Update 8/1/20. Bob Harper of the Biggest Loser, is saying in TV commercials when it comes to weight loss “it's as simple as 1,2,3: eat right, be active and try my new Smart Weight Loss formula”. Really? I've heard about eating right and exercise but what about Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss Formula? Does Bob know something about weight loss the rest of us don’t? I was intrigued, especially when Bob uttered my two favorite words (next to Star Trek!) – Clinical research. According to Bob, his Smart Weight Loss Formula is backed up by two clinical studies. I did some digging into this supplement and uncovered some interesting facts. Let’s now take a look at Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss Formula and see if we can figure out if it’s right for you.
Smart Success Weight Loss products

If you go to BobHarperSmartSuccess.com you see that his weight loss formula is actually 3 different products:
- Smart Weight Loss 7 day starter kit
- Smart Weight Loss Formula
- Smart 7 Day Cleanse (this product contains senna which can be very dangerous. I do not recommend)
I'm going to focus mostly on the Smart Weight Loss Formula first and briefly review the other products at the end of this review.
Smart Weight Loss Formula Ingredients
- Vitamin C 7mg (useless for weight loss)
- Calcium 175 mg (useless for weight loss)
“Invigorate Energy Blend” (455 mg). This contains the following:
- Coffee extract (probably helps weight loss)
- Pomegranate powder (no proof it helps weight loss)
- Goji powder (no proof it helps weight loss)
Trim Smart Blend
- Frauenmantel extract (Alchemilla Vulgaris leaf)
- Wild olive extract (Olea Europea leaf)
- Cormino extract (Cuminum cyminum seed)
- Horsemint extract (Mentha longifolia leaf)
Smart Weight Loss Clinical Studies
Now let’s look at the two clinical studies Bob Harper says supports his weight loss formula. These clinical studies are summarized on the Smart Weight Loss website. Here is basically what they say:
Study 1
12-week randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Subjects using the “key ingredients” in the Smart Weight Loss Formula lost an average of 20.94 lbs. versus the placebo group, who lost an average of 1.70 lbs. Both groups followed a calorie-reduced diet.
Here is what they don’t say about this study.
- Where is the study published? There is no reference so people can go and read the study themselves. This is a big problem in my opinion.
There is a big difference between “clinical study” and “Published peer reviewed study”. Without letting other researchers look over how the study was done, how do we know the study is not flawed?
- How many people were in this study? 10, 20, 100? They don’t tell us. This is another big problem because if the study only had a small number of people, it reduces the likelihood that others would see the same results.
- How many calories did people eat? They only say people ate a reduced-calorie diet.
- What was the placebo? They dont tell us. This is important. If the people getting the placebo knew they were not getting the real supplement, they may have cheated more on their diet, thinking “what’s the use?” Placebo choice can make or break a study.
- How much of the weight lost was body fat? They only say that people who took the Smart Weight Loss supplement lost 20.94 pounds. My question is 20.94 pounds of what?

Was it 20.94 pounds of fat?
Was it 20.94 pounds of water?
Was it 20.94 pounds of muscle?
They don’t tell us.
I have no proof but I am guessing that the 20.94 pounds is a combination of some fat, carbs, and water (carbs store lots of water) and maybe a little protein. That’s basically what you see when people go on a diet.
- How did they measure body fat? If they are saying people lost 20.94 pounds of fat, how did the researchers measure it? They don’t tell us. Somebody fat measurements can be pretty inaccurate.
- Who did the study? They say it was a “third party” but that’s vague. It’s implied this means an independent lab did the research but since they don’t specifically say it, we can’t assume this.
Study 2
This study lasted 8 weeks and was backed by the company that makes Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss supplements. That’s not bad as long as the research is good and the company did not influence the results.
This study was also a randomized, placebo-controlled study. That's good. People using the same key ingredients lost 16.5 pounds (those taking the placebo lost 1.73 lbs).
Again, they don’t tell us a lot about this study either:
- It looks like this is not a published/peer-reviewed study
- What was the placebo?
- How many people were in the study?
The weight loss study Bob doesn't tell you about.
According to Bob Harper's website the “key ingredients” in his Smart Weight loss Formula are:
- Frauenmantel extract (Alchemilla Vulgaris leaf)
- Wild olive extract (Olea europaea leaf)
- Cormino extract (Cuminum cyminum seed)
- horsemint extract
There is a reason why Bob calls them the “key ingredients” – and here it is.
In 2008, there was a study published in the journal, Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The study was NOT on Bob Harper's weight loss formula.
Researches were actually testing if another supplement called WeighLevel to see if it helped. The WeighLevel supplement also has the 4 “key ingredients”– and had them at least 3 years BEFORE Bob Harper's supplements. The Weight Level supplement may be discontinued as it cannot be located.
As far as I can tell, this is the ONLY study of these 4 ingredients that has been published in a scientific journal (Remember, the clinical studies touted in Bob'sLoss Formula seem to be unpublished and not peer-reviewed).
