The name Abdominal Cuts makes me think that this weight loss supplement will give people a 6 pack –or at least give the ads a more “cut” appearance. But will Abdominal Cuts work? The name grabbed my attention as I'm sure it did yours so let me now review Abdominal Cuts so that I can save you time and energy searching for answers.
Who Makes Abdominal Cuts?
Abdominal Cuts is made by a company called Revolution Life Style. Another name for Revolution is Corr-Jensen Labs. The address is 6341 S. Troy Circle, Suite E, Centennial, CO 80016. Their phone number is (303) 468-4215. According to the Better Business Bureau the company was started in 2005. The Better Business Bureau gives the company a rating of “A” and has no complaints when I wrote this review. Do see the BBB file for updates and additional information.
When I Google “Corr-Jensen Labs” I couldn’t find a website for this company. Everything I saw had to do with Revolution Life Style and Abdomial Cuts. Even the Better Business Bureau lists “” – an the Ab Cuts website – as the website for Corr-Jensen Labs. To me, this says that Corr Jensen labs may just be a fancy, science-sounding name for a supplement company.
Notice in the address of Corr Jensen Labs it says “Suite E.” That tells me that that Corr Jensen Labs may be located an office building.
Abdominal Cuts Research
I am unable to find any peer reviewed research on Ab Cuts itself. If that's the case then the only way to know if it works or not is to look at its ingredients.
Abdominal Cuts Ingredients
- CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) 500 mg (from Safflower oil)
- GLA (gamma linolenic acid) 75 mg (from Borage oil)
- ALA (alpha-linolenic acid) 50 mg (from flaxseed oil)
- EPA and DHA 150 mg
- Sesamin 25 mg (from sesame seed oil)
Ab Cuts also has 6.7 mg of vitamin E which is likely used as an antioxidant. All of the ingredients in Abdominal Cuts are fats and the vitamin E is likely used to prevent them from spoiling.
The first thing you need to know is that there is no published scientific evidence that the combination of these ingredients causes weight loss. The other thing to remember is that there is no published scientific evidence that Abdominal Cuts causes weight loss either. That’s a little ironic for a company with a scientific sounding name like “Corr-Jensen Labs.”
So, let’s look at each ingredient in Ab Cuts and see if any of these has any evidence.
Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA).
Several studies have noted that CLA may help weight loss in some overweight people. More specifically, CLA seems to alter the fat to muscle ratio rather than cause weight loss. How does CLA work? Well, some think CLA causes the death of fat cells.
The weight loss benefits of CLA usually start showing up when people use at least 1.8 grams per day. That’s a lot more CLA than is in Abdomial Cuts.
People who have diabetes or metabolic syndrome or who are at risk for them –overweight people –should be cautious about CLA. There is evidence that CLA seems to increase levels of pro-insulin – the unrefined, not fully processed, version of insulin.
Pro-insulin does not work as well as fully formed insulin.
This means that people who take CLA supplements may not be able to process sugar (glucose) as well. This might raise blood sugar levels and increase the risk of type II diabetes. The technical name for this condition is “ Hyper-pro-insulin-emia”.
There are different types of CLA. Unfortunately the form of CLA that seems to help with fat loss also seems to be the same that increase blood sugar levels. Most supplements are a mixture of CLA types. Therefore it’s hard to tell if CLA supplements increase type II diabetes risk or not. Still, it may be wise for people at risk for type II diabetes to have their sugar levels checked regularly if they use CLA supplements.
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)
This is a fatty acid. On other supplements you may see GLA listed as Evening Primrose Oil. I can’t find much GLA-weight loss research. In one 12 week study of GLA and weight loss in 100 overweight women, GLA did not work. I had to go back to 1983 to find this study.
I can’t find any other research on GLA and weight loss.
GLA is also found in Japanese Hokkaido weight loss pills so check out that review for more info.
