Update 8/1/20. Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser, is saying in TV commercials when it comes to weight loss “it's as simple as 1,2,3: eat right, be active and try my new Smart Weight Loss formula”. Really? I've heard about eating right and exercise but what about Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss Formula? Does Bob know something about weight loss the rest of us don’t? I was intrigued, especially when Bob uttered my two favorite words (next to Star Trek!) – Clinical research. According to Bob, his Smart Weight Loss Formula is backed up by two clinical studies. I did some digging into this supplement and uncovered some interesting facts. Let’s now take a look at Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss Formula and see if we can figure out if it’s right for you.
Smart Success Weight Loss products

If you go to BobHarperSmartSuccess.com you see that his weight loss formula is actually 3 different products:
- Smart Weight Loss 7 day starter kit
- Smart Weight Loss Formula
- Smart 7 Day Cleanse (this product contains senna which can be very dangerous. I do not recommend)
I'm going to focus mostly on the Smart Weight Loss Formula first and briefly review the other products at the end of this review.
Smart Weight Loss Formula Ingredients
- Vitamin C 7mg (useless for weight loss)
- Calcium 175 mg (useless for weight loss)
“Invigorate Energy Blend” (455 mg). This contains the following:
- Coffee extract (probably helps weight loss)
- Pomegranate powder (no proof it helps weight loss)
- Goji powder (no proof it helps weight loss)
Trim Smart Blend
- Frauenmantel extract (Alchemilla Vulgaris leaf)
- Wild olive extract (Olea Europea leaf)
- Cormino extract (Cuminum cyminum seed)
- Horsemint extract (Mentha longifolia leaf)
Smart Weight Loss Clinical Studies
Now let’s look at the two clinical studies Bob Harper says supports his weight loss formula. These clinical studies are summarized on the Smart Weight Loss website. Here is basically what they say:
Study 1
12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Subjects using the “key ingredients” in the Smart Weight Loss Formula lost an average of 20.94 lbs. versus the placebo group, who lost an average of 1.70 lbs. Both groups followed a calorie-reduced diet.
Here is what they don’t say about this study.
- Where is the study published? There is no reference so people can go and read the study themselves. This is a big problem in my opinion.
There is a big difference between “clinical study” and “Published peer reviewed study”. Without letting other researchers look over how the study was done, how do we know the study is not flawed?
- How many people were in this study? 10, 20, 100? They don’t tell us. This is another big problem because if the study only had a small number of people, it reduces the likelihood that others would see the same results.
- How many calories did people eat? They only say people ate a reduced-calorie diet.
- What was the placebo? They dont tell us. This is important. If the people getting the placebo knew they were not getting the real supplement, they may have cheated more on their diet, thinking “what’s the use?” Placebo choice can make or break a study.
- How much of the weight lost was body fat? They only say that people who took the Smart Weight Loss supplement lost 20.94 pounds. My question is 20.94 pounds of what?

Was it 20.94 pounds of fat?
Was it 20.94 pounds of water?
Was it 20.94 pounds of muscle?
They don’t tell us.
I have no proof but I am guessing that the 20.94 pounds is a combination of some fat, carbs, and water (carbs store lots of water) and maybe a little protein. That’s basically what you see when people go on a diet.
- How did they measure body fat? If they are saying people lost 20.94 pounds of fat, how did the researchers measure it? They don’t tell us. Somebody fat measurements can be pretty inaccurate.
- Who did the study? They say it was a “third party” but that’s vague. It’s implied this means an independent lab did the research but since they don’t specifically say it, we can’t assume this.
Study 2
This study lasted 8 weeks and was backed by the company that makes Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss supplements. That’s not bad as long as the research is good and the company did not influence the results.
This study was also a randomized, placebo-controlled study. That's good. People using the same key ingredients lost 16.5 pounds (those taking the placebo lost 1.73 lbs).
Again, they don’t tell us a lot about this study either:
- It looks like this is not a published/peer-reviewed study
- What was the placebo?
