disease?? a GFR of 30%
Joyce. I would not do it. Please speak to your kidney doctor before taking any supplements.
I’ve been taking chromium polynicotinate and 1000mg of cinnamon once a day for the past three weeks and have dropped 11 pounds without trying, but the best part is that my glucose levels have come down dramatically. It’s amazing and I wonder why more doctors don’t steer patients toward these two supplements before they slap them on drugs that have such ugly side effects. (I know the answer) Anyway, thanks for the additional info.
Thank you Joe!! I hadn’t thought of it — but that’s an interesting though that for weight loss, if it helps with depression, that may be an underlying connection. Only more studies will tell more…
I think I’ll try to polynicotinate this time & see if I detect any difference. (I’ll come back here if I do.)
Sounds good Curls, thanks for keeping me posted!
You say “In theory, chromium polynicotinate may harm the liver.” But in the last posting, you say their were case reports for picolinate, not for poly nicotinate. Can you clarify?
Are you basing the theoretical possiblity on polynicotinate, on the case reports for piconlinate?
If one has association with it, and the other doesn’t yet, it would tip me toward the one with less association — even if all clinic reports, not studies.
The other fact I think I’m seeing is that studies show weight loss associated with the poly but not with the picolinate versions?
I saw on another site comments that clinically this person has seen clients get some additional symptoms with the poly version over the other. “Other side effect associated with the polynicotinate chromium preparation are flushing, rashes, and skin hyperpigmentation.” for a doctor using it to help depression patients. (I’m not sure if including links is okay, so the site to google for is chromiumconnection.)
It could be that the niacin triggers that in some people. Or could be higher chromium absorption is triggering it. Any thoughts?
Thanks! I’ve never seen your site before – but I’m very impressed by the depth of information. Thank you.
Hi Curls, Glad you found me! I’m not convinced that chromium in supplements harms the livers of most people. I figure if it did, people would be dropping like flies because its a pretty popular supplement. I did mention it because there are some case reports that make me wonder that if its used in high doses that there may be a concern for some people. I think the effect may be raised if people have liver issues. Back in the 90s there was also some test tube research showing that high doses of chromium caused genetic damage. Again, I’m not aware of any human research to back this up.
Yes most of the case reports and clinical studies Ive seen discuss chromium picolinate and not the chromium polynicotinate version. This may be related to chromium picolinate being so popular. I dont see chromium polynicotinate used in products as much as chromium picolinate.
As for weight loss, I have seen studies showing some effect of chromium nicotinate. Most studies of chromium picolinate shows it does not cause weight loss (in my book, I even found a study where it caused women to gain weight! I think that study may be a fluke). That said, I’d still like to see more research on polynicotinate before I give it 2 thumbs up. As of now, I would say that if I see it in a weight loss product, I would not roll my eyes as much as if I saw chromum
As for depression, Ive seen some research on it and it looks interesting here is one study http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12559660 and it occurs to me that this may be another reason chromium is in weight loss supplements.
Ive not heard of the other side effects like rashes or hyper skin pigmentation.
Have a great day!
If one had hepatitis 30 years ago and has normal liver functions, is the chromium supplement not a good idea?
Barb, There have been case reports of liver and kidney problems in people who have taken chromium picolinate. Its hard to say if chromium polynicotinate would do the same thing but since you have already had liver problems in the past, I would not take the chance so I say stay away from it.
I am on synthroid, for my hypothyroidism, I was just diagnosed early Feb, 2012. Will be rechecked on my levels in couple weeks. I recently (while randomly browsing supplement isle) found Chromium Picolinate, and took 1 a day for 3 days. I actually lost 2.5 lbs in those 3 days! W/o any other dieting. I DO exercise but haven’t for 5 days or so due to busy schedule. I saw on today’s Dr. Oz about Chromium polynicotinate. Wondered the difference and after reading still confused. Is either one better? I DO take it 3-4 hrs after my synthroid and will make sure w/ my doctor its ok but I feel its helping me lose weight. But now after reading Patty’s story, wondering if I should try ////poly one instead?
Kim, basically Chromium is chromium and if you say this is working for you, thats good enough for me. picolinic acid is a compound made during the metabolism of tryptophan (an amino acid). polynicotinate is basically chromium bound to the vitamin niacin. They both help the absorption of chromium but honestly. how it helped you, I am at a loss. there is a lot of good research showing it should not work. Personally, if you say its working then I would stick to what you have and not worry about chasing down what may or may not be better.
I have now lost a total of 29 pounds since I started the chromium polynicotinate. I do not feel like I am deprived at all. Completely effortless for me. Cravings seem to be non-existent. i don’t even take it every day anymore. If I feel like I’m having a day when I might like to have a sweet treat, I’ll take a capsule for the next day or so and I’m good. It certainly works for me.
relevant article
I saw that Dr Oz segment, and started taking chromium polynicotinate 6 weeks ago. I’ve lost 9 pounds without trying. I do exercise, but I have always exercised. This supplement has completely controlled my cravings. I have an incredible sweet tooth, and now have zero desire for sweets since starting this supplement. I am able to eat healthy and I am positive it is this supplement. It is the only time I have ever been able to control my sweet cravings.
Patty, Im glad it has helped you. keep me posted on your progress with chromium Polynicotinate!
Thanks for the feed back. Using Chromium for hot flashes I’ve not heard anything about it either until I started taking it two doctors were surprised but said it made sense. I’ve mentioned it to other women and they tried it and it’s working for them. But I always say check with your doctor like I did make sure it’s ok to take. If you find out anything about this please let me in on it.
Carol yes I will post something if I find anything on chromium and hot flashes. Im wondering what the mechanism might be. If you speak to those doctors again who said it made sense, ask the question this way “What’s the mechanism?” -that’s science talk for “how does this stuff work”
what brand of chromium helped you?
Ill ask around and see if anyone else has tried chromium for hot flashes.
My hot flashes tend to increase with sugar increase so that might be the link.
Carrie, have you ever tried chromium then to see if it reduced your hot flashes?
Thanks Joe! Fascinating info as always. Once again your Master Certification exam proved worth while! I know much of what I know about Type II Diabetes and synthroid for hypothyroidism from continuing client research and your exams!
The Sports Nutrition exam has been very helpful, especially lately, in dispelling myths about weight loss! I always find out about Liver or kidney issues as well…and recommend a Doctor’s approval 1st!:) Thanks again for amazing info!!!
Thanks Sandra I apprecaite the feedback and glad you are doing so well as a personal trainer 🙂
I take chromium picolinate for hot flashes within 4 days they stopped when an occasional one starts I take one tablet and it’s gone and very rarely have them. I had intense flashes and horrible night sweats, I was miserable. I’m now free of hot flashes!
Carol, Im glad you are hot flash free and thanks for letting me know about this. I dont think Ive heard of chromium helping hot flashes. I will see if I can find anything on this.