Supplement Clarity

Is BiOptimizers Magnesium Breakthrough The Best Mag Supplement?

magnesium breakthrough

Magnesium Breakthrough by BioOptimizers is said to be a quantum leap in supplement technology by providing 7 different forms of magnesium. The supplement is touted to transform your stress and performance by improving your sleep and immune function – and many other things. But, is this Breakthrough supplement worth it? Is it a scam? Do the 7 different forms really work better together? And, does it have any side effects? While Internet comedian JP Sears may believe in the supplement, what does the research say and what happened when I tried it? Let's look at the ingredients and research and see what we can discover.

What Does Magnesium Do?

Magnesium (Mag) is a very important mineral, taking part in over 300 cellular reactions. Just some of its functions include:

In plants, magnesium is critical to chlorophyll to provide oxygen via photosynthesis.

What Does Magnesium Breakthrough Help With?

The company says the supplement is supposed to:

There is no doubt magnesium plays a role in all of these things. But, the question is, does Magnesium Breakthrough do these better than other Mag supplements or magnesium-containing foods?

Company Video

Here's a short video the company has created to describe the supplement

Magnesium Breakthrough Ingredients

The Supplement Facts label tells us two capsules has the following ingredients:

Amount Percent Daily Value
Vitamin B6 2 mg 118 % DV
Elemental Magnesium: 500 mg 120% DV
1 magnesium chelate
2 magnesium bisglycinate
3 magnesium aspartate
4 magnesium malate
5 magnesium orotate
6 magnesium taurate
7 magnesium citrate
Humic/fulvic monoatomic blend ?
Maganese citrate 1 mg 43% DV


The amount of the humic /fulvic blend is not given. Both humic acid and fulvic acid are nutrient enhancers. They are used to bolster the absorption of magnesium. As a rule, we typically absorb about 30% of the mineral when consumed.

Other Ingredients

Cellulose, NU-Flow, NU-Mag, Silica,

BiOptimizers Supplement Video Review

Watch this video I created to learn about the supplement and my experiment

Watch on my YouTube channel if you prefer.

What About The Different Forms?

The Breakthrough supplement has 7 different forms of magnesium. Here's a quick rundown on them.

1 Chelated magnesium benefits

Chelated minerals are those combined with other things like amino acids to boost absorption. In the supplement facts label above it's not said which substance magnesium is chelated to.  Since it's listed first, this form makes up most of the 500 mg in the blend. The company says this form is often used for muscle building, recovery, and health. Some research shows this mineral may improve strength and how quickly older adults can walk. Other studies, however, have not shown this so more research is needed.

2 Magnesium bisglycinate benefits

Another name for this is magnesium glycinate. Here, the mineral is bonded to glycine, an amino acid. The company says research on this form of the mineral has found it may help arterial stiffness in overweight people. In that study, however, the researchers state they were not sure if the effects were due to magnesium or citrate – or whether other forms of the mineral would have the same effect.

3 Magnesium aspartate benefits

In this form, the mineral is bonded to aspartic acid, an amino acid. This form of Mag is said to help the heart and elevate the mood. Some research has noted it improve mood in women going through menopause. In another study, vitamin B6 plus Mag reduced anxiety associated with premenstrual syndrome. The Breakthrough supplement also contains vitamin B6 so that's good.

4 Magnesium malate benefits

This combination is composed of the mineral bonded to malic acid, a substance found in apples and other fruits. Malic is also made in the body. Malic acid plays a role in making energy. The company says this form may help with migraine headaches. There is evidence of this, but it seems to be true for the mineral in general and not just the malate form.

5 Magnesium rotate benefits

In this formulation, the mineral is combined with orotic acid. In the past orotic acid was thought to be B vitamin (B13) but this is no longer considered true. Orotic acid is manufactured in the mitochondria and plays a role in the production of genetic material (DNA & RNA). Foods containing orotic acid include milk and dairy products.

The company says this form is best for “metabolic improvements” and athletes looking for better energy and performance. Generally, studies don't show magnesium supplements help exercise performance. If this mineral boosts gym workouts, it may work best in novices. Interestingly some evidence hints Mag supplements (500 mg/day) may reduce the stress hormone, cortisol, levels in athletes.

There is also research suggesting Mag may reduce muscle soreness. In one study, college students who took 350 mg of Mag for 10 days reported significantly less delayed muscle soreness (DOMS) compared to when they took a placebo.  Other researchers have noted less muscle soreness after exercise when people were given 500 mg a day. This is the same dosage as the Breakthrough Mag supplement has.