- How many people were in the study?
The weight loss study Bob doesn't tell you about.
According to Bob Harper's website the “key ingredients” in his Smart Weight loss Formula are:
- Frauenmantel extract (Alchemilla Vulgaris leaf)
- Wild olive extract (Olea europaea leaf)
- Cormino extract (Cuminum cyminum seed)
- horsemint extract
There is a reason why Bob calls them the “key ingredients” – and here it is.
In 2008, there was a study published in the journal, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The study was NOT on Bob Harper's weight loss formula.
Researches were actually testing if another supplement called WeighLevel to see if it helped. The WeighLevel supplement also has the 4 “key ingredients”– and had them at least 3 years BEFORE Bob Harper's supplements. The Weight Level supplement may be discontinued as it cannot be located.
As far as I can tell, this is the ONLY study of these 4 ingredients that has been published in a scientific journal (Remember, the clinical studies touted in Bob'sLoss Formula seem to be unpublished and not peer-reviewed).
Other Smart Weight Loss Products
Bob’s weight loss formula has 3 separate products:
- Smart Weight Loss 7 day Cleanse supplement
Here is the scoop on the other 2 products
The Smart Weight Loss 7 Day Cleanse
This product contains senna which is a laxative. For more on senna see these reviews
Senna was one of the main active ingredients in the weight loss supplement Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen. The 7 Day Cleanse also contains Acai fruit which is useless for weight loss.
See the reviews on the Acai Berry Diet and Fact about Acai Berry.
The Smart Weight Loss Starter Kit
This is basically the same thing as the Smart Weight Loss Formula. It has 2 parts – an AM formula and a PM formula. Both contain the same 4 “key ingredients” except that the AM formula also has caffeine (coffee extract) and some other things that do nothing for weight loss.
To be fair, the ingredients in Bob's supplements pale in comparison to the supplements that Jillian Michaels was previously associated with.
The Smart Weight Loss TV Commercial
I watched the Bob Harper TV commercial and I noticed something interesting.
During the commercial Bob says “its key ingredients have proven in two clinical studies”.
Have proven? Have proven what?
Notice Bob does not say its key ingredients “have been proven to cause weight loss” in two clinical studies.
Bob just says the key ingredients “have proven in”. The way Bob says it, the sentence makes no sense and is vague.
Was that an error? Was it fancy Hollywood editing to get around FDA red tape?
Also notice in the TV commercials nobody ever says “the product causes weight loss”.
Instead, they say “It really works”.
Saying it really works is vague language that’s used frequently in supplement ads to tap dance around the law and make people think something promotes weight loss.
Some may think my securitizing of Bob’s words are petty, but I need to do this because of who Bob Harper is. He’s on a hit TV show and is famous. People will take his words as gospel because they like Bob. Heck, I like Bob too!
During the commercial, you meet “Erin” who says “I lost 23 pounds the Smart Way”. Other people are also shown in TV commercials.
But if you read the words at the bottom of the screen you see that these people also:
- Went on a diet and exercised
- And were PAID for their testimonials!
How much did they exercise? How many calories did they eat per day? How long did it take to lose weight? These are important questions because if you don’t do the same thing, odds are you won’t see the same results.
Does It Work?
I have many questions about the clinical studies Bob Harper mentions as proof of his Smart Weight Loss Formula. As I've shown you, the only published study on the “key ingredients” appears to be on a totally different weight loss supplement.
Bere is Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss on Amazon.
What do you think?
Joe, this was very informative, I was just about to purchase Bob Harpers weight loss system and decided to google it and clicked on your review.
I don’t belong to a gym but I do a workout about 30 minutes that include, plank, situps, crunches, bridge, sun salutes, squats and some free weights. I had a Cesarean childbirth and since I have been unable to rid myself of bellyfat. My weight is 132lbs but feel 10lbs or more of it is belly-fat.
