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Black Seeds Thyroid Review: Can Black Seeds Help Hypothyroidism? What It Means To You

Can black seeds reverse hypothyroidism? I've been reading a lot of research on black seeds (nigella sativa/black cumin) and have been intrigued by some of what I've read. It appears black seeds potentially have many health benefits. While research is ongoing, I want to present the results of a study of black seed powder improving hypothyroidism.  In this review, I'll show you the study, the results of the study and my thoughts on what to do if you decide to try this for yourself. I've included a video too if you prefer to listen to me. So, can black seeds help your thyroid? Let's see what the evidence says.

Other Nigella Sativa Reviews

Here are other reviews I've created on this topic:

Black Seed Thyroid Video

Here's a video I created that summarizes the study. You can watch this if you don't like reading 🙂

Black Seed Hypothyroidism Research

Currently, one study has looked nigella sativa helping people with under-active thyroid glands. The study came from Iran (they do a lot of black seed research) and involved 40 women who had hypothyroidism.

For 8 weeks, the women were randomly given either:

They took 1 gram of black seed powder before lunch and again before dinner.

Before and after the study, the women were tested for the following things:

Here's a quick run down about these things and why the researchers tested them:


TSH is the hormone that tells your thyroid to make thyroid hormone. As TSH levels go up, it means we are not making enough. High TSH levels can be a sign of hypothyroidism. The TSH test is often the first thing doctors do when checking if your thyroid is healthy or not.

Thyroid Hormone

There are several different thyroid hormones. The researchers tested for 2 of the main types: T3 and T4.

Iodine forms part of both of these thyroid hormones.

Of these hormones, T3 is more powerful. The T4 hormone is converted into T3. Some people reading this may be taking a medicine called levothyroxine. This is the T4 hormone. When you take levothyroxine, your body converts it into the more potent T3 hormone.

Thyroid Auto-Antibodies

Most cases of hypothyroidism in the US (and other industrialized countries) are due to an autoimmune disorder. The body makes antibodies against itself. Why? Good question. For unknown reasons, the body gets stupid and starts to attack itself. In this case, the immune system attacks the thyroid gland.

Doctors sometimes test for thyroid auto-antibodies when checking for hypothyroidism.

Body Weight

One of the signs of low thyroid hormone levels is you start to gain weight. Sometimes, people lose weight when this is deficiency is corrected. So, if black seed powder worked, the researchers wanted to check if it caused people to drop weight.

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF)

This substance causes us to make blood vessels. Growing blood vessels is great, but too much might increase the risk of thyroid cancer. Remember cancer needs blood vessels too. The researchers wanted to see if black seeds lowered VEGF levels.


Nesfatin is made in the brain and plays a role in hunger (higher Nesfatin = less hunger) and it also takes part in thyroid health. Some animal research suggests hypothyroidism is associated with higher nesfatin levels.

Black Seed Thyroid Study Results

OK, after this 8-week investigation, here are the results the researchers saw:

  1. Significant reduction in thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)
  2. Significant reduction in thyroid autoantibodies
  3. Significant increase in thyroid hormone (T3)
  4. Significant reduction in body weight, BMI and waist circumference
  5. Significant reduction in VEGF levels
  6. No change in nesfatin levels

 What Do The Results Mean?

From this investigation, women taking 2 grams of black seed powder daily saw an improvement in thyroid health.

Specifically the women:

All of these findings would seem pretty exciting news for anyone with hypothyroidism. What I found most interesting was the reduction in TSH levels. While normal TSH levels can be a little fuzzy-depending on who you talk to- it's often taken to be between 0.4 and 4.0

The women in the study started out with a TSH level of about 6 (they were hypothyroid).

After the study, they dropped down to a TSH level of 4. A TSH of 4 puts them back into the “normal range.”

As for making more thyroid hormone, the increase wasn't much, but it was deemed significant.

Black Seeds And Weight Loss?

This investigation also noted black seed powder caused the women to lose weight. While this was deemed “significant” from a science perspective, the weight loss wasn't much. Over the course of 8 weeks, the women lost about 3 pounds.

That's about 1.5 pounds per month.

I don't think that's better than other weight loss supplements. I bring this up in case you start to hear claims of black seeds being an effective weight loss supplement. Might it help some? Maybe. Is it a weight loss miracle? I doubt it.

Problems With The Study

As I see it, there were some potential issues that researchers may want to address in the future. The issues include:

Let's also remember this appears to be the first human study showing positive thyroid benefits. I'd like to see 2-3 additional studies to know for sure if it works.

Black Seed Questions

What Brand Of Black Seed Powder Was Used?

This investigation did not specifically mention any particular brand of black seed powder. The study was supported by a grant from Tabriz University in Iran. There was no association with any supplement company.

My guess is all quality brands of black seed powder would work the same way. I'd look for 100% pure ground black seed powder. It doesn't need to contain anything else.

Remember black cumin is another name for black seeds.

Black Seed Powder Side Effects

This study showed no significant side effects. A few people reported itching and nausea but that's all.

If you are taking any medications, speak to your doctor first. A few other things worth considering if you try black seed supplements include

Does Black Seed Oil Work Too?

It's possible, but we'd need clinical proof to know for sure. This study looked at black seed powder. It did not involve the oil of black seeds. Both the oil and powder do contain an antioxidant compound called thyimoquinone (TQ).

The researchers speculated thyimoquinone may have played a role in the results they saw.  For what it's worth, I think it's more complicated than this.

Where Can You Buy Black Seed Powder?

Black seeds are becoming very popular. I have seen the powder, seeds, and oil in local health food stores.
Here it is on Amazon

Can Black Seeds Reverse Hypothyroidism?

In a perfect world, I'd like to see 2-3 more human studies before I felt confident in the results. But, given the possibility of getting off thyroid medication, I can understand how you would want to run out and buy black seed powder and test it for yourself.

If this is something you want to test, here are some suggestions:

If you decide to try black seed powder to see if it makes you feel any different, tell your doctor you are using this supplement. Your doctor must know you are taking this stuff when they evaluate your thyroid health.

So, do black seeds help thyroid glands work better? You tell me. Did it work for you?

Here's Black Seed Powder on Amazon

Do You Have Any Questions?

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