6 Magnesium taurate benefits

This is the 6th form of magnesium found in the Breakthrough supplement. Here the mineral is combined with taurine, an amino acid. Some research finds taurine may benefit people with congestive heart failure. But the doses where this might happen are above 1000 mg, which is more than that contained in the Breakthrough supplement. Other research finds this mineral may reduce angina attacks. That said, remember heart problems are complicated and unlikely to be corrected by any single vitamin or mineral.

7 Magnesium citrate

This is the 7th form found in the Breakthrough supplement, so it makes up the least of all the forms. Here, Mag bonded to citric acid. This is the form that's often seen in stool softeners and laxatives.


Magnesium Breakthrough Research

No clinical research on the Breakthrough supplement could be located. While studies are listed on the BioOptimizers website, none of them involved the use of the supplement itself.  To be clear, there is ample research on magnesium itself. So, that's good. That research shows magnesium is critical for maintaining optimal health. At the heart of the claims are whether chelated minerals are better than taking the un-chelated forms.

Who Makes It?

The company is called BioOptimizers. The President is Wade Lightheart. The company address listed is  5470 Kietzke Ln suite 300 Reno Nevada 89511. While the company website says they have been “optimizing humans since 2004”, the Better Business Bureau lists that the company was created in 2018. Perhaps this means the company used to exist under a different name? To contact BioOptimizers call 800-719-2467.

Better Business Bureau Rating

BioOptimizers has an A- rating with the BBB. See the BBB file for more information.

Is Magnesium Breakthrough Patented?

The BioOptimizers website lists US Patent # 5895758 for the supplement. This patent number refers to a strain of lactobacillus Plantarum, called lactobacillus Plantarum OM. It is unknown how this relates to the Breakthrough supplement.

My Experiment

I tried the Breakthrough supplement for 3 weeks to see how I felt before and after. I started with 1 capsule a day for the first week and then increased the amount to the recommended 2 capsules a day. Here's a brief summary of what happened

  1. Improved sleeping. While I had energy during the day, when it came time to go to bed, I felt I went to sleep faster and thought I slept better.
  2. I think my mood improved. I'm generally pretty happy but I think I felt a wee bit better.
  3. No change in blood pressure. My blood pressure is always good. It was 100/70 before and 100/70 after.
  4. I did not notice any improvements in my workouts
  5. I had no negative side effects

Take my results for what they are – one person's testimonial. Individual results will vary but overall, I thought it was doing something.

Where Can You Buy It?

You can get it directly from the BiOptimizers website. Currently, the supplement is not sold in stores like Walmart, Rite Aid, CVS, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Costco or Target.


How Big Are The Pills?

The pills are about the size of a standard multivitamin. They are not hard to swallow. Since they are capsules, you can open them up and add the contents to smoothies, etc if you don't like swallowing pills.

How Do You Take It?

The directions say to take 2 capsules with dinner.  Start with less if you've never taken a mag supplement before to give your body time to adjust to it.

The Warranty & Return Information

BiOptimizers gives you 1 year (365 days) to return the supplement if not satisfied. Mag Breakthrough comes with a 100% money-back guarantee on unopened bottles. The company even returns shipping costs too – which is pretty unusual.

To return the supplement you will need a return merchandise authorization number (RMA number) that you get from the company. Call customer service at 800-719-2467 to obtain the RMA number before sending it back. Call Monday – Friday 10 AM -8 PM EST.


Pros and Cons

Pro Con
Contains an effective dose No research on supplement itself
No stimulants The website is a little much for my taste
VERY good return policy
Magnesium is well researched
I think I noticed benefits in my experiment

Magnesium Breakthrough Side Effects

The BiOptimizers supplement is likely safe for most people, especially those who are healthy. In the amounts found in food, the mineral is considered safe. Even with supplements, toxicity is rare. Here are some things to consider when taking this or any new supplement. This list is not complete:

Does Magnesium Breakthrough Work?

There's no doubt as to the importance of magnesium given that this mineral takes part in over 300 cellular reactions. At issue is whether taking the BiOptimizers Breakthrough supplement is better than the competition. I thought I felt some differences when I tried it so, it may be worth giving it a try. Here are the results of my 7-month trial

What Do You Think?

Here it is if you want to check it out for yourself.

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