I presently take relacore, phsyllium husk, vitamin code for women over 40 and kefir, I eat healthy and very little (breakfast; boiled egg or egg white w spinach or an apple with yogurt: lunch; salmon packs, an avocado or lentil soup: dinner;black beans solo, cucumber/tomatoe salad w lime, hardly snack and sometimes skip dinner) maybe once a month I cheat and have pasta or a turkey burger with everything.
I have distention, bloating and cramping. I had a colonoscopy and ab scans and everything seems fine. At times I feel I have Hiatel Hernia, because I feel pain and pushing below my rib cage under my breast, my doctor tells me I have anxiety. What do you think, is eating to little or eating to many veggies causing bloatness, etc., why can’t I lose the bellyfat and what do you think of the supplements I am taking what could I do different?
I believe this is what is causing my anxiety for I am not use to it, when I was 5mths pregnant I had a flat belly no one knew, what can I do?
Beija, its possible that if you increased your veggies intake too fast it might cause some bloating. Why dont you try eliminating one thing a week to see see if that makes a difference. take out one thing your doing for a week and if, after a week add it back in and remove something else from your diet. that might help you see if any of the things you are taking might be the cause of the bloating /cramping. Anxiety might be a cause too so think about how you feel. Im sure the idea of cramping /bloating might be causing you some stress. Did you see my review on Relacore http://supplementclarity.com/relacore-review-ingredients-side-effects/
I’m glad you made this, cause i was getting frustrated about the lack of information i could find on this product. i really never realized how he never does say anything about whether or not it causes weight loss or not. I’m going to do a little more background research before purchasing weight loss supplements again.
Kyle, thanks I’m glad I was able to help you in your search for info on this supplement 🙂
started having irregular heart rate you say senna is dangerous it is a laxative did you ever think it might be the amt of caffeine 180 mg of natural source caffeine in your product. add that to the amount of daily intake that people drink coffee diet soda well there is your natural stimulant
Deb, really. I don’t like irregular heart rates. As far as I know senna is only in the Bob Harper cleanse supplement. I don’t think its in the weight loss supplement. True that 180 mg of caffeine in the wt loss product could have an additive effect with what else you are taking and in theory if you were taking senna, it might cause irregular heart rates due to dehydration and depletion of electrolytes. I am of course speculating. Oh, just to be clear, the supplement isn’t mine either. I don’t have any connection to Bob Harper or his supplements.
Yes but what makes your OPINIONS right or wrong, who is to say you are not feeding the wrong information?? It is purely speculation, either way. Not saying that there should not be opposing points of view, just saying that personal research and responsibility for what you put in your body is key to failure of success on your own terms.
Victoria, I hear what you are saying however I asked legitimate questions about Bobs product that I feel are valid. He said his product was backed up by clinical research but not all research is created equal and my questions pointed out the problems with his claims. I also showed people the study on which most of Bobs product is based. That is not just my opinion, its a fact.
I agree completely about personal responsibility but people cant make good decisions unless they have all the facts. One of my degrees is in chemistry and biology. This helps me dig a little deeper into the claims and proofs in support of various supplements. I try to not only give opinions but ground my words in science and rational thought, and where I can, show people the proof. In all of my reviews, I really don’t want anyone to believe me and so, where I can, I link to the research so people can see the proof for themselves. My opinions are my own yes, but they are based on what the science says or does not say. As I said in my “About” page, published peer reviewed research as well as rational thought and science are my litmus tests when I review a product. For me, there can be no other way.
Whatever happened to free will and choice? Everybody is so busy making accusations and pointing fingers. Last time I checked all of you were free to make your own decisions. What works for somebody may not work for someone else! Really don’t you have anything else to do, besides bash people for making a living in this great United States. Good or Bad it is the freedom of choice and taking responsibility for your own actions, if the supplement doesn’t work for you don’t take it, but why all the negativity people?
Victoria, I dont think people have been overly negative toward Bobs weight loss product. I likewise agree that people should have freedom to choose what they like but Im sure you will agree that freedom can often be swayed by slick advertising. I pointed out some of that slick stuff myself when I reviewed Bobs product and TV commercials. Because I believe in free-will I think people should have both sides of the story so that they can make an informed decision. Its not a bad thing to have opposing points of view. That is one of the engines of our Democracy. Wouldn’t you agree?