Alpha-linolenic Acid (ALA)
This is derived from flaxseed oil. The Ab Cuts website says that ALA can help with “physique improvement”.
Notice the use of the vague phrase “physique improvement.” Supplement websites often use vague – yet smart-sounding terms and phrases – to sound like they know what they are talking about. For example, check out all the big $3 words used to describe Jillian Michaels weight loss supplement. This product used some of the most bizarre words I've ever seen!
One study seemed to show that ALA helped obese mice lose weight. Another study, published in 2010 found that ALA increased calorie burning in mice too.
But, where are the people studies? Where are the studies that prove ALA helps people lose weight? Ironically, here is a study that showed ALA caused people to gain weight!
Fatty acids are basically just fat. Each gram of fat has 9 calories. That’s a lot. Therefore it kind of makes sense that people who eat a lot of fat – or fatty acids – might gain weight.
Here is a study where ALA from Chia Seeds did not help weight loss in either men or women.
Given what I can find on this issue, for now, I'm unimpressed with the weight loss evidence for ALA.
Most of us know these as the “fish oils.” If you take a fish oil supplement you are already getting EPA and DHA. There are many studies on the benefits of fish oils but for here, let’s just focus on the weight loss proof.
There is some research that eating fish can help weight loss. This may have something to do with the hormone leptin which is secreted from fat cells. As for fish oil supplements, there is not as much proof that the supplements help weight loss.
For more info, see my review of Krill oil supplements.
Sesamin (sesame seed oil)
When I searched the National Library of Medicine for “sesamin and weight loss” nothing showed up. I can’t find any studies that prove Sessamin helps weight loss in humans.
Here is a study where the combination of sesamin and fish oil increased fat oxidation (fat burning) in the livers or rats. But did those rats lose any weight? Remember, fat burning and weight loss do not always mean the same thing.
Update. After I published this review I was made aware of a study published in 2008 titled:
Effect of a conjugated linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acid mixture on body composition and adiponectin. In this study, younger and older skinny and obese men were randomly given a combination of CLA and omega 3 fatty acids. This study noted that this combination prevented fat mass gain in the abdominal area in younger men.
This could lend some evidence in favor of Ab Cuts but the study did not specifically use Ab Cuts so its hard to know for sure. Another issue is that the people in the study used more CLA (3 to 6 grams) and more EPA /DHA (3 g/day) than is recommended for Ab Cuts. Still, this is an interesting study and appears to be very well done.
How Much Does Ab Cuts Cost?
On the Abdominal Cuts website – – they say Ab Cuts costs $47.99. That is a lot of money for a product that doesn't seem to have any scientific proof that it works. Here is Abdominal Cuts on Amazon for those who want to compare prices and read the comments from others.
Ingredients in Abdominal Cuts That Are Fat
- EPA and DHA
- Sesamie seed oil
All of the ingredients in Abdominal Cuts are fats (fatty acids). I am pointing this out because, you see, when you eat fat, you burn more fat. I know that sounds weird, but it is true. The problem is that you burn more fat from what you eat, than your own body fat.
This logic of “eat fat, burn fat” was the same reasoning behind the supplement called Slim Shots that I reviewed previously. Read my Slim Shots review for more info on that product.
This also technically means that you burn more fat when you eat pizza and other fatty foods too. It’s true. So why don’t you lose weight if you eat a whole pizza? Well, pizza has a lot of calories and many of those calories are stored as extra fat.
Calories are what weight loss is all about. The people behind Ab Cuts knows this too. I know they do because on the Abdominal Cuts website they say “nutritional supplements must be used in correlation to a healthy diet.”
That’s their fancy way of saying Abdominal Cuts probably won’t work if you don’t watch what you eat.
Is there any proof that people eating a healthy, low calorie diet + using the Ab Cuts supplement, lose more weight than people who just eat healthy? No.
