The name Abdominal Cuts makes me think that this weight loss supplement will give people a 6 pack –or at least give the ads a more “cut” appearance. But will Abdominal Cuts work? The name grabbed my attention as I'm sure it did yours so let me now review Abdominal Cuts so that I can save you time and energy searching for answers.
Who Makes Abdominal Cuts?
Abdominal Cuts is made by a company called Revolution Life Style. Another name for Revolution is Corr-Jensen Labs. The address is 6341 S. Troy Circle, Suite E, Centennial, CO 80016. Their phone number is (303) 468-4215. According to the Better Business Bureau the company was started in 2005. The Better Business Bureau gives the company a rating of “A” and has no complaints when I wrote this review. Do see the BBB file for updates and additional information.
When I Google “Corr-Jensen Labs” I couldn’t find a website for this company. Everything I saw had to do with Revolution Life Style and Abdomial Cuts. Even the Better Business Bureau lists “” – an the Ab Cuts website – as the website for Corr-Jensen Labs. To me, this says that Corr Jensen labs may just be a fancy, science-sounding name for a supplement company.
Notice in the address of Corr Jensen Labs it says “Suite E.” That tells me that that Corr Jensen Labs may be located an office building.
Abdominal Cuts Research
I am unable to find any peer reviewed research on Ab Cuts itself. If that's the case then the only way to know if it works or not is to look at its ingredients.
Abdominal Cuts Ingredients
- CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) 500 mg (from Safflower oil)
- GLA (gamma linolenic acid) 75 mg (from Borage oil)
- ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) 50 mg (from flaxseed oil)
- EPA and DHA 150 mg
- Sesamin 25 mg (from sesame seed oil)
Ab Cuts also has 6.7 mg of vitamin E which is likely used as an antioxidant. All of the ingredients in Abdominal Cuts are fats and the vitamin E is likely used to prevent them from spoiling.
The first thing you need to know is that there is no published scientific evidence that the combination of these ingredients causes weight loss. The other thing to remember is that there is no published scientific evidence that Abdominal Cuts causes weight loss either. That’s a little ironic for a company with a scientific sounding name like “Corr-Jensen Labs.”
So, let’s look at each ingredient in Ab Cuts and see if any of these has any evidence.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).
Several studies have noted that CLA may help weight loss in some overweight people. More specifically, CLA seems to alter the fat to muscle ratio rather than cause weight loss. How does CLA work? Well, some think CLA causes the death of fat cells.
The weight loss benefits of CLA usually start showing up when people use at least 1.8 grams per day. That’s a lot more CLA than is in Abdomial Cuts.
People who have diabetes or metabolic syndrome or who are at risk for them –overweight people –should be cautious about CLA. There is evidence that CLA seems to increase levels of pro-insulin – the unrefined, not fully processed, version of insulin.
Pro-insulin does not work as well as fully formed insulin.
This means that people who take CLA supplements may not be able to process sugar (glucose) as well. This might raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of type II diabetes. The technical name for this condition is “ Hyper-pro-insulin-emia”.
There are different types of CLA. Unfortunately the form of CLA that seems to help with fat loss also seems to be the same that increase blood sugar levels. Most supplements are a mixture of CLA types. Therefore it’s hard to tell if CLA supplements increase type II diabetes risk or not. Still, it may be wise for people at risk for type II diabetes to have their sugar levels checked regularly if they use CLA supplements.
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)
This is a fatty acid. On other supplements you may see GLA listed as Evening Primrose Oil. I can’t find much GLA-weight loss research. In one 12 week study of GLA and weight loss in 100 overweight women, GLA did not work. I had to go back to 1983 to find this study.
I can’t find any other research on GLA and weight loss.
GLA is also found in Japanese Hokkaido weight loss pills so check out that review for more info.
Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
This is derived from flaxseed oil. The Ab Cuts website says that ALA can help with “physique improvement”.
Notice the use of the vague phrase “physique improvement.” Supplement websites often use vague – yet smart-sounding terms and phrases – to sound like they know what they are talking about. For example, check out all the big $3 words used to describe Jillian Michaels weight loss supplement. This product used some of the most bizarre words I've ever seen!
One study seemed to show that ALA helped obese mice lose weight. Another study, published in 2010 found that ALA increased calorie burning in mice too.
But, where are the people studies? Where are the studies that prove ALA helps people lose weight? Ironically, here is a study that showed ALA caused people to gain weight!