I love Bob Harper on Biggest Loser and in his Boot Camp and Cardio Max DVDs (also looking forward to trying his Weight Loss Yoga DVD). I just started taking Smart Weight Loss last week and am using it in addition to exercising 4 to 5 times per week and eating right (portion control, reducing empty calories, fat etc.) So far, I feel the energy boost for workouts but not sure I’m reaping any other benefits. However, I’ll continue to use it for awhile and see if it helps in some way. While I don’t necessarily “buy” Bob’s claims about this supplement, I’m not willing to deny them either… and who’s to say Joe is 100% right either. I guess I’m just the Devil’s Advocate type. For instance, if I figured out I was on the placebo, I’d probably work twice as hard to lose weight, just to see if I could lose more than those on the actual drug – LOL! Anyway, the verdict is still out for me. Perhaps this supplement HAS helped people lose weight (for whatever reason) – maybe it will help me… maybe not. Only one way to find out.
Astute comments and VERY common with these types of products. An additional question is … where’s the FDA in all this? I am a huge supporter of Bob Harper – he built a reputation for the “no pain – no gain workout” and portrays that every week on Biggest Loser (his “last chance work outs” are brutal). If we still think that supplements are meant to be anything but a supplement we (the public we) are idiots. I am extremely active and am on these supplements to supplement (i.e. complement) my diet and nothing more.
Yoga Health, its the US laws that allow these products to be advertised the way they are. Its unfortunate but the FDA is hamstrung buy the law and for most claims about supplements they cant do anything unless the product makes a disease claim or contains things not allowed to be in supplements (eg drugs).
Hi Joe. I guess I’m way late on this one, but but has Hydroxycut really been recalled? And if so, which ones? There is a plethora of Hydroxycut products out there, i.e. Max etc.I’m surprised to hear this. Not the part about it being useless and more likely harmful. But I have and continue to see this product on shelves all the time.
I liked the thorough analysis of Bob Harper’s product. There are so many unscrupulous people in this industry. Let me tell you about one I knew personally.
I was hired to work as a Personal Trainer at a small privately owned studio. The owner advertised for Personal Trainers and specifically said you did not have to be certified to work at her place. This woman was a former bodybuilder and she herself was not a certified Personal Trainer.
She offered to train me using her methods. I figured I would see what she was talking about and get some hands on experience. Anyway, what I witnessed at this studio continues to stupify me when I recall it. First of all the place was a bad joke. Talk about safety issues. The place was an accident waiting to happen. Every piece of equipment had some sort of problem and/or adjustment that needed to be done in order to get it to work right.
There was no mention of repair or replacement of the non-functioning equipment. There was no real “personal” training going on. The owner gave everyone the exact same workout. The only differences were the modifications that some had to make due to being very overweight. But they were all given the same list of exercises to perform. One of the clients weighed about 400 pounds. In the previous year, she had lost only 12 pounds, which would be about a pound a month. I thought this was odd for several reasons: 1. Why would a person continue to pay someone and all they lost was 12 pounds in a year? 2. Did the client realize she could have lost at least a pound a week over that same year for a total of at least 52 pounds for the year? 3. I was like what the hell is going on here. So I asked the owner what seemed to be the problem?
Come to find out the client was being told not to perform any cardio at all! The client was only performing her exercises twice a week and was not reducing her calorie intake sufficiently to create a deficit as evidenced by her morbid obesity. 4. This also begged the question that wasn’t the trainer responsible to make sure this client saw a doctor and discussed possible alternatives or additional things that could be done to help her lose weight? I mean 400 pounds is way up there in the danger zone heart attack wise. Well, I offered to do an assessment and review her previous plan to find out how and where to make adjustments so this woman could lose weight. I was basically told that the owner did not want me to “counsel” her clients. That meant she didn’t want me to talk to them and show them how they could really lose weight. I found it absolutely sickening that this woman would continue to keep this client obese so she could continue to charge her. By this time I was thinking it was not worth the “experience” to work there because I already must know more than she did or at least knew how to put principles into practice instead of trying to bilk people out of their money.