Kendra Wilkinson and Abdomial Cuts
I honestly have no idea who Kendra Wilkinson is but I hear she’s saying she lost weight using Abdominal Cuts. Maybe she did – but was that all she did to lose weight? My guess is that she is most likely being paid to be a spokesperson for Ab Cuts.
Testimonials can be the jumping-off point for good research, but unfortunately they are often used as a smokescreen to keep you from knowing the real facts.
For example, check out the “update” on my post about Jennifer Nicole Lee, the spokesperson behind the Ab Circle Pro after she was interviewed on 20/20.
Abdominal Cuts Side Effects
Abdominal Cuts probably won’t hurt anyone who is healthy, but people who have health issues should run this product past a doctor before using. Theoretically, some of the ingredients may cause problems that you should be aware of.
For example, both fish oil and GLA might interact with blood thinner medications. As I mentioned above, CLA may raise the risk of type II diabetes. Alpha linoleic acid may increase prostate cancer risk.
ALA may also raise triglyceride levels – which is a risk factor for heart disease. I doubt if the level of the level of ingredients in Abdominal Cuts will do any of these things (the blood thinner side effect is what I’m most concerned about) but I thought it would be good to mention this since Abdominal Cuts is being touted to millions of people.
At least one woman in the US developed liver problems after taking CLA. This woman also had the sickle-cell anemia trait. The rate of liver problems appears to be rare. To be safe, do see to your doctor if you have liver problems, the sickle cell trait or develop any abdominal pain after using CLA supplements.
Does Ab Cuts Work?
Hard to say. In theory, eating fat might slow digestion and hence, make people less likely to get hungry and over eat. This might be one way that Ab Cuts might work. That said, because Ab Cuts has no direct published proof, its hard to say. For those who want to compare prices and read the comments of others who tried this product, here is Abdominal Cuts on Amazon.
What do you think?
I just started the Ab Cuts today, So far started out with two tablets,
I ate halfway through my breakfast sandwich then took it. however because I am not a pill I had to break open the softgel and swallow the oil, I actually thought it would taste nasty, but it had no taste at all, only the awful fish oil smell. However I started feeling a little upset stomach after, I just remembered I didn’t drink any water. So please make sure you drink plenty of water with these pills.
Will keep you guys updated if i see any results
Thanks Lisa. Good luck 🙂
Hey, AB Cuts is working great for me. Within two days, I can see a difference in my stomach shringing and my appetite decrese. I see how it continues to do. I had my thyroid removed and immediately started gaining weight. I gained 40 lbs. and could not get this weight off. I understand that Synthoid causes weight gain. However, since taking the AB Cuts, I am beginning to see the difference.
Anonymous, actually lack of thyroid hormone can cause weight gain. Syntheroid – because it replaces the thyroid hormone your not making anymore – should can cause weight loss. Either way, glad Abcuts is helping you.
I just purchased a bottle of abcuts but haven’t started taking them as I still have some questions that I need answers to. I have high TOTAL cholesterol and high LDL. But I have changed to a no meat diet for 2 years and have controlled these levels. But a few months back I have returned to eating meat again. I’m just wondering if the fat content in the abcuts can in any way affect my cholesterol levels? Please enlighten me on this before I start taking them thank you
Armene bautista, its hard to say but in theory it might. How much I don’t know. If you are going to try Abcuts, here’s what I suggest. Since you already know what your cholesterol, LDL etc is now, try Abcuts for a month and then get your blood tested. You will know in a month if Ab cuts changed your cholesterol, LDL etc.
if you do this, let me know what happens.
This helped a lot! Thank you so much for sharing this research!
Your very welcome 🙂
I am glad I read all of this – i found it cheap at walmart, so didn’t spend a lot of money so if it doesn’t work I won’t buy more. Have you had any luck finding a fat burner that does work in conjunction with a good diet and exercise, that won’t make you jittery?
I have heard good things about green coffee bean but haven’t tried it. I don’t like to actually waste a lot of money on these type of pills since I get jittery, I don’t like most of them. Not looking for a “magic” pill I am willing to put in the work and time, just something that may help get rid of the excess fat. I would ideally like to lose about 60 pounds.
