“Blood pressure is the slow silent killer. AvaLowerin can help”. Oh really? Actually, it’s high blood pressure that is the silent killer, not “blood pressure” as they say on the AvaLowerin website. Not all blood pressure is bad. Think about it; ya gotta have some blood pressure to stay alive right? This, and some of the ingredients in this product, was what prompted me to write this AvaLowerin review.
What is AvaLowerin?
AvaLowerin is a supplement that’s supposed to lower your blood pressure. AvaLowerin is made by company Health Center for Better Living located in Naples Florida. This company actually sells many products on their website HCBL.com. The company has Better Business Bureau rating of F when I wrote this review. There were 135 complaints in the last 3 years. See the BBB file for more information.
The rating is probably the result of complaints about many products, not specifically AvaLowerin complaints. Most complaints had to do with advertising/sales issues, billing/collection issues and problems with a product/service. All complaints appear to have been closed/ rectified on the BB website.
AvaLowerin Ingredients
One capsule of AvaLowerin contains the following ingredients
% DV | |
Vitamin B12 333 mcg | 5555.70% |
Folic acid, folate 2687 mcg | 66.8% |
Magnesium 66.6 mg | 10.7% |
Potassium 66 mg | 1.8% |
Vitamin B1 16.7 mg | 1518.2% |
Vitamin B6 16.7 mg | 1284.6% |
Proprietary blend containing: | |
Deodorized garlic powder | |
L carnitin fumarate | |
Ginger root | |
Hawthorn berry extract | |
Cayenne pepper | |
Kelp | |
L seleno methionine |
mcg = micrograms. mg = milligrams
Notice that they do not tell you how much of the “proprietary blend” is in AvaLowerin. While most supplement labels do not disclose the actual amount of each ingredient in proprietary blends, they usually do tell us how much all those ingredients add up to. AvaLowerin doesn't. They should tell us this.
Vitamin B12. I'm not aware of B12 having any significant blood pressure lowering effect. I've never seen a study where B12 lowered blood pressure in humans.
Folic Acid. The AvaLowerin website says it has “Folic acid, folate”. But which is it? Folic acid is not the same as folate. Folic acid is the synthetic form of the vitamin, while folate is the natural form. Are they saying that AvaLowering has both folic acid and folate? I’m not sure.
For more info, here are 3 facts about folic acid most people don’t know.
Magnesium. There is some evidence to support a magnesium might lower blood pressure mildly in people with high blood pressure. One problem is that it often takes more magnesium that AvaLowerin contains. Also, the blood pressure lowering effect seems greatest for diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number of blood pressure) than systolic blood pressure (the top number).
Potassium. Research suggests that potassium can lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure. The research is strongest for foods that have potassium (fruits and veggies have lots of potassium). The effect of potassium supplements and blood pressure is less studied but in theory they may have some effect. AvaLowerin only provides about 2% of your daily value for potassium. That’s not a lot. As such, I don’t feel its potassium content would have any significant effect on lowering blood pressure in most people.
Potassium rich foods are one of the main parts of the Dash Diet. The link I provided is a free pdf ebook on the DASH Diet.
Here is the official DASH Diet website if you want to know more.
Vitamin B1. In theory Thiamin (B1) may have a blood pressure lowering effect if too much is used. AvaLowerin does have 16.2 mg of B1. The usual adult intake is much less – about 1.2 mg per day. Is this enough to lower blood pressure in adults? I am not sure.
So, for all these vitamins, it looks like potassium and vitamin B1 might have the most BP lowering effects – followed, maybe, by magnesium.
Let’s look now at the proprietary blend of ingredients in AvaLowerin
Deoordized garlic. There is evidence that garlic can lower blood pressure (both the top and bottom numbers) in those who have high blood pressure. But I am skeptical of “odorless garlic” because I can’t find any good proof that odorless garlic works the same as regular, smelly garlic.
Blood pressure has two parts to it. The numbers are written as a fraction. The systolic blood pressure is the “top number” and diastolic blood pressure is the “bottom number”. So, if your BP was 120/80, that means your systolic pressure is 120 and diastolic pressure is 80.