The last straw came pretty soon after that. Two women friends came to the studio to lose weight together by supporting one another. Both of them were about 75-90 pound overweight. They came in together for a brief consultation with the owner and I about when they could start, how much it was etc. The owner told them to sign her contract and write out several checks postdated for the full amount of the fee. They were to give her these checks up front. I could see that the women were quite overweight and it concerned me that they had not seen a doctor prior to coming to sign up. Especially since they were being asked to pay up front.
The owner said they had plenty of time to see a doctor and not to worry about it. The two women were to start the following Monday evening. The owner instructed me to collect the money and put it under the blotter on her desk. Say what?!!!I told her that I did not feel comfortable leaving money around and not being secured like in a locked box, safe or whatever. I said I could not be responsible for money that was unsecured because several people had the keys to the studio besides me.
She insisted that she had done this in the past and there was never any problem. I thought this showed an incredible lack of professionalism to be so loose with one’s daily receipts. I went ahead and collected the fees but put the checks in a location that only she and I knew about. This still bothered me because someone breaking in will look everywhere for money. Anyway, after the fees were collected, they had signed the contracts and were ready to get started. The owner wanted me to put them through the same workout as she did everyone else. There were no fitness tests performed and only a very perfunctory assessment.
I weighed and measured the ladies and began to show them the exercises. While I was working with one of the ladies, I noticed the great difficulty she was having lying down on the floor and rising from the floor. She also could not perform squats on a ball (wall squats) and was having an extremely tough time in general performing even the easiest of the exercises. I began to question her about her health history and current health status. Come to find out she had Diabetes and Deep Vein Thrombosis. The Deep Vein Thrombosis being especially problematic due to the possibility of stroke, blood clots and what have you.
I immediately ceased all exercises and insisted that she see a doctor and come back with a letter stating she was clear to work out with me. I told her frankly I believe she had a condition that I personally was not qualified to work with. The owner knew I was not certified when she hired me, but even being uncertified I was not stupid. I knew that if anything happened of an adverse nature while this woman was in my care, there would be a great big problem. I further stated that I would be glad to work with her once she got the okay but not until then. By this time I was so irritated with the owner that I quit right then and there.
I told the woman that I thought she should look elsewhere because the owner was unscrupulous. What kind of person takes your money seeing that you have a condition that requires special attention that you haven’t been trained to give? The owner was under a lot of pressure financially to be able to keep the studio open but this was no excuse for this poor of judgment. I followed up with this client after a few days to see what happened. It turns out that her doctor absolutely agreed with what I said. Her doctor referred her to a special rehabilitation clinic that her job even paid for.
She thanked me profusely for being honest about the situation. She was so happy that since her obesity was medically related, she was able to access the help she needed through her insurance. The owner had to give her the money back because all of this happened within 72 hours. Though I did not get anything monetarily from this experience, I had the satisfaction of knowing that I “did no harm” and could feel good about myself and how I helped this lady find the right help.
I learned that everyone in the fitness and health business is not really interested in helping people. Many just want to get paid. It is only about the MONEY to them. I think that people will live more healthy lives and have a better quality of life by choosing a healthy lifestyle. It is my honor and privilege to serve them. My goal is to empower them so they don’t need me at all. I am looking forward to seeing the people I work with be transformed by the renewing of their minds, and the reclaiming of their health through physical fitness.
Thanks for listening.
Christallin, WOW thats a heck of a story! Unfortunately ive heard of similarly unqualified people in the fitness business. One overweight woman I know went to a personal trainer who put her through a boot camp style workout on day one. She developed rhabdomyolysis, which is very serious and causes the death of muscle cells. Im glad you did what you did to help those ladies!