Other Smart Weight Loss Products
Bob’s weight loss formula has 3 separate products:
- Smart Weight Loss 7 day Cleanse supplement
Here is the scoop on the other 2 products
The Smart Weight Loss 7 Day Cleanse
This product contains senna which is a laxative. For more on senna see these reviews
Senna was one of the main active ingredients in the weight loss supplement Zi Xiu Tang Bee Pollen. The 7 Day Cleanse also contains Acai fruit which is useless for weight loss.
See the reviews on the Acai Berry Diet and Fact about Acai Berry.
The Smart Weight Loss Starter Kit
This is basically the same thing as the Smart Weight Loss Formula. It has 2 parts – an AM formula and a PM formula. Both contain the same 4 “key ingredients” except that the AM formula also has caffeine (coffee extract) and some other things that do nothing for weight loss.
To be fair, the ingredients in Bob's supplements pale in comparison to the supplements that Jillian Michaels was previously associated with.
The Smart Weight Loss TV Commercial
I watched the Bob Harper TV commercial and I noticed something interesting.
During the commercial Bob says “its key ingredients have proven in two clinical studies”.
Have proven? Have proven what?
Notice Bob does not say its key ingredients “have been proven to cause weight loss” in two clinical studies.
Bob just says the key ingredients “have proven in”. The way Bob says it, the sentence makes no sense and is vague.
Was that an error? Was it fancy Hollywood editing to get around FDA red tape?
Also notice in the TV commercials nobody ever says “the product causes weight loss”.
Instead, they say “It really works”.
Saying it really works is vague language that’s used frequently in supplement ads to tap dance around the law and make people think something promotes weight loss.
Some may think my securitizing of Bob’s words are petty, but I need to do this because of who Bob Harper is. He’s on a hit TV show and is famous. People will take his words as gospel because they like Bob. Heck, I like Bob too!
During the commercial, you meet “Erin” who says “I lost 23 pounds the Smart Way”. Other people are also shown in TV commercials.
But if you read the words at the bottom of the screen you see that these people also:
- Went on a diet and exercised
- And were PAID for their testimonials!
How much did they exercise? How many calories did they eat per day? How long did it take to lose weight? These are important questions because if you don’t do the same thing, odds are you won’t see the same results.
Does It Work?
I have many questions about the clinical studies Bob Harper mentions as proof of his Smart Weight Loss Formula. As I've shown you, the only published study on the “key ingredients” appears to be on a totally different weight loss supplement.
Bere is Bob Harpers Smart Weight Loss on Amazon.
What do you think?
I started using this product a few months back and I got to say it works pretty good , I lost 30 + pounds .
Sensguy did you only use the product or did you use in in conjunction with changing your diet and exercising more?
Thank you for your honesty. Very respectful writeup.
thanks for the article. I am not a biggest loser fanatic but will watch it from time to time. You’re right, my first thought when watching his commercial was “Hey, this sounds like it works. It’s the guy from the biggest loser”. I never picked up on any of the details you described. I seriously considered purchasing his product but wanted to do a little research. I came across your article and enjoyed reading it. Thank you.
Steene, thanks for the feedback I’m happy I could help you 🙂
I am grateful for this blog, I was considering this product due to the claim; no change in daily activity needed. I have been disabled for a year now so exercise is almost impossible, I follow a good diet but continue to gain weight. I was wondering if anyone would have suggestions for helping me loose weight.
Keep up the great work on investigating on products, I am a big believer in researching what you put in your body.
Thanks agin ;}
Hi Tracy, Im glad I have been able to help you. While I dont know the nature of your disability, If you are able to use your arms, have you ever heard of an Upper Body Ergometer (we call it the the “U B E” for short). With this you use your arms to get an aerobic workout. If you can use your legs a recumbent bike may be something to consider. Pretty much all health clubs have recumbent bikes and most fitness stores like Leisure Fitness, Gym Source etc sell them. Sears sells some good recumbent bikes also.
One thing that can help you cut calories is to eat from smaller plates and bowels and drink from taller glasses. Research has shown that when we do this it helps weight loss. I remember meeting someone years ago who told me she lost 50 pounds by just eating all of her food from a coffee saucer.
Have you talked to your doctor about wanting to lose weight? Your doctor may have some ideas about local facilities (hospital fitness centers) ect that can help you. Some of these options may be covered by your insurance/Medicare, or be low cost -or maybe free.
I hope some of this helps Tracy.
I can answer your questions because I have used this product. These testimonials are based on a 12 or 18 week process that consists of not only the Bob Harper supplements but of course diet and exercise.
If someone expects to lose 20 or more pounds just on taking a pill then they are horribly uneducated on the weight loss process. Furthermore if it were that easy everyone would be skinny! Myself as well as the others that have used this product also exercised 5 days a week for 1-2 hours at a time and we also ate healthy.