Fatty acids are basically just fat. Each gram of fat has 9 calories. That’s a lot. Therefore it kind of makes sense that people who eat a lot of fat – or fatty acids – might gain weight.
Here is a study where ALA from Chia Seeds did not help weight loss in either men or women.
Given what I can find on this issue, for now, I'm unimpressed with the weight loss evidence for ALA.
Most of us know these as the “fish oils.” If you take a fish oil supplement you are already getting EPA and DHA. There are many studies on the benefits of fish oils but for here, let’s just focus on the weight loss proof.
There is some research that eating fish can help weight loss. This may have something to do with the hormone leptin which is secreted from fat cells. As for fish oil supplements, there is not as much proof that the supplements help weight loss.
For more info, see my review of Krill oil supplements.
Sesamin (sesame seed oil)
When I searched the National Library of Medicine for “sesamin and weight loss” nothing showed up. I can’t find any studies that prove Sessamin helps weight loss in humans.
Here is a study where the combination of sesamin and fish oil increased fat oxidation (fat burning) in the livers or rats. But did those rats lose any weight? Remember, fat burning and weight loss do not always mean the same thing.
Update. After I published this review I was made aware of a study published in 2008 titled:
Effect of a conjugated linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acid mixture on body composition and adiponectin. In this study, younger and older skinny and obese men were randomly given a combination of CLA and omega 3 fatty acids. This study noted that this combination prevented fat mass gain in the abdominal area in younger men.
This could lend some evidence in favor of Ab Cuts but the study did not specifically use Ab Cuts so its hard to know for sure. Another issue is that the people in the study used more CLA (3 to 6 grams) and more EPA /DHA (3 g/day) than is recommended for Ab Cuts. Still, this is an interesting study and appears to be very well done.
How Much Does Ab Cuts Cost?
On the Abdominal Cuts website – – they say Ab Cuts costs $47.99. That is a lot of money for a product that doesn't seem to have any scientific proof that it works. Here is Abdominal Cuts on Amazon for those who want to compare prices and read the comments from others.
Ingredients in Abdominal Cuts That Are Fat
- EPA and DHA
- Sesamie seed oil
All of the ingredients in Abdominal Cuts are fats (fatty acids). I am pointing this out because, you see, when you eat fat, you burn more fat. I know that sounds weird, but it is true. The problem is that you burn more fat from what you eat, than your own body fat.
This logic of “eat fat, burn fat” was the same reasoning behind the supplement called Slim Shots that I reviewed previously. Read my Slim Shots review for more info on that product.
This also technically means that you burn more fat when you eat pizza and other fatty foods too. It’s true. So why don’t you lose weight if you eat a whole pizza? Well, pizza has a lot of calories and many of those calories are stored as extra fat.
Calories are what weight loss is all about. The people behind Ab Cuts knows this too. I know they do because on the Abdominal Cuts website they say “nutritional supplements must be used in correlation to a healthy diet.”
That’s their fancy way of saying Abdominal Cuts probably won’t work if you don’t watch what you eat.
Is there any proof that people eating a healthy, low calorie diet + using the Ab Cuts supplement, lose more weight than people who just eat healthy? No.
Kendra Wilkinson and Abdomial Cuts
I honestly have no idea who Kendra Wilkinson is but I hear she’s saying she lost weight using Abdominal Cuts. Maybe she did – but was that all she did to lose weight? My guess is that she is most likely being paid to be a spokesperson for Ab Cuts.
Testimonials can be the jumping-off point for good research, but unfortunately they are often used as a smokescreen to keep you from knowing the real facts.
For example, check out the “update” on my post about Jennifer Nicole Lee, the spokesperson behind the Ab Circle Pro after she was interviewed on 20/20.
Abdominal Cuts Side Effects
Abdominal Cuts probably won’t hurt anyone who is healthy, but people who have health issues should run this product past a doctor before using. Theoretically, some of the ingredients may cause problems that you should be aware of.
For example, both fish oil and GLA might interact with blood thinner medications. As I mentioned above, CLA may raise the risk of type II diabetes. Alpha linoleic acid may increase prostate cancer risk.
ALA may also raise triglyceride levels – which is a risk factor for heart disease. I doubt if the level of the level of ingredients in Abdominal Cuts will do any of these things (the blood thinner side effect is what I’m most concerned about) but I thought it would be good to mention this since Abdominal Cuts is being touted to millions of people.
At least one woman in the US developed liver problems after taking CLA. This woman also had the sickle-cell anemia trait. The rate of liver problems appears to be rare. To be safe, do see to your doctor if you have liver problems, the sickle cell trait or develop any abdominal pain after using CLA supplements.