L carnitin fumarate. This is actually a typo on the AvaLowerin website. I can’t find anything when I search for “Carnitin” so I think they are referring to Carnitine.
While preliminary research hints that L carnitine might help some people with heart disease, I can’t find anything that it lowers blood pressure. They may have added carnitine to AvaLowerin because heart disease and high blood pressure often go hand in hand, but I can’t be sure.
Carnitine was also one of the ingredients in the memory booster supplement Procera. check out my Procera review for more info that that product.
Ginger. At least one study – in rats – found that ginger lowered blood pressure. One rat study is not enough for me to think it does the same thing in people. If it does, how much do you need? This is unknown. Some speculate that ginger has effects like calcium channel blockers. As such, it has the potential to interact with various heart drugs.
Ginger sometimes is found in diabetes supplements. For example ginger was in Diab X and other products Ive reviewed on this website.
Hawthorn. The AvaLowerin website states that “The main ingredient is Hawthorn Berry”. If so, then why is Hawthorn listed as 4th from the bottom of the list of ingredients?
That means there is probably not a lot of hawthorn in AvaLowerin – and that’s good because hawthorn can alter heart function. As such, it may be dangerous if people are taking medications.
Be very cautious of hawthorn if you take any medications for heart disease or high blood pressure. Ask your doctor before using. I can’t say this more strongly.
The AvaLowerin website also says that “Parsley Leaf has also been shown to promote the flow of blood through arteries and veins”. But Parsley is not listed among the AvaLowerin ingredients. Why do they mention it then? If you find out, let me know.
Cayenne pepper. Very preliminary research hints that cayenne may cause an opening up of blood vessels (vasodilation). This may mean that cayenne might help lower blood pressure but at least one study finds cayenne pepper does not work.
Cayenne pepper is also one of the ingredients in the weight loss shake Right Size Smoothies
Kelp. Kelp has iodine and iodine helps us make thyroid hormone. Ironically use of iodine supplements has been found to be associated with low thyroid output (hypothyroidism). That said, while many know that thyroid hormone helps regulate the metabolism, it also can effect blood pressure. The big question is are you low in iodine. See the next section…
How To Test Your Iodine Levels
As was reported in the book, The Fatigue Solution, by endocrinologist, Dr Eva Cwynar it's possible to see if you are low in iodine. Get some USP tincture of iodine (not the clear version) and paint a 3 inch circle on your skin. The skin will look red/orange when you apply the iodine tincture. If the color disappears in 1-3 hours, you may be lacking in iodine. If, it takes 4-6 hours for the color to go away, your iodine levels are probably OK. Here is tincture of iodine on Amazon.com. Remember, do not drink this brand of iodine! If you feel you are deficient in iodine, go to your doctor for a more accurate test of your iodine levels.
L seleno methionine. This is just a fancy word for the mineral selenium. It’s selenium attached to the amino acid methionine. They bind the two together to increase absorption of selenium. One study noted that low levels of selenium may increase high blood pressure risk in men. Selenium is the very last ingredient listed in AvaLowerin so it probably does not have a lot.
Can You Take AvaLowerin With Medications?
I was very surprised to see that on the AvaLowerin website it says “Yes, Avalowerin can be taken with prescription medications”. I 100% disagree with this statement. AvaLowerin has not been tested for how it interacts with prescription medications –or other supplements – you may be taking.
The AvaLowerin website also states “FDA constantly monitors herbal supplement labeling”. Labeling? What does labeling have to do with herbal safety? The FDA does not test herbs for safety or how they interact with medications or other supplements.
AvaLowerin Side Effects
Since people with high blood pressure may be taking medications for high blood pressure – and other health issues – it really is best to speak to your doctor before using AvaLowerin. Print up this review and show it to your doctor so they can see the ingredients in AvaLowerin. I'm going to list a few of the potential side effects below but these are theoretical and based on what I think might happen in some people. Also keep in mind that other side effects may exist.