Jen, by their nature “fat burners” contain stimulants. This can cause some people to feel jittery. I do have a review of green coffee bean since you mentioned that also.
Hummm……I’m thinking of trying AB CUTS but some say it doesn’t work now I’m not too sure….
I was taking the AB Cuts for about 3 weeks and gained about 10 lbs, not happy at all!!
Gigi, I swore by AbCuts and at 1st saw results. Then I started gaining weight, so I just looked for a CLA supplement. I found one from Health Fits. It’s great! Has Safflower oil in it and I have NEVER had anything suppress my appitite like these do!! I have to make myself eat. I’ve never felt better! Inside and out!
They have taken away my muffin top, my arm flab, and back fat!! I’ve not only lost weight, but inches also. Got them on Amazon. Excellent customer service!! Money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose if they don’t deliver. The Health Fit CLA’s, is in my diet plan for life. Good luck to you and if you try them, let us know. Thanks!
Can you tell me the exact name of the supplement that you take? I’ve taken AbCuts and have had good results, but if there’s something else that you would recommend, I would appreciate it. Thanks.
Hi! The name of the CLA that I swear by is also drop the .com and that’s who makes them. I’ve lost 24 lbs to date and have not changed my lifestyle at all!!!! Plus I’m going thru a lot of emotional things in my life and still take the CLA. I highly recommend it. It has lowered Dave’s blood pressure, curbed our appitites, which is amazing for me, cuz if my fingers weren’t attached, I think I’d eat them! LOL. They have a money back guareentee so you have nothing to lose! Much luck to you! Thanks, Debbie
Debbie, I noticed that Health Fit Supplements does not list the prices on their website. Rather they want people put in an email address and name in order to get an amazon discount code. What’s up with that? why dont they just link to their product on amazon? There is no need to collect peoples information. Its not an expensive product.
No worries, Here is the Health Fit Supplements CLA Product on Amazon
Hi Joe! It was never like that before. I haven’t been on their website lately but am getting ready to order more of the CLA. If my memory serves me right, they were 17.99 a bottle. If you bought 2, you got 1 free.
They are a small company that is just getting started. Excellent ppl to work with! Dana and Jon are the owners. You might try and reach them thru their web sight, as I’m sure that they would be more then happy to help you!
Thanks Joe! It will be interesting what you find out! I’ve never found anything that took away my hunger like these pills with Safflower in them. Thanks again, Debbie
Debbie thanks maybe I’ll reach out to them.
I just started the B-12 and amino acids injections and I have lost 12 pounds in 4 weeks. I haven’t been doing much exercise but I have been eating better. Joe how healthy are these injections? I haven’t had any side effects. I also heard that Nzuri Elixir is good for hair loss have you done a reveiw on this? Thanks
Lanet, is a doctor giving you the B 12 injections and amino acid injections? I looked into B12 and weight loss before and saw no proof that it works. here is my review of B12 and weight loss.
what amino acids are you getting?
My thought is that you are losing weight because you are eating better.
I have been taking AB CUTS and have noticed an odor when I urinate. I was afraid I might have an infection but just wondering if anyone else has had this problem while taking the pills. I just wondered if the fish oil and other ingredients could be making this happen? It does seem like it started after I started the pills. Thanks!
Paula, Ive never heard of that before. Maybe somebody else has. Try getting off them for a few days and see if the smell goes away.
Paula dont worry its the fish oil!
It happens. I wondered the same at the beginning, but I realized that it was the pills because my friend started taking then, and the same happened with her. But Besides that. I lost 16 lbs in a month, and I’m about to get my six pack
I have been on Ab Cuts for a year and have lost 33 lbs. I have arthritis and can not exercise much. So I tried the Ab Cuts. I lost weight, but the fat in certain areas changed significantly. What I mean is, when I was this weight before, I had areas of fat that wouldn’t go away or I couldn’t shrink.