Does Ab Cuts Work?
Hard to say. In theory, eating fat might slow digestion and hence, make people less likely to get hungry and over eat. This might be one way that Ab Cuts might work. That said, because Ab Cuts has no direct published proof, its hard to say. For those who want to compare prices and read the comments of others who tried this product, here is Abdominal Cuts on Amazon.
What do you think?
Hi again!
If anyone is interested I was weighed in today for my body fat loss (see previous comments for more info).
After taking Ab Cuts Sleek & Lean for approximately 6-7 weeks (and busting it at the gym, increased my protein, as well as eating awesomely for the last 3 weeks, no cheats), here are my new stats:
5’6″ female
132 lbs
19.8% body fat
waist: 27 1/4″, hips: 35 3/4″, bust: 33 3/4″
I have lost 5-6 lbs, almost 2% body fat, and 3/4″ around my waist, as well as 1/4″ around both bust and hips. EVERYONE is commenting on my muscles, both in the gym and outside of it, so it is a noticable fat/weight loss.
So for me, this product def helped me to break the plateau that I was stuck in for so many months (4 months of exercising 6 days a week and eating very well, with no results) – not to mention no cramps at all during my period (see previous post for that).
I will continue taking this product for it’s lovely fatty acid mixture 🙂
One thing I will disagree with other posters – for me, it did not suppress appetite at all (but I do not think that it claims to do that anyway) – but what it did was to help me to balance my macros with healthy fats and reduce inflammation, as well as to seemingly help to blast some of those last bits of fat on my body.
Hope that helps some people to decide if this product is for them. Good luck!
Sammy, congrats on your continued progress and for keeping everybody in the loop on how you are doing! 🙂
I was 193 lbs and lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks by counting calories. I am still counting calories and began strength training every other day. I am on amitriptyline . Would you recommend abcuts for me? (I carry most of my weight in my breast area.)
Ang, while Im not a pharmasist or doctor since Ab cuts is basically just different types of fat my guess is that it wouldnt interact with the medication you are taking (ask your pharmasist just to be safe) but that said, since you are losing weight by counting calories, Id say stick with that.
Remember that as your weight comes off, you will have times when you dont lose 5 pounds in a week. this is normal. In the beginning we lose a lot of water, some carbs and some fat. As your weight loss per week drops, thats a sign that you are burning more fat. I wanted to mention that because its when weight loss per week decreases when people start to get frustrated. Keep doing what you are doing and give it time Ang 🙂
Joe, I take Garcinia Cambogia. it works for me but I would like some help in the areas of my body that AB Cuts promotes to help out in. Can I mix the two??
Tosca, Ive never seen anything about the combo of garcinia and Ab cuts as to whether they work better together or not. If you mix them together, start out with taking less of the new supplement (Ab cuts) than is recommended for the first week and increase slowly. This should reduce any possible side effects you might have – or at least help you catch them sooner if any pop up.
Remember that there is nothing that burns fat from just parts of the body. we lose it all over at the same time (although some areas faster than others). Here is my review on Garcinia cambogia in case you missed it.
Ok great. Thank you. will let you know how is all works out. love your site.
Will follow it often.
Hi again,
I just wanted to give an update on my Ab Cuts Sleek & Lean experience (started taking them mid-Jan). I have not weighed in for the fat loss yet (that will happen on March 8th), but these pills definitely do something. One thing I can comment on at this point is that I have lost almost an inch around my waist, and about a 1/4 inch from both my bust and hips. Muscle tone is MUCH more noticeable. I have also lost 8 lbs, but I would say really only 4 lbs, since I dropped some significant water retention once I upped my protein intake. Granted, I have been exercising and eating great, so that helps as well. (My stats = 5’6″, 131 lbs, 21.5% (?) body fat, female)
Also, something I can say for sure is a result of Ab Cuts is reduction in inflammation. ANd I mean MAJOR – my periods are generally brutal, with 1-2 days of intense cramping, so much I need to take pain killers every 4-6 hours. Since I have been taking Ab Cuts my periods HAVE NO CRAMPS – I am not joking – I had a tiny twinge at one point, but so minor I did not need to take pain killers.
If any of you who are interested in this product have done any research, you will see that most of what Ab Cuts is are fatty acids – our bodies need these anyway, and the fat loss is just icing on the cake (be aware that these need to be taken with food that has fat in them for them to properly absorb into the body). Fatty acids are key to the natural reduction of inflammation, who knew? I was seriously blown away, and I will continue taking these just for the health benefits aside from fat loss.
