Transparent Labs is a popular supplement company whose product line has no artificial sweeteners or coloring, no artificial preservatives and is Non-GMO and gluten free. these are reasons why they are popular with the fitness community. To further help you understand the supplement business better, this review will be on Transparent Labs itself and not their supplements.
Other Company Profiles
Reviewing supplement companies will be an ongoing effort. Here are other companies profiled
Company Name
Transparent Labs LLC. The website is The website was registered on 3/6/15.
Transparent Labs Address
The only company address located was to return supplements. That address is 7 S 1550 W Suite 200 Lindon, UT 84042. This is the same address on file with the Better Business Bureau. This is also the same address as another website called I am not sure of the relationship between Transparent Labs and
Certificate Of Analysis
Transparent Labs lists many certificate of analysis documents for their supplements. This is likely of the reasons “transparent” is in the name of the company. This is posting of certificates is unique and does set them apart from other supplement companies.
The certificates of analysis can be seen and downloaded from the Certificates are conducted by an independent company called Analytical Resource Laboratories located at 380 N. 880 W., Lindon, UT 84042.
The certificates also list a company called Elite Manufacturing and Packaging as the client the certificates are prepared for. Linkedin lists Sun Kim as the President of Elite Manufacturing and Packaging. Linkedin also lists him as the Executive Vice president of Could this mean both Transparent labs and are related to each other in some way?
Contact Transparent Labs
A contact phone number for the company is 800-450-4081.
Transparent Labs CEO
Trevor Hiltbrand is listed as the CEO according to his linkedin profile.
Transparent Labs BBB Rating
The BBB gave the company an F rating when this review was updated. See the BBB file for updates and more information. If esupplements is the same company, then this is a good sign as esupplements has an A+ rating with the BBB.