Since taking the Ab Cuts, some of my hard to get rid of fatty areas are gone and the fat around my abdomin has significantly changed. My husband can see a vast improvement on my weight loss and fatty area loss. I didn’t want anything that would make me lose 20 lbs in 20 days sort of thing. So I will continue with Ab Cuts. Thanks.
You’re very welcome!
I’ve went through an entire bottle of abcuts lean. I already take cla. I am 140lbs, 5’4″ size 4/6 and want to lose a stubborn. pooch of belly fat from pregnancy 8 years ago. I’m in good shape, eat fairly well, and hardly ever workout.
Okay, so I purchased the 120 ct bottle at gnc 44.99. I was constipated for 2 weeks on/off! Not used to that. Suddenly I was normal again but the texture was different, and I assume it was because of abcuts!
Each time I ate throughout each dosage, my tummy rumbled and turned but no pain. I could almost hear digestion! Like someone (jimmy) said, the omega oils can cause upset. I believe I was taking too much, because I was also taking cla prior to abcuts and along with it.
During the last week of the bottle, I suddenly began getting what looked like dust/bed mites bites only on my midsection, front hip, front side, and on my chest. None on my legs, arms, face, etc.
I sleep with my partner every single night and she has not one mark on her and is not taking of the supplements that I am. In fact, I thought it could be bed mites!!! Of all horrible things, so I deep cleaned everything last weekend, but the rash continued.
When Jimmy commented, too many omega oils may hurt the stomach. It clicked. Too many omega oils may cause rash also!!! I googled this, and yes, it is possible!!!
I haven’t lost weight on the scale. I do feel my pooch may be slightly tinier but I’d rather be without a rash and stick with cla only! And considering abcuts sleek and lean is the only one with the cla I won’t be taking it anymore.
I hope I’ve helped others.
Valerie thanks for the feedback!
I have had an x-ray of it and I’ve had a few shots in it to help. They’re all pretty sure it is in the joint and also recommend stretching. I stretch it a lot but sometimes it just hurts it worse. That’s why I was hoping there was a supplement that could help with stiff joints, I guess? I should have clarified a bit more. I will read that article this evening. Your posts are very helpful. God bless. (:
Hey Joe,
I realize I’m posting on this thread kind of late but I’m hoping you will reply.
I’m 20 years old and turn 21 in late January of ’13. I’m overweight and am in the National Guard. I’m not obese, I don’t think. But I definitely need to lose some weight. When I left for basic training in August 11 I weighed in at 166 lbs at 5’7″. I’m now up to about 200ish and need to get some of this extra weight off easily.
I’ve had hip problems so it’s hard for me to do a lot of physical training. My tummy, thigh, hip, and butt area are the worst points. My arms are toned and I have a strong chest and back.
I just took my first dose of 3 Ab Cut pills this morning. I’ve cut out soda and I drink water (sometimes with the singles Kool-aid packets for some variation because I hate drinking NOTHING but water.
I was wondering if maybe you knew some supplements that could help me lose some of this weight. Or maybe something to help with my hip joint so it doesn’t hurt as badly so I can move around more than I do. Any tips will be helpful.
I need to lose this weight decently fast. I’m getting married in July and would like to be at or below my original 166 lbs by then. So 40+ lbs in 7 months shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Hi Courtney, I think you can be at the weight you want by the time you get married. I don’t think you need any supplements but rather just do what it sounds like you are doing – making better choices (check the calories in those kool-aid packs). I have written my thoughts on weight loss supplements here
As for your hip pain have you ever had an x ray of it? I suggest you do to rule out things that may be causing it and get to what is causing it to hurt. It could be something as simple as you needing to stretch more or it could be arthritis. I honestly don’t know which makes recommending a supplement hard to do. I do think getting checked out by your doctor is the best course of action.