(by the way, I take 2 with each meal, total of 6 per day)
I will reply again once I weigh in for my fat loss 🙂
I took AbCuts a few years back while exercising and eating very healthy. I had been on a fitness program that was changing my body and muscle tone, but didn’t start losing that 45 y/o spare tire until I started taking Ab Cuts. I stopped because of the price. My vanity has a price tag, somewhat under the cost per bottle. Just found a coupon for almost 75% off so I bought 2 bottles. Will let you know if results repeat.
Started taking Ab Cuts cla three weeks ago. Absolutely no change in any direction. Will continue until bottle gone but at this point would not oonsider a repurchase
I just started the AbCuts today, for some reason my head feels a little fuzzy, I am not sure if that’s a side effect. I have been working out/exercising regularly for over 1 1 /2 years and eating much healthier. I still have problem area’s around my tummy even with doing major AB workouts. If my head still feels fuzzy when I take them again later today with my lunch, I will have to stop taking, but I wanted to see if this will help with my problem area even with working out/exercising 5-6 days a week.
Belinda, Im not sure either if thats a side effect but if you are feeling fuzzy in the head, I recommend you dont take Ab Cuts for the rest of the day, until you feel better. If /when you take Ab Cuts again, try taking less than is recommended – the least possible – to see if the fuzziness returns.
Thank you for the recommendation. Ill let you know if anything changes.
Hi there, thanks for the article. One thing I am curious about that no one has really mentioned is that Ab Cuts does not say that it promotes weight loss, but rather fat loss. I began taking it this week to lose fat, not weight. I am at a point where my body has a lot of muscle, but I need to get rid of that layer of fat that sits on top of it.
I am at my ideal weight (5’6″, 137 lbs, 21.5% body fat, female), so I am actually not expecting to lose weight at all – I am expecting to gain muscle while losing the fat (regular clean diet, low carbs, exercise 6 days a week, lost 60 lbs and have plateaued). My objective is 18% body fat, and keeping my weight around 135lbs.
Has anyone had any experience with fat loss, rather than weight loss? Has anyone monitored their body fat percentage during the time taking this supplement?
If anyone is interested I will post my results – I weigh in again at the beginning of March with my new body fat percentage, so hopefully I will get close to my goal.
And I will repeat what many others have said – proper diet and exercise is the key to ANY sort of weight loss or fat loss – sometimes we can just find some help along the way with supplements like this (hopefully:)
Sammy, thats a good observation and I dont think they can say Ab Cuts causes only fat loss (and not just “weight loss”) since it has no published peer reviewed studies on the Ab Cuts itself. If you try it and it helps, let me know. If you get your body fat tested, using either underwater weighing or the Bod Pod would be most accurate.
Both my husband and myself have used and continue to use AbCuts. Neither of us lost “weight” from them, but I lost my muffin top and he lost MANY inches in his entire belly area. I swear by them!
I’m glad that I’ve read your research and the reviews. Thank you. I just ordered the Woman’s AbCuts, and will let you know how they do.
Again, thank you for taking the time to research these products! It is very helpful.
Debbie you’re welcome. I didn’t know there was a woman’s ab cuts so thank you for that.
You are so very welcome! And again, thank you, for a great website and all that you do!
I’m happy to help 🙂
i agree totally with you ( which happened to me too),but there is another notice that the fats accumulates in another part of the body.
Sorry to hear that. We haven’t had weight or fat settle elsewhere. We’ve just noticed inches, A LOT of inches fall off of our stomach area. Wish you much luck with your goals! Thanks for responding.
Hi Joe, I’m a 31 year old young and healthy woman.
I have taken AbCut, in different occasions, in the laps of 2 years, but never for more than 3 weeks in a row. (just because of laziness)
Off and on exercise, without combining it with any other type of medication or diet or weight loss treatment.
What I have experiences is NO weight loss, but definitively a “lower abdominal firmness”, every time I take it.
I notice it since the next day of taking a “2 pills a day dosis”, and I loose the firmness right a way, a day or 2 after I stopped taking them.
I think it helps only for “image” reasons, for example when you are going to be in a bathing suit and/or getting pictures taken (I’m an actress). Also for moral stimulus, such as being naked with someone else, or during excursive in front of a mirror.