- Garlic might interact with many medications including heart medications, chemotherapy drugs and even Tylenol.
- Ginger might in theory interact with calcium channel blocker drugs and other heart /blood pressure medications.
- Hawthorn may interfere / interact with many medications. Speak to doctor before using hawthorn.
- Kelp might alter the effectiveness of blood thinner drugs and medications like synthroid that are used to treat low thyroid.
AvaLowerin Research
The AvaLowerin website states “Proof Positive-Published Scientific Studies Show These Ingredients Work!” But what they don’t say is that there is no published scientific proof that AvaLowerin works.
There is a big difference between studies on the individual ingredients in AvaLowerin and the AvaLowerin itself.
Also notice they didn’t say “these ingredients lower blood pressure!”. Rather, they just said they “work”. I'm splitting hairs here but I want to point this out.
Saying “it lowers blood pressure” it making a drug-claim, which is illegal in the US. So, they tap-dance around the law by saying “it works”.
How Much Does It Cost?
When I viewed the AvaLowerin website on 9/1/11, it said that a 3 month supply costs 29.96 per bottle. This means each bottle costs $29.96. Each bottle lasts 1 month so a 3 month supply will cost 29.96 x 3 = $89.88. That is $359.25 per year. I'm giving you the per year amount because they say that AvoLowerin is supposed to be taken “long term”. I’m cheap but I think that’s a lot of money. It’s actually costs less to join Planet Fitness (exercise helps reduce blood pressure too).
For those who are interested here is AvaLowerin on Amazon to compare prices.
How do I return AvaLowerin
The AvaLowerin website states that “You can return all empty and unused portions within one year of purchase for a refund or exchange. We do not pay for return postage. Please include a note with your return explaining the reason for the return and whether you want a refund or an exchange”. The number to call for customer service is 1-800-544-4225.
How to Naturally Lower Blood Pressure?
There are things that you can do to help reduce your blood pressure that have far more proof than AvaLowerin. Just some of the things you can do right now to naturally lower your blood pressure include reducing the salt (sodium) in the food you eat and eating more potassium rich foods. Stopping smoking also will help a lot. Losing weight – even just a few pounds – can significantly lower blood pressure too. Getting some physical activity –just a 20 minute walk – most days of the week can also help lower blood pressure.
Does Avalowerin Work?
While it’s hard to tell for sure because AvaLowerin has never been tested in a lab to see if it really does lower blood pressure in people, in theory, there may be something to it. Some of the ingredients may modestly help reduce blood pressure in some people but it’s hard to say either way. Blood pressure is a complex issue. High blood pressure can be caused by many things so it’s possible that in some people AvaLowerin may work, while in others, it may not work at all.
While I am sure some people will try AvaLowerin, I want to point out that all supplements work best when combined with other healthy habits.
Here is AvaLowerin on Amazon for those who want to read comments from others and avoid auto shipments.
What do you think?
I have been taking Avalowerin for three months now. First month not much change. During the second month BP began coming down. Before Avalowerin 130/85 to 160/100. Now it is consistently 115/70 to 130/80. I will be using it for the foreseeable future. First supplement I have ever used with such remarkable measurable results.
I tried avalowerin for 30 days. Previously i was taking garlic, fish oil, magnesium with L-threonate. That reduced my BP from 170 over 108, to the 150s over lower 100s. I stopped that while taking the avalowerin because I wanted to know what it by itself might do. Upper 130s to low 140s “over” upper 80s to lower 90s on avalowerin for me. I am interested in trying the celery mentioned above.
Hi. I stopped all alcohol 3 months ago. I was hitting 5 or 6 ozs per day Mainly Irish or bourbon, some wine. Reason i stopped was i didn’t like where I was headed. I continued to exercise about an hour a day, combo of moderate aerobics and free weights. My ordinary diet was and is pretty good– no sodas or potato chips.