Hydroxycut has been reformulated but in 2009 the FDA did issue a warning on the products here is the link http://www.fda.gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/ucm149575.htm
I am so happy that I read this website before I bought the product. Joe I was wondering if you have any advice on good weight loss products that actually work and that are good for you?
Hi Lucy, I get asked this question a lot and I wish I had a good answer for you. After looking at a lot of weight loss supplements to me they all seem to be the same thing for the most part with just different names. Ive written about this on my personal website here is the link http://www.joe-cannon.com/what-weight-loss-supplements-work/
There Ive also listed some ideas that might help other than weight loss supplements. I hope it helps 🙂
Okay, i bought this product before I read your review. Then came home put the bottle in the drawer for the next day and searched for reviews. Found this one and I was soooo bummed. But I thought, well, I am going to try it anyway and see how I feel the first day. I have used stuff that works and stuff that doesn’t. I don’t need magic in a bottle, just a light energy boost and a bit of appetite control for a bit until I am back in control of my eating habits….then i seem to do well on my own.
Okay. I took it AS DIRECTED. This is day one. I am telling you that the munchies are gone! I am not craving food. I am eating if I am hungry and I am just not really hungry. So, I am not a scientist or expert but I can tell you that I feel better today.
I feel more in control of my hunger and appetite. I am not craving carbs, or sugar … which is a biggie for me. I love breads and cheese and sugar. Not a good mix for the size of my behind. But today, not having that problem. I can look at bread and yogurt in the same way…and so when I was hungry it was more a what should I eat to make this work…not, Oh, my god, i have to have that….and maybe all of it! So, Kudos Bob. Thanks!
Jennifer glad it is working for you! Keep me posted on your progress 🙂
Joe and everyone:
I have just been told by my doctor that with careful care, close watching, and a small time on a medication my liver will be fine, well so long as I keep a close eye on it in the future, yes the rest of my life. She believes I should have it checked every six months from now on and to be careful not to over stress it with alcohol or over use of damaging medications. It will be almost like needing to check your blood sugar on a regular schedule for a diabetic.
The liver is a very durable organ but because this crap also damaged my kidneys a bit I will have to keep a close eye on both.
I have a very well known and highly qualified nutritionist tell me that any diet that you lose more than a pound or two a week on, is bad, period! Any weight you lose over that will come back very quickly.
By their professional knowledge and experience, all diets that say any of the following….. fast, easy, eat what you want, lose weight asleep, and the biggest one of all, is any diet that promises weight loss of more than three pounds a week.
She says weight is the easiest thing to control if you look at it from the right point of view, which is, “you are what you eat”, but more to the point, if you eat healthy your going to be healthy, if you eat crap you will feel like crap, if you eat more than you burn off, you gain weight, if you eat less than you burn, you lose weight, but the biggest thing is, if you eat a lot less than you burn, you are not getting the proper nutrition and your body will react and make you need to eat even more.
She would like people to know the very best diet is a simple formula, eat like you always do for a week or two and keep tract of the fat and calories you intake and the activities you do, along with the weight you gain or lose.
You then take all that and if you want to lose weight the magic number is 3%, so your diet should then be 3% less fat, 3% less calories, 3% more activities, or a total of 9%, you can vary your diet to satisfy your cravings by making one week a 6% reduction in calories, leaving the fat at normal, and a 3% increase of activities, or if it is a holiday week like thanksgiving, you can push everything into activities to 9%, now this is to stay at a safe level. Any higher percent, the higher it goes the greater probability you will gain it all back.
Now what you should eat isn’t that big of deal, just remember you are what you eat, so if all your calories and fat is in sweats and high fat foods you will not feel as good as you would if you ate a well balanced meal.
She also mentioned that you always hear these diet plans say “My energy went threw the roof” Totally false! Your energy level is and will always be what your body has from birth, the only thing is when you lose weight you don’t use as much energy to do things so your reserves go a lot further.