That’s the reason why I don’t take it more than 3 weeks in a row, I’m not a fan of taking pills in general, therefor I don’t see the point of taking a pill that only works for firmness when nobody is going to see it, I’m afraid of any long term consequences. But, I DO RECOMMEND IT for a short, right away solution for firmness (only in the lower abdominal area).
I hope my experience can help anyone.
BTW. do you know if there is any problem with taking AbCut + green coffee beans? thanks.
Francis, thanks for writing and sharing your experiences. Im not ware of any problems with Ab cuts + green coffee beans. If you try them both I think its best to start with less than is recommended for the first week. that will help you see if there any side effects and minimize any that might occur.
Here is my review of green coffee beans for more information
Thanks for the fast reply.
I don’t use coffee bean for weight loss, I use it for energy purposes. I find it a very good solutions, specially because I’m intolerant to caffeine, and the green coffee bean doesn’t give me problems.
So thank you very much.
I Found this article very interesting and informative; I heard about Ab Cuts through a friend who had tried it and experienced results within her first week of taking it. So I decided to do my own research before deciding to start and then made the decision to go ahead and try it.. I have to say I am pleased with it thus far.
I have been on it for approximately 2 weeks and my results are visible. However let me say this, prior to starting this product I had lost 70lbs on my own naturally (with the exception of a whey protein supplement). I counted calories, ate very clean with the exception of a cheat meal once per week. worked out 6 days per week and managed to make great progress.
Once I hit a plateau, i knew i needed to readjust my diet again, so I increase my strength training, and only then did I decide I wanted to incorporate a fat burner in to my program to give me that extra “boost”. After not being able to lose any more weight for about a month or so, within 2 weeks of starting the Ab Cuts midsection formula, I was down 9lbs (and still counting) and the inches are following..
I do notice I am shrinking particularly in my midsection. I am going to confidently say this formula works, but I also want to include that everybody is different and along with this product I am doing everything else that is required in order to see real results. Eating clean, working out and taking the Ab Cuts, so for those of you who think this is a miracle pill that will suck off the pounds with its magic abilities I encourage you to readjust your thinking and try to find balance living a healthy lifestyle prior to starting these pills.
They will not do the work for you; however based on my own experience with taking them I believe they have the ability to assist you on your journey. Also keep in mind you can only take these products for short periods of time with breaks in between (from what I know) so unless you are disciplined in all other areas (clean eating and working out) than this will probably only assist you while you are on it, and then when you stop so will your progress.
Overall I am happy with this formula and have recommended it to my friends.
Thanks Tasha, Im glad the product has helped you 🙂
I’ve done the clean eating, the exercise, in fact, I train and run in 5, 10 and 13 K marathons. I gained three pounds on these pill in 2 weeks.
Being at an age where it is very hard to get off weight, this has truly disturbed me. It will take me twice as much hard work to go back to where I was before ab cuts. GNC recommended this for a person who meets my profile looking to loose 5-10 pounds. Don’t do it if you are over 40.
What you are taking is an excess amount of protein here, if you combine that with a low carb diet, high protein, you will see the scale go up and up and up! This was not for me. I can see a thin boy wanting to be a body builder as a good candidate! Beware!
Been, sorry that happened. I believe GNC employees may get commissions on sales so that would make me a bit cautious of recommendations.
It’s only been a week and there isn’t any change. I will give it one more week then toss the bottle. Tired of buying all this stuff and nothing seems to work!
Can’t remember how I ended up on this page… Anyway, omega-3 oil & the others supposedly improve blood flow to muscles during exercise, and that the compound helps stimulate enzymes that transport fat to where it can be stored for energy. Plus, It’s a lighter healthier fat..
It’s not a miracle pill and you do need to exercise, but I believe Joe will agree with me when I say It’s a better option than taking an energy/weight loss pill like Hydroxycut. Those pills actually speed up your heart and raise your blood pressure for hours after your workout. You’ll feel jittery and strange long all day.
Ab Cuts works without altering your diet too much (ALTHOUGH YOU SHOULD!!! WEIGHT LOSS= 75% Diet + 25% Exercise), and these “vitamins” (fatty acids) in the pill don’t necessarily have side affects, albeit you don’t have major problems listed in the article.
Great job on research Joe and love the site. I’m a nutritionist from Hawaii who’s tried ab cuts and saw results.
Jordan, thanks for chiming in and Im glad Ab Cuts has helped you! I’d also agree Ab cuts is likely safer than fat burners like hydroxycut.
Dear Joe, look at this
mixed CLA and omega fatty acids in men, double blinded crossover study.