Cutting out salt for me was the most effective part of the diet. Bob’s whole system is not just about the pills, he educates you on the right ways to eat. He also provides tips along the way such as “Don’t drink your calories unless it’s a protein shake” things like that.
When you combine everything you get results period. For me personally the pills gave me the extra energy I needed to complete a day of work at the office and still be able to go to the gym after wards. I found that It was equivalent to a cup of coffee.
So All I did was cut out the coffee. Any way I just wanted to respectfully put in my 2 sense because I am speaking from personal experience. I lost 30 lbs. 🙂
Sherease, congratulations on losing 30 pounds. You say that you worked out 1-2 hours a day. Have you compared how much you lost in a month if you just worked out 1-2 hours a day vs 1-2 hours a day while using Bobs supplements? I only say this because I just dont want you to not give yourself most of the credit for doing what you did. The tips from Bob you mentioned sound wise and I believe they will help. I am just not convinced that Bobs supplements offer any advantage over you doing what you have been doing.
As I said to someone else, there are many roads to weight loss. I am really glad that you found a road that works for you 🙂
Well guess I’m odd girl out. I use the product, it is helping me lose weight – helping control my appetite and gets me going in the morning……I’m gonna keep taking it! I eat normal portions and exercise 3 times a week – 25 lbs and counting!
GoodTxGirl, not at all, I’m glad its helping you and as I said there is at least one study on the ingredients, even if the study is on another supplement. There are many roads to weight loss. The important thing is that I’m glad you found a road that is working for you – and congratulations on 25 lbs lost!!! 🙂
Marjie, good to hear from ya! PR people never send me any stuff to try 😉
I’ll keep you posted if anything else turns up. Did you see in the comments that someone noticed that the same research study used for Bobs product is also used to tout the benefits of Hydroxycut. It’s the same study at the bottom of the screen. I found that very interesting.
Hi Joe!
After being sent these same products by their PR people, went online to take a look at the studies….and came across your blog about it. I could not agree with you more!
Keep up the great job, and let me know if you are successful in obtaining more details about these claims, as couldn’t even find contact info for the company.
Take care!
Lisa, thanks for letting me know the Bob Harper weight loss supplement commercial is still being shown on TV. I have not seen it in my area for a while so i was wondering if he came to his senses. I’m saddened it still being sold. I still see it in WalMart etc. I didn’t know Bob Harper was not a vegan.
I’m glad i was able to help in a small way and appreciate your words.
I too would like to extend my thanks for this piece. Hadn’t seen the commercials until a few days ago, and I thought perhaps there was finally a vegan supplement since it was promoted by a supposed vegan (I’ve since learned he’s not even vegan). Like others have mentioned, I thought it might be a decent product, but further research, including your article, shows it’s yet another money-making scam. Shame.
I dont know Bob and have no idea how to get a hold of him. Bob is always free to comment.
Comment about your review. I agree with your research and your point your are proving,but why don’t you ask Bob himself and get this cleared up? Do you think he will blow your comments and research off like most famous people do? Or will he answer your questions with as little information as possible with a full 360 turn around without ever answering the question. I would like to hear back and see what your results are because I am interested in the feedback you will get.
Felicia, yes I wish you read my review sooner also! Id agree Bobs stuff does not seem to be as bad as Jillian’s supplements so at least you choose the “better” of the two…
Thank you for posting this review. I am one of the suckers that purchased this! It sounded better than Jillian’s supplements so I decided to give it a shot. But it sounds like it’s just more hogwash. Wish I had read this review earlier! Oh well…hopefully taking a week’s worth of the product will not endanger me.
Brittney, my pleasure and glad I could help 🙂
Thank you for taking the time and actually going into great detail about this product. When I first saw the commercial, I thought that this was actually going to be a safe, effective weight-loss program… and it was mainly because it was Bob promoting it.
I was a little skeptical when it got to the end of the commercial with those infamous pictures and “I’m Carrie from Texas and I lost 30lbs – it works great!”. Really? The picture is so obviously Photoshopped, it’s ridiculous.
But anyway, thank you for this post. The info is extremely helpful. I think if anybody wants that extra boost when dieting and exercising, Alli seems like it’d be good (although, I’ve never tried it myself- but it is FDA approved). I personally like Michael Thurmond’s diet plan, it worked for me.
Mon, well I’m glad you found me anyway 🙂
I read the review after, I brought this scam, I will not be taking any of this, I thought this was natural. Thank you anyway for keeping people informed $20 gone down the drain
Sandra, really glad I could help you! I dont know why personal trainers try to sell supplements when they get famous. Most personal trainers know almost nothing about supplements.
Thank you for your research! I unfortunately get sucked in to every new weight loss fad, although I always seek out reviews before purchasing anything. It’s disheartening to realize that even a great role model like Bob Harper can promote a weight loss supplement that can potentially be harmful.
This is a good reminder that no pill can compare to exercise and a healthy diet! 🙂