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Andro400 and Testosterone: Does It Really Work? A Detailed Review

Update 3/9/20. I never know where I’m going to get ideas for reviews. Take Andro400 for example. I first heard the Andro400 radio commercial as I sat in a doctor’s office waiting for a checkup. The Andro400 supplement was said to help not only with belly fat and weight loss but also, improve memory, boost libido by up to 90% and alleviate issues of low testosterone too. Does it work? I must admit Andro400 did not contain what I thought it did. If you were also curious about this supplement, keep reading and discover what I found.


Andro400 Research

Clinical research on Andro400 itself could not be located. As such it's necessary to look at the research on its ingredients.


Andro400 Ingredients

When I first heard the name of this supplement, my guess was that it contained androstenedione, known in bodybuilding circles as “Andro.” I was wrong. Andro 400 does not contain andro. According to its website – – 1 capsule  contains these 3 ingredients:

The recommended amount to take is 2 capsules per day. As such, taking 2 capsules provides:

Or, 1500 milligrams of everything per day.

 Since none of the ingredients equals 400 mg, I’m not sure where the “400” in the name comes from.

Andro 400 Max and UltraMaxT

There are 3 different versions of this supplement:

The difference is that the regular formulation only contains Eurycoma longifolia. Andro400 Max – which is what I’m reviewing here –contains the 3 ingredients listed above.

Since Andro400 is primarily supplement marketed to raise testosterone levels, let’s now review the research on each of these ingredients as they pertain to testosterone.

Take notice of the amounts used in the studies.


Eurycoma longifolia

Other names for this herb are Malaysian ginseng, Lonjack and Tongkat Ali. This herb is very popular in testosterone supplements and those geared for “Low T” as is evidenced by reviews on these other supplements I’ve looked at previously:

Tongkat Ali Research

In this clinical study, 13 healthy non-athletes were given either a placebo or 400 mg of Eurycoma longifolia for 6 weeks. The study used a specific supplement called “Physta” made by Biotropics Malaysia Berhad.

Results: Eurycoma longifolia had no effect on testosterone levels as measured in the urine.

In another investigation, 25 older men and women were recruited. All were physically active individuals.

Results: After 5 weeks of use, 400 mg of tongkat ali (eurycoma longifolia) increased testosterone levels in both men and women.

This study differs from the one above it. this might mean that eurycoma longifolia works differently in older vs. younger people.

While this is an interesting study, one possible problem is that there was no placebo group to compare the results. In theory, this may have influenced some of the outcomes in the study.

TongKat Ali Review

Watch on my YouTube channel

A 2013 study titled Effect of Tongkat Ali on stress hormones and psychological mood state in moderately stressed subjects. Here, 64 men and women were randomly given either a placebo or 200 mg of a eurycoma longifolia supplement (the supplement used was Physta, made by Biotropics Malaysia Berhad). The study lasted 4 weeks.

Results: These researchers noted that the Physta supplement increased testosterone levels (by 37%) as well as improving various aspects of mood. It’s worth noting that this study showed no changes in body fat. This appears to contradict claims that Andro400 helps weight loss.

One possible drawback this study is that it did not mention the ages of the participants. Knowing this would make it easier to compare these results to those taking part in other studies.

Based on this research, if eurycoma is going to work, its effects might be greatest in older adults and when used amounts greater than 400 mg per day.


Arginine and L Citrulline

Both of these are non-essential amino acids (we make them) and are common in anabolic hormone booster supplements. Let’s address each separately.



Also called “L arginine.” Arginine is reputed to increase growth hormone levels. I covered arginine in my review of SeroVital so see that for additional information.

Arginine also helps us make nitric oxide, a gas that expands blood vessels. Because of this fact, arginine is popular in male performance supplements (erection supplements) too. For more on nitric oxide, see my review of SuperBeets.


That said, either way, you look at it, 2 capsules of Andro400 is only providing 500 mg of arginine, which isn’t a lot. Studies showing improvement in erection problems have used about 5 grams a day. Studies of arginine improving growth hormone levels have also used a lot of it, between 5-9 grams per day.



This amino acid helps us make arginine. As such, I think one reason supplements contain citrulline is that, by helping us make arginine, it might help us also raise growth hormone levels.

Because it can also improve nitric oxide levels (by helping us make more arginine), citrulline is also found in erection supplements too. Like, arginine, it might help erections, although most of the studies I saw involved lab rats.

In this study,1.5 grams of citrulline was shown to improve erections in men compared to a placebo.

What about growth hormones? In this study 15 grams did not appear to raise growth hormone levels in a small group of men.

The 15 grams used in this study is a lot more than the 500 mg of citrulline contained in 2 capsules of Andro 400.


Andro400 and Belly Fat

I am not aware of any good proof that Andro400 or its ingredients target belly fat, causing weight loss from this region of the body.


Andro400 and Women

I’m not aware of any good proof that Andro400 or its ingredients improve sexual function or alters testosterone levels in women. Likewise, I am not aware of any good proof that the ingredients promote weight loss either.


How Much Is Andro 400?

When I wrote this review, the product website had these prices:

Ordering from the website does enter people into an auto-ship program where they will ship a new bottle each month until you cancel. To contact Andro400 customer support, call 888-400-0435.


Who Makes Andro400

According to the product website, the company is called Natural Health Solutions. Their address is: 5407 N. Haverhill Rd, Suite 336 West Palm Beach, FL 33407.  Another company name is Z Natural Foods ( The Better Business Bureau gives Z Natural Foods a rating of “A+.


Andro 400 Guarantee

The product website states that Andro 400 comes with a 90-day money-back guarantee. The bottles can be partially empty, or completely empty. That’s good. People have to return the bottles to the company to be eligible for a refund.

It is important to remember that the 90-day guarantee starts the day you order the product – not when it arrives. Contact customer support for more on this. You can reach them by calling 800-400-0435 or emailing them at


How to Contact Andro 400

The website lists this phone number for customer support: 888-400-0435. You can also email them at too. I recommend calling. I found their customer service people very responsive to calls and questions.


Andro400 Side Effects

I’m not aware of any side effects from taking Andro400. When I searched online I didn’t see much about side effects either. That said, below is a list of theoretical side effects that some people might notice. This list is not complete. Speak with your doctor and/or pharmacist if you think any of this applies to you:


Does Andro 400 Work?

I didn’t try Andro400 so I can’t know for sure, but based on the research I saw, if it’s going to work –by that I mean if it’s going to raise testosterone – I believe Eurycoma longifolia may be the active ingredient.

If you are going to try Andro400 (or eurycoma longifolia) you may want to consider getting your testosterone levels checked before you start the supplement– and measure them again a month later. This is the only way to really know if it works or not.

Here it is if you want to check it out

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