Luigi, thanks for the heads up on that study. I updated my review to include it. It looks like a very well done study. it does look like they used more CLA and EPA/DHA than Ab Cuts has but its possible lesser levels might work too. I cant say for sure but Im certainly open to the possibility. Again, thanks much for letting me know about this study!
What about AB cuts for women? I have adapted a lot of life style changes in the past 8 months and I still fat… hired a cpt, calorie counting, more protein, stop smoking, drink xtra h2o and nothing….
Iam 29 female. I work out 4 times a week w cardio and weights I jump rope, run, full body exercise. I dont do same routine so I dont develop muscle memory… and nothing!!! I am very discouraged and bought ab cuts women’s. .. ill try this with my normal diet and exercise. Cross your fingers.
Candy, take a look at this book – The Fast Diet. It’s not really a diet. Try it for 2 weeks and see if it helps. Here is The Fast Diet on Amazon.
Just a thought for everyone that is having a hard time figuring out why they are gaining weight (because I’ve experienced the same thing) – try a raw food or mainly raw food diet. I started a raw diet and limited what I ate to about 10 foods for a few weeks and then introduced new food one at a time to see which foods had a negative effect (bloating, lethargic, weight gain, etc).
It really helped me pinpoint what foods were responsible for my weight gain. I stayed mainly raw (80%) for 6 months and lost my belly. Once I started eating the foods that were responsible for my weight gain in the past, I immediately put weight on (duh, right?) just wanted to let everyone know about raw food – they say eating mainly whole plant food can prevent cancer, illness, diseases in the future. Check out Dara Dubinet on You Tube if your curious about raw food/weight loss. Good luck to us all! Elisha
I am 28 years old, i work out and eat healthy i just have this extra fat that don’t seem to go anywhere! I was thinking of purshasing abscut, scares me to know it could hurt you and wonder if it really works , I’m 5’2 tall and only weigh 110 pounds i don’t want to loss any weigh at all just want to get rid off that extra fat !! What would you have to say to me!! Thanks
April, I don’t think Abcuts will hurt you if you are healthy. its just fat. Whether it works or not I dont know. Some people say yes and others say no. If it works, I think its because it slows digestion making you feel full longer, if you are full you wont eat as much. Id rather you write down what you eat and track it using MyFitnessPal and see if that works but if you do try Abcuts you should know in a few weeks if its helping or not.
I just purchased my first bottle..I haven’t taken any yet. I’m a little apprehensive..especially about the blood thinning part and the nausea side effects. I really don’t like the sound of that. Are these normal reactions??? I’m 40 yrs old 200 lbs and have been this way for 12 yrs now. I would really like to reduce my abs and hips. Will this work?
Hi Tina, if you are healthy I don’t think Ab Cuts will hurt you. My biggest issue is that I just dont think Ab Cuts alone will give you the results you seek. its just fat. If eating fat helped us lose fat, then wouldn’t pizza – which has lots of fat – doe the same thing? Fat does curb our appetite by slowing digestion and if that is how Ab cuts is supposed to work then I can maybe see a way that it might help some people. If you try it and it helps, let me know. Im always curious to know how stuff worked with people.
I started taking it today studies show that it takes 5 weeks to lose 1 lbs of fat. I eat right and workout 8 hours a week. Lets see what happens
Alex, if Ab cuts takes 5 weeks to lose 1 pound of fat than thats not very good. you could get the same effect – better actually – by watching calories and exercising. Just wanted to mention that.
Excellent assessment of this product, it would be interesting to see first hand testimony on the results of ab cut, not just celebrities.
Thanks Angel, glad you were able to find me 🙂
Hi Joe,
Thank you for the info on abcuts. I had lost weight just by exercising. There was no dieting involved, I went from a size 14 to 8 in matter of weeks, I became more active in everyday life. But I got sick and my doc put me on those evil pills that go by the name prednisone. OMG, those *##¥! Pills undid all of my work. Now I am bigger than I was before and can’t seem to git it off. I was thinking a out starting abcuts, but changed my mind. I am wondering if you have heard of Chili Burn?
Hi Deborah, I have not heard of Chili Burn but looked it up. looks like its a combination of green tea and chili pepper. green tea has caffeine and chili peppers have capsaicin. you can put search for both ingredients in the search box of this site and they will pop up. they have been in a lot of products Ive looked at. Its hard to say if it will work or not. Chili Burn doesn’t seem too popular because their site didn’t pop up when I googled it. that tells me the product may not have been around long.