Update 5/19/22. I've been investigating supplements since the 1990s. I admit I get frustrated at seeing the same old do-nothing weight loss ingredients recycled again and again in so many supplements. In this review, I'll reveal some of the biggest scams in the weight loss industry. These are supplements that DO NOT WORK. I know they don't work because the evidence and logic tell us they don't. …
Weight Loss
Right Size Smoothies In-depth Review Of Ingredients
Update 2/21/20. Right Size Smoothies weight loss shakes were one of the first supplements I reviewed when I created this website back in 2010. Recently, I had the opportunity to hear a commercial for Right Size and became curious if things had changed since I last reviewed them. Indeed, there have been some changes – including a clinical study. So, this new Right Size Smoothies review will build …
HCG Diet: Does It Really Work? Evidence Based Review
Updated 4/18/23./ Have you heard of the HCG diet? It’s been around for over 60 years. I first heard of this diet in 2007 in a book called “The Weight Loss Cure They Don’t Want You to Know About". What I would like to do here is review the scientific studies that have been performed on the HCG diet protocol and let you draw your own conclusions about whether HCG injections help weight loss or not. …
BioTrust CraveFix 96 Review: Can It Curb Cravings and Help Weight Loss?
Update 2/28/20. "Most weight loss and health supplements are not founded on science and backed by research." So says the website for the company that makes a product called CraveFix 96, which is touted to be back by research. The product is advertised as "A quality, science-backed formula based on peer-reviewed research, containing honest, effective levels of each ingredient." Sounds good so far. …
XLS Medical Review Max Strength Review: Does It Work? Detailed Review Of Ingredients
Updated 1/14/20. "Reach your weight loss goal even faster." That's what they say on the website for XLS Medical Max Strength, a weight loss supplement that's popular in Great Britain and the European Union. The supplement claims to be the "First slimming aid to reduce calorie intake from carbohydrates, sugar and fat" that is also "clinically proven." In this review, I'll look at the active …
It Works Ultimate ThermoFit: Critical Review Of Ingredients And Research
Update 12/5/22. ThermoFit is a weight loss supplement from the ItWorks line of supplements. ThermoFit is touted to fire up your metabolism by increasing lipolysis (fat burning). Sounds pretty good so far. While the product website I saw touts acai berry and a metabolism-boosting ingredient called "Capsimax," there are other ingredients in the product too. Do they make it work better? In this …