Any diet aid that makes your energy level higher than normal is extremely bad and should never be used, because there are things in it like caffeine or other things that zip up your levels and when you push your energy up you will rebound that far below normal at the end, which is very bad for your health.
So be smart, eat right, remember it took you time to put on the weight and it will take time to take it off, just remember the magic 3% number and you will always be successful and the weight will stay off.
Neal, I was just thinking about you and very glad you wrote back to let me know how you are doing! I am very glad things are not as bad as you wrote the first time but I understand that you will have be very mindful of things moving forward. Still, its a small price to pay in the grand scheme of things given all that you have been trough. I like the words of your nutritionist. Very logical and very easy to understand.
Keep me posted as you move forward with your health, and again, Im really glad things have gotten better 🙂
I lost 6lbs in almost 2 weeks since taking bob harper supplaments. I have changed my diet and exercise. The key is water and meal choices.
I really don’t think bob harper would put anything out there that want good..he’s got a great reputation..there however is and magic pill you must exercise eat right not take the product and eat a whole pizza and then take a nap…it,s a jump start and myself I’ve lost 58 pounds in two months great product..
Thanks for your input Viola and CONGRATS on losing 58 pounds!!!
Im trying to educate my self about this.I have never taken a diet pill or cleanser and need to loose 50lbs ..Joe plz help me out and tell me some good way. All my weight is from having kids.I eat very healthy and drink only water and well coffee but no sodas or juice…Plz get back I’m really stuck…
Kim, are you doing any type of exercise? If you could just do a 30 min walk a day, that would definitely help. Remember that weight loss for the most part is just due to a reduction in food. I dont think you need Bob Harpers supplement or any cleanse for that matter (remember the word cleanse is just fancy talk for laxative). I dont have a problem with coffee or water. What else are you eating?
A few things that will help you cut back on calories naturally include:
eat from smaller plates/bowels
have a snack before food shopping
when you eat, fill half the plate with fruits and veggies
have a glass of water before you eat
when you snack, grab the snacks from your non-dominate hand (if your right handed, use your left hand)
weigh yourself every day (I know that’s hard sometimes. some research finds its works)
Chew your food more times – give each bite 15 chews (chewing helps decrease ghrelin, a hormone that makes us hungry)
when you go out to eat look at the menu of the restaurant online and pick your food before the restaurant
Try not to eat past 7pm -this just keeps you from eating more
Have you had your thyroid checked? if its low that may make it harder to lose weight. Oddly, there seems to be a lot of hypothyroidism on the East Coast of the US. Nobody knows why.
A book I suggest you read is Mindless Eating. it was all about the crazy reasons about why we eat.
If you have I tunes, there are many free pod casts you can download and listen to when you walk/exercise. this can help you keep motivated. There is also I Tunes University which are college classes. its free. there are classes about nutrition exercise etc. Some are kind of boring but I enjoy them.
Kim there is really no easy way to lose weight. they make it seem like its easy but its not. I think if you try a few of these “tricks” they can help. it wont happen overnight but in a month you may be pleasantly surprised with what happens 🙂
Does any of that help Kim?
Nice review! Cannot believe that he is promoting Senna which is over the counter as Sennakot-a laxative. Really? Isn’t this what gets people in an unhealthy condition-abusing laxatives as a weight loss method? What is next-Ipecac so you can puke up those unwanted calories? Using laxatives as a weight loss solution is precisely what causes health problems. This is just a shame.
Barb I agree. All “cleanses ” sold as supplements are just laxatives. They are trendy products right now and that’s why many weight loss supplements also have “cleanse” versions.
Joe, I have used this product for the past two months and during the first month I did see improvement on my weight loss with this being the only thing I changed. I have been eating a very healthy 1300 to 1500 calorie diet combined with working out 4-5 days per week at the gym (cardio and weight training) I had hit a wall after losing 30 lbs and it helped me lose weight again 20 lbs during the first month. The second month I have been using the product has not been as effective.
Rich, Im guessing that as your body weight decreases, your metabolism also decreases. this is why its often harder to lose the last 5 pounds than the first 50 pounds.