Bottom line was I dropped 12 lbs in 6 weeks and dropped from 145/80 to 125/70. cheers
Jenna, thanks! Glad you found me and sorry it took an hour to do it. On some products I show up on the first page of Google ect. I guess my Avalowerin review is not one of them. Hopefully in time it will be 🙂
do you klnow if the ingedients are kosher
Beky, I dont remember seeing anything about the ingredients in AvaLowerin being kosher. I tried to find the answer but didn’t see anything either way. I think if you called their customer service they could probably answer this for you. if you find out, do let me know. I’m curious too now.
I think Im going to try it for a month. I can always get me money back if it doesn’t work. I will keep you all posted on this.
I have been on Avalowerin now for almost 4 months and did see a significant change in my blood pressure, after months of trying to lower it on my own. Was it the Avalowerin or just the changes in my diet finally kicking in, I can’t be sure, at some point I may have to stop taking it to see what happens to my blood pressure.
I guess all I would say is, before I went on any blood pressure medication, I would certainly recommend giving this a try. But with that you really need to monitor your salt intake, it is amazing how much salt is in everything out there.
I found two free Apps for my phone very helpful, Sodium Tracker and BP Companion. If and when I ever decide to see what happens if I stop taking Avalowerin I will report back my results.
Lee thanks for mentioning those free apps! Im glad your blood pressure became better too!! 🙂
Another update, my last 10 reading average has dropped now to 129/76, the numbers continue to drop, I am almost to my new goal of 125/70.
lee thats fantastic!!
am eighty in a couple a month or so suffered hbp for years. all md tablets made me feel realy ill.so i tried celery and two bananas a day. my check yesterday,127 over 72.all i need now is something to give my sex life a little help.any thing u can suggest but not viagra.two friends used it .they went to bed forgot to wake up.
mike i suggest you talk to your doctor. he/she will be able to give you the best advice about this.
My BP shot up recently after taking HBP meds for 6 years. I eat very little salt-don’t add any to cooking, eat very healthy, exercise and meditate. I am gonna give this product a chance, 33 days, and report back to this website.
Just an update, my last 10 reading average has dropped to 131/80. Most readings now in the 120s instead of the 140s, and the spikes are in the 140s instead of the 160s. Jury’s still out, but it sure seems to be helping.
I wonder if there would be a similar blood pressure lowering effect if the ingredients were taken separately, since there were no studies to test them together. It would certainly be a lot less expensive. Also, without a double blind study, a placebo effect cannot be ruled out.
This review sounds somewhat like sour grapes. “Vitamin B12. I’m not aware of B12 having any significant blood pressure lowering effect. I’ve never seen a study where B12 lowered blood pressure in humans.” B12 is recommended for heart patients because it makes your blood less stick and flow easier, seems to me that would make it easier for your heart to pump your blood.
I am not seeing anything here saying Avalowerin is bad for you. I also can’t find anything on the net from anyone saying it didn’t work. You certainly can’t say that about blood pressure medications, between the side effects and now the issues they have found with some of the first medications they came out with, what will they find 10 years from know with the new ones they have now.
I watch my mother who had low blood pressure for years now struggle with the side effects of her blood pressure medication, she is in better physical shape than most and eats very healthy. I watch another friend who has been on high blood pressure medication for years, now suddenly struggle because her medication no longer works and she’s playing the lets try this medication or combination of medication game.
So when my doctor told me 4 months ago I had high blood pressure, 140 to 160 and gave me 5 months to get it down I took it seriously. I cut my salt intake by 1/2 or 2/3 to 1900mg a day, just couldn’t do 1500mg and I knew it, continued to walk a half hour a day, lost a little weight, but I have not been able to get readings below 138.
A little over 2 weeks ago I took my first Avalowerin, with in the last few days I had a 127/83 and yesterday a 124/74, that is the first time the Diastolic has been under 80. So I just ordered another 3 month supply. I can’t say for sure Avalowerin works, but I think what I’m suddenly seeing in my blood pressure readings make it worth continuing for now.
A few last items, the cost per year if you bought two, 6 month supplies would be under $207 per year. I would also say that if anyone were on high blood pressure medication I would not start taking Avalowerin without consulting your doctor, or stopping your high blood pressure medication, that could be fatal. I hope to prove my doctor wrong, his last words to me were, you will most likely end up on high blood pressure medication. Thanks so much for the encouragement.