I would have said to take less of the ab cuts pills esp at first to see how you respond to them. hopefully by now you are doing ok.
I’ve been using this product for some time and it DOES WORK great. I don’t diet or exercise much (I’m not overweight, just needed to loose some weight around my waist or define it) and it is the only thing that really works for that. I don’t know about the side effects though. It does give me a little bit of constipation but a little bit of fiber in the diet fixes that. Therefore, I strongly recommend it.
How many pills of ab cuts to you take a day,just started and only take one a day. Thanks, Robin
Robin, the label tells what is recommended. I think its usually best to start with less than is recommended to cut down on any side effects that might pop up.
I think people have wrong perspective of dieting, it is not what we eat it’s the quality of what we eat. Try more natural things and avoid high fructose product, stop the juices and sodas and drink just water, meat from regular supermarkets are a wrong answer found you some regular meat from cows that eat grass, eat the whole eggs and be careful with the hole idea of whole grain bread thing that’s a bad choice…
Just look to what or ancestors eat, and compare with what we eat now and you will find the right answer for your diet. (those pills are just a good source of omega 3 and oils that might helps with some things… i tried them and they send you to the toilet quick so be careful I’m finishing them just because I paid for them and I really find the fish oil good but I won’t buy them again)
Haha Kendra Wilkinson is/was a playmate who was one of Hugh Hefner’s three girlfriends. She’s definitely a paid spokesperson. But she also works out like crazy. I don’t give any credence to her “endorsement.”
I have been taking abs cuts for 4 weeks and I see a change in my belly and it also curved my appetite. However as Patrick said you can’t expect to just take a pill and magic happens you MUST do your part for the pill to do its. Eating right and working out regularly is a must! Walking to the printer, your car and inside McDonald’s will not help you loose weight people. If you could just pop a pill and not change anything else, do you know how many folks would be skinny!!!??!? Lol…
Hey Joe.
I am over 40 and I am physically fit. I have lost 25 or so pounds since last year. I did this by cutting out bread, pasta, potatoes, sugar and rice. I eat of course meats, cheeses, beans, green veggies and leafy veggies. I work out either by running, walking or some dvd I might have 5 to 6 days a week. I am apple shaped. I cannot get rid of belly fat. I read a comment here about losing from the belly first??? Not me. I have great legs, hips etc but still have fat on my torso that I need to lose.
I was working out 2 times a day for these past 4 weeks and only measured a reduction of half an inch in my arms and around my chest….oh and also my thighs are more toned. But there was no reduction at my stomach. UGH! So I went to GNC and got a multivitamin pack and found the abcuts. I started today. We will see how it works for me. I am glad I read this feed because if it works I will go to Walmart to purchase next time. Thanks
I will like to know if the Combination of this product together will give faster result. Ab Cut, CLA, Evening Primrose Oil 1300. I have a nice shaped body , but I feel if can lose an extra 10 or 15 pounds around my abs and hips area i will feel terrific about myself. I just started 2 days ago, but after I did I started to be concern about if I am doing it the right way. I am very healthy and I always eat right. I make myself some delicious healthy juices everyday and I exercise at least 3 times a week.
I am 48 years old, but always want to keep my self feeling and looking good. Please give me a good so I can get those extra pounds off my body and if you think by combining all those products listed above I will be risking my health. Please advise me ASAP. I am worry. I have to mention that before I start taking the products I been experiencing puffiness on face in the morning, it goes a way later on during the day….I drink enough water always.
Aura, Im not sure whats causing the morning puffiness in your face. Is it something that is recent? did it start when you started these supplements? if its recent go to your doctor.
Personally I am on the fence about CLA because there are different types. look at your CLA supplement and see if it says “trans-10,cis-12” because this is the type that has some weight loss evidence. On the downside this is also the same type that might promote insulin resistance (this is a hallmark of metabolic syndrome -think “pre-diabetes). If you have my supplement book I discuss this stuff about the different types of CLA in the CLA chapter.