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How Much Shilajit Raises Testosterone In Humans? Here’s What We Know.

Purified Shilajit, a potent Ayurvedic remedy, has long been revered for its holistic healing properties, rooted in ancient Indian medicine. Often derived from the Himalayas, Shilajit has earned nicknames like “sweat of mountains” and “rock juice,” symbolizing its mystical origins and powerful benefits. While traditional usage includes aiding ailments ranging from cell rejuvenation to addressing strength and fertility issues, the question remains: can Shilajit raise testosterone levels? Here are the surprising facts.

What is Shilajit?

Shilajit Resin
Himalayan Shilajit Resin With Spoon. Independently third party tested for purity

Shilajit is a sticky, black, tar-like substance formed when bacteria, fungi, mosses, algae, and lichens break down decomposing plant material harvested from rock crevices and cliffs, such as in the Himalayas and other areas of Asia. Shilajit contains organic compounds such as fulvic acid, humic acid, trace minerals, probiotics, and plant metabolites believed to have beneficial effects on humans, including improving energy and sleep, as well as boosting strength and endurance.

Other names for this organic superfood include:

  1. Mumiyo
  2. Mumie
  3. Salajeet
  4. Baragshun
  5. Brag Zhun
  6. Girjatmu
  7. Mineral Pitch

In Sanskrit, the name means “conqueror of mountains and destroyer of weakness, ” a reference to the ability of this resin to boost vitality at any age.

The Proof: Unveiling Shilajit's Impact on Testosterone

The experiment titled Clinical Evaluation of Purified Shilajit on Testosterone Levels in Healthy Volunteers was conducted at J.B. Roy State Ayurvedic Medical College and Hospital in Kolkata, India, spanned 90 days and involved administering 250 mg of a Shilajit supplement called PrimaVie twice daily to one group, while the other group received a placebo.

The results of this company-sponsored study indicated that participants who received Shilajit experienced about a 20% increase in total testosterone and free testosterone compared to those who received the placebo. Here's how the improvements in testosterone looked:

More specifically, the average total testosterone increased from 484 ng/dl to 583 ng/dl after 90 days.

The Effect of Shilajit on Free Testosterone

Additionally, this experiment revealed Shilajit elevated free testosterone as well. After 90 days of continued use, free testosterone was modestly improved from 15.36 pg/ml to 18.3 pg/ml.

What Are Normal Testosterone Levels?

Here is a breakdown of testosterone in different age groups to help you compare how well Shilajit raised anabolic hormone levels.

Age Range Total Testosterone (ng/dL) Free Testosterone (pg/mL)
18-29 300 – 1000 5.0 – 21.0
30-39 300 – 950 5.0 – 21.0
40-49 300 – 890 4.2 – 18.0
50-59 300 – 890 4.2 – 18.0
60-69 300 – 890 4.2 – 18.0
70 and up 300 – 890 4.2 – 18.0

For reference, the men in this study who took shilajit were between 45 and 55 years of age.

What Is Fulvic Acid?

Fulvic acid, considered essential for Shilajit's effects, is a source of over 80 minerals, including iron, magnesium, selenium, and potassium. The exact amount of minerals will depend on the rocks and environment where it is formed. Here are approximate amounts of those minerals.

Mineral Amount in 200 mg of Shilajit (Approximate)
Fulvic Acid 70-80 mg (varies based on quality)
Iron (Fe) 1-2 mg
Zinc (Zn) 0.5-1 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 0.5-1 mg
Calcium (Ca) 0.1-0.5 mg
Copper (Cu) 0.1-0.5 mg
Manganese (Mn) 0.1-0.5 mg
Potassium (K) 0.1-0.5 mg
Selenium (Se) Trace amounts
Silicon (Si) Trace amounts

Additionally, fulvic acid also contains probiotics and prebiotics. The amounts of these will also vary depending on the substance's harvest location.

Does Shilajit Make Men Stronger?

This clinical investigation revealed that Shilajit increased total and free testosterone as well as DHEA-S, the storage form of DHEA. However, since the men did not undergo before-and-after strength training, it remains unknown whether they experienced increased strength or muscle hypertrophy. Other experiments have hinted that Shilajit may delay the onset of fatigue after exercise.

When Is The Best Time To Take Shiljit To Raise Testosterone?

When taking for raising anabolic hormones, men used 250 mg twice per day with major meals (breakfast, lunch, or dinner).

Shilajit Side Effects & Concerns

In general, reports of adverse effects are not common. In the testosterone study, participants tolerated the 250 mg dosage of Purified Shilajit well. However, it's important to acknowledge that most of the evidence arises from small clinical trials that were not carried out for a long duration. Here are some guidelines to help you get the best results and minimize side effects.

Additionally, avoid taking raw shilajit supplements that have not been independently vetted by 3rd party labs. This is because raw, unprocessed forms may contain excessive levels of free radicals and contamination with mold and fungus, including Aspergillus ochraceous, Aspergillus niger, and Trichothecium roseum. These microorganisms can trigger respiratory illnesses, especially in those with weak immune systems.

Is It Natural?

Microorganisms produce shilajit by breaking down decaying plant material, making it a natural substance. However, to improve potency and safety, companies may minimally process it afterward to remove heavy metals and microorganisms.

If you opt to use a capsule supplement, understand that those products may contain fillers and other compounds such as maltodextrin and magnesium stearate. These ingredients will be identified on the Supplement Facts label.

How To Find a Legit Shilajit Supplement

Generally, when selecting a supplement, aim for one containing at least 50% fulvic acids, the compounds in Shilajit that are thought to be essential to its health effects. Moreover, reputable companies will furnish a certificate of analysis, such as the one provided by this supplement, that guarantees Shilajit is not contaminated with toxic heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, and cadmium.

So far, the only supplement shown to raise testosterone in middle-aged men is PrimaVie, although other quality brands may work equally well.

Does Shilajit Raise Testosterone?

Preliminary research suggests shilajit may be a natural anabolic substance; however, this same research appears to show a only modest rise in total and free testosterone.  Additionally, how well Shilajit works in those who lift weights has not been explored.  The only way to truly know if it works is to get your hormone levels measured beforehand and then again a few months later.

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