Supplement Clarity

Weird Supplement Side Effects

joe cannon health podcast

joe cannon health podcast

Dietary supplement side effects most people have never been told about. In this episode, you'll learn about the side effects of glucosamine, Yerba Mate, chondroitin sulfate and Beta Carotene, and many others. Natural does not mean always safe or side effect free. Some of these side effects are serious. Talk to your doctor about the supplements you are taking to get the best advice for you. Plus, is it true that an apple a day keeps the doctor away? Here's the proof. This is episode 54 of Joe Cannon Health podcast. Available on Google and Apple podcast and everywhere else too.


My dietary supplement book

See the video summary on supplement side effects

Disclaimer: episodes are for information only. I’m not a medical doctor and no medical advice is given or implied. Always consult your doctor for the best advice for you. Links to Amazon are affiliate links. This helps you support my podcasts and videos. When you click on my amazon links and purchase something, I make a small commission at NO extra cost to you.

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