P.S. I will try and remember to follow up on how I make out as to the benefits or non-benefits of Avalowerin.
Lee, thanks for commenting. I was not trying to write a “sour grapes” review of Avalowerin but rather present it in a way that was free of hype that often surrounds supplements. I did not say that vitamin B12 had a blood pressure lowering effect but rather I said that I was not aware of any proof that it did reduce lower blood pressure, hence questioning why it would be in this supplement. nevertheless, I also did say “there maybe something to it” based on its ingredients, something that you seem to be corroborating with the results you are seeing with your own blood pressure. Do keep me posted on what happens Lee as i am very curious – and glad that so far, your BP seems to be going down.
In response to ‘Susie’- perhaps the bp meds ARE cheaper, but in the long run they do more harm to your body than supplements.I was just recently put on the same bp meds as yourself, but I am taking my health into my own hands, because I realize I DON”T want to stay on med the rest of my life. I am now juicing and eating mostly fruits and vegs, along with working out and walking, I am feeling good ,and my BP is coming down.
There is no medication which will not eventually harm the body, -God did not create us to exist on man-made medicines when He gave us foods to keep us healthy.I admit, yesterday it was difficult to pass on my grandson’s birthday cake, but one teeny bite to be polite.It isn’t easy to change, but it Can be done!.
Thank you so much for your excellent research!
I really appreciate you looking into this, and enjoyed every word of your article. I will RUN from these!
It’s shocking how many ads there are for miracle cures to the woes of our modern lifestyle, and we all want quick fixes…but nothing beats a healthy diet and lifestyle.
But I will definitely look for you the next time I see a miracle health supplement!
Thank you!!!
stan, thanks! I’m glad I can help:)
(29.96/30)= .9966 cents or nearly one dollar, the cost of one pill per day
99.66 cents x 365= $363.76 a year.
I love that they claim this is cheaper than blood pressure meds. My high blood pressure is well controlled with Lisinipril, an old but effective prescription med. My total cost?
$40.56 per year (Wal-Mart, $10 for 90 days; $10/90=cost of one pill per day [11.11 cents x 365])+
two doctor’s visits a year, at a cost of $45 each (cash) + $85 for blood tests
for a total of $215.56 per year, about 60% of the cost of the “cheaper”, “natural” supplements, plus my blood pressure is *actually* under control, plus I see a doctor twice a year and get blood tests. Sure, I’d love to do it without pills, but if I’m going to use pills, I want the ones that have been double-blind tested.
These are all 2011 Texas, USA prices, YMMV
Also, even if shipping is free for the supplements, gasoline and wear and tear on my car for four pharmacy visits and two doctor’s visits doesn’t cost $148.20 a year, so the blood pressure meds are still substantially cheaper.
I discovered celery to be a great natural blood pressure reducer by accident. I began eating a couple stalks of celery with peanut butter for lunch and my BP dropped about 15%.
To test the result, I stopped eating celery and after a few days it increased back to the 140/80 range. Then it fell again after I began eating it again. So I googled Celery+blood pressure and sure enough there is actual research and proof it works.
Celery is rich in potassium and phthalide. Phthalide is a compound which helps to give celery its unique aroma and taste and works by relaxing smooth muscles in the vessel walls causing them to dilate and allow blood to flow more easily.
Taking a small bit of celery seed (1/4 teaspoon) each day seems to work as well.
Here’s one link:
Pete thanks that’s interesting. I did go to the site you mentioned. i wish they would have linked to some research to substantiate the effect of celery on high blood pressure but regardless of the research, I am glad it has worked for you.
There is lots of research about celery. It is an old Chinese remedy going back thousands of years. Also, beets, potatoes and Rooibos tea. All scientifically proven to have compounds in them that act just like blood pressure meds. I am very opposed to meds so I found out about these foods online and did the research to see if the claims were proven – they are. Worked for me.