I was looking around getting other evidence because I just was released from the hospital after becoming ill when using this product only to find that my liver is now ready to fail all together, the specialists has done some sort of tests to see if they could pinpoint the cause and determined the “active ingredients” in this dietary supplement it without a doubt the reason for my liver damage.
I first checked with a lawyer to see if I had a case and at first they said no however, I wanted to be the next “Jerrod”, so when I bought it, I documented every minute of my day and how I used it, the diet plan, and exercises that all came with the product, basically besides the time I slept, used the bathroom, and personal time with my partner. But all of my other activities was videoed and recorded, all my food was weighed and the preparation was also documented along with myself sitting down and consuming it.
Frankly I wanted to prove you could lose weight with this product along with getting the long term spokesperson rights to sell it, just as Jerrod did with Subway, and with people like Joe Cannon who try to warn people about the use of these dangerous products out here, I documented my use so well it could not be disputed.
And I apologize to Joe Cannon for my disbelief of his postings, now I can say everyone needs to listen to Joe because he knows these things can hurt you and in my case will likely result in a liver transplant in the near future so my life is now totally destroyed by my use of this product.
Don’t feel sorry for me, I really wanted to profit from this, but after this happened I am not a advocate to let people know these snake oil products should be avoided at all costs. Thankfully, after my lawyer looked over my documentation he checked with his partners and will be taking my case but not against the company who makes it but against Bob Harper for his participation in sale of the product.
I am told that even that the company is carefully protected from being liable the spokes person is not, in reality, Bob Harper was paid for his endorsement of this product, which by law means he was hired to sell a product he needed to check to see if it could harm anyone, being that he either did not check or did and liked the money more, it, by law, makes him liable for causing a person bodily harm either by direct or indirect knowledge but still make him responsible and also could end up with a prison sentence for manslaughter or attempted manslaughter for hire. Which could put him behind bars for a very long time.
My lawyer told me that my involvement should be mainly compensation for my injury, which will be very expensive now and in the future when a transplant is needed along with the health complications I will now have the rest of my life, and not really one I like to think about is my early death., ALL BECAUSE I DIDN’T LISTEN TO JOE!
I didn’t listen to Joe and now I am paying the price, thankfully I have a way to deal with it and can come out on top because the lawyers is treating this as intentional manslaughter.
I also have been told that with all the problems these products are causing and how the companies are really getting away with murder in some cases, the government is setting up a division of the FDA that will now have the authority to regulate these “snake oil” products and regulating the advertising claims made by these companies basically making them totally responsible for the products they sell, which currently are not regulated because the ingredients used all into a nutritional supplement category and is mad of things that the public can obtain by them selves without any professional advice but with all the dangerous combinations that people are unaware of this new division to the FDA is needed to protect the public from this kind of scam.
So listen to Joe, don’t kill yourself, don’t make yourself sick, and most of all, know this proven fact, it took you years to put all that weight on and it will take a lot of time to lose it safely, you cannot get a quick fix. I have been there done that and I am so sorry for not listening to Joe.
Keep up the good work Joe, I will always send people your way, for the truth. I would also like to point out to anyone reading this post. In my experience with this product, I believe anyone that tries this product is out of their minds and should get what they will when using this product.
It almost killed me so if you don’t believe Joe, I have been there I know, don’t to it! and let everyone you know not to do it as well. If no one buys the product the company will stop making it and no one will ever get sick or die from a product that only is designed to feed on the desperate people who use it.
Neal, oh my goodness I am so sorry to read what happened to you!!! Neal how long did you take Bob Harpers supplement? There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the next “Jarrod” so please dont beat yourself up over that. Also the liver has a very good ability to heal itself so maybe you might not need a liver transplant. Please do keep in close contact with your doctor about your liver is working and I will be saying prayers that you do get better.
Hi Joe
Thanks for informing about this product. I just started the product today and my stomach feels like crap. I will not be taking this product anymore! Thanks!
Glad to help Kim 🙂