And as Joe said, important not to have more than about 1,000 mg of salt a day and to exercise (walk) about a 1/2 each day minimum. And use relaxation and deep breathing techniques several times a day.
Cynthia, funny you should mention beets. I was driving to the gym this moring listening to “Doctor Radio” on XM satellite radio and someone called in asking about beets and blood pressure. The doctor said there is no proof for it however because but beets are a vegetable and likely have some potassium, its possible that they may help if they are part of a healthy low sodium diet. Same is true about celery also.
The thing is that I dont think there is any one special/magical food out there to help lower blood pressure but as a rule fruits and veggies are all good for many reasons in addition to their potassium and magnesium content. they all have natural antioxidants (the colors in the food are the antioxidants) that help in many ways. They also help us lose weight and weight loss can also help weight loss.
I am really glad your blood pressure is under control Cynthia. You made my day 🙂
I dont agree with your comments re ‘hawthorne’. All of Europe has been using the flower and berries in teas for many centuries. Exceptionally helpful in reducing high cholesterol. My total cholesterol was 225, but with a good ratio of 2.9, nevertheless, when i discovered what my total cholesterol was, I begun drinking hawthorn tea every night before going to bed. My total cholesterol now is 175, almost same ratio. MY family of European origin has been drinking hawthorne tea for 3 generations with no side effect. As usually overdosing is not healthy even if you eat bananas all day!
Tom, Glad its working for you and that’s fine you can disagree with me. I think my course of action is safest and you pretty much highlighted this with your words. You said you were drinking hawthorn tea but most supplements contain extracts of hawthorn which might have more of less of the active ingredients than what you might get naturally. Sometimes more of an ingredient is added to a product to give it more “kick”. In some people, that can be a problem.
Also, regardless of whether you get hawthorn naturally in tea or in a supplement, Id bet that most doctors would also like to know if their patients were taking this herb because it just might interact with medications. I think taking the conservative route is best when it comes to hawthorn.
Be careful. Once you provide a credit card number, they can automatically charge you every month for a month supply even if you notify them to stop the automatic ordering of Avalowerin. This is why they ask for a credit card number to get the first free monthly offer. You then can spend a lot of time trying to terminate automatic ordering every month. I have gone down that path before.
David, one way to avoid autoshipments is to buy from ebay or Amazon or from local stores if they have the product. Here is AvaLowerin on Amazon for what its worth.
I would also be concerned about the BBB’s rating of F before ordering, despite the note that complaints have been closed. There does not seem to be enough potassium in the product to have an impact on BP anyway. People taking potassium-sparing anti hypertensives are cautioned against taking any supplemental potassium, so in that respect, I’m with you, Joe, on the recommendations to obtain potassium from foods, where you cannot get too much. That being said, it is sometimes tough to get that many fruits and vegetables into our diets daily. I try to follow the DASH diet guidelines as close as possible, exercise, and follow all the other recommendations, and yet, I am still being treated for high blood pressure. I am always looking for something else, but I’m not going to buy a product that is just because the company claims it works. Not only that, I already take calcium and magnesium on my own.
I find that by eating spinach, bananas and nuts plenty of potassium is in the blood. It does not seem to lower my blood pressure as it stays 139 over 70.
Don, yes that sometimes happens. blood pressure can be a tricky thing. Sometimes blood pressure genetic (if your parents had high BP you have a greater chance too). Also losing weight can sometimes lower blood pressure. Exercise can also have an effect. Hopefully you have or are doing those other things. If you are then you are still healthier than if you did not.
so you are for this – am I hearing you right? 🙂
Marc, Personally Im not in favor of this product because it has hawthorn. While potassium and magnesium may have a blood pressure lowering effect there is FAR more proof for the DASH diet. I’d recommend the DASH eating plan over AvaLowerin.
I wasn’t impressed with the list of ingredients as being particularly helpful in lowering BP. It looks like the amounts are not very significant. I can get more magnesium from my Osteoprime (calcium, Vitamin D) supplement. If we could all get the 4700 mg. of potassium from food, we wouldn’t have to be concerned as much about hypertension.