Supplement Clarity

Altai Balance: Better Blood Sugar This Week?

Altai Balance promises to be a godsend for those struggling to manage blood sugar and body weight. The supplement is said to be based on groundbreaking diabetes research. So is Altai Balance safe? What are its side effects? Equally important, if it didn't work for you, why might that be and how can you get a refund? In this honest review you'll discover the answers to all of these questions as well as the clinical research on Altai Balance and its ingredients. The research is important to know because this will help you decide if it's legit or a scam. Affiliate Disclosure: This site may earn a small commission on purchases you make. See the affiliate disclosure page for more insights.

Why Is Controlling Blood Sugar Important?

Sugar, a carbohydrate, is an important source of energy for your cells. The cells of your body absorb sugar as it floats through your blood and turns it into energy. However, to remain healthy, your blood sugar must stay in a narrow range. If your blood sugar goes too low (hypoglycemia) or too high (hyperglycemia), health problems can result. One of the complications of abnormal blood sugar control is diabetes. Type II diabetes is the most common type of this disorder.

Side effects of diabetes can be serious and include:

So keeping blood sugar under control is something we all should strive to do.  While maintaining healthy body weight and getting regular physical activity should be at the top of your list what about supplements. Lets's look at the research and proof for one such supplement called Altai Balance.

What Does The Word Altai Mean?

Altai Balance Blood Sugar Support Supplement. Click to go to the official company website. 30 capsules

The Altai Mountains are found in Asia, near Russia and China. There is also a town called Altai in Mongolia. Is this where the supplement is made? I doubt it since the company says it is made in America.

Some may wonder about the Mongolian pinch method to reset blood sugar levels. Is this a real thing? Is it acupuncture? No reliable blood sugar pinch method could be located. The pinch method does not appear on the official company website.

Altai Balance Ingredients

One bottle has 30 capsules (a month's supply). One capsule has these ingredients:

Ingredient Amount Percent Daily Value
Vitamin C 50 mg 56%
Vitamin E 5 mg 33%
Biotin 300 mcg 1000%
Magnesium Oxide 50 mg 12%
Zinc Oxide 15 mg 136%
Manganese 1 mg 43%
Chromium 250 mcg 714%
Proprietary Blend 212 mg N/A
Licorice Root Extract
Cinnamon Bark Extract
Cayenne Pepper
Juniper Berries
Gymnema Leaf
Banaba Leaf Extract
Bitter Mellon Fruit
White Mulberry Leaf Extract
Alpha Lipoic Acid
Vanadyl Sulfate

The supplement also contains these other ingredients that are not active and play no role in the ability of the supplement to lower blood sugar: Gelatin (for the capsule), microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, and silica.

How Do You Take It?

You only need to take 1 capsule a day. The company specifies not to take more than 1 capsule each day. One confusing issue is whether to take the supplement with food or not. On the company website, it's suggested to take 1 capsule each day with a big glass of water. The company does not specify how much water you should drink but assume it's at least 8 oz. On the supplement facts label, it's stated to take 1 capsule a day with food. So which is it? This says to me it does not matter how you take Altai. Because some supplements may cause GI problems in those not accustomed, taking it with food, preferably your largest meal of the day, may reduce side effects if they were to occur.

Altai Balance Price

If you are curious to know the cost or want to purchase the supplement here are prices listed on the official website:

See the official website for discounts, if it's on sale, and updated prices.

The company ships internationally to several countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.

How Long Until Altai Balance Works?

While some testimonials have reported improvements in blood sugar after a week or two, it will take at least 3 months to see a reduction in A1c level.  If you are testing your blood glucose level, get into the habit of writing your numbers down. This will help you see if your sugar level is trending downward. That can be an indication that your A1c level is going down too. The best way to determine A1c is to get it tested by your doctor after 2-3 months.

How Does Altai Balance Work?

Here's where things get interesting. The company behind the supplement claims it's based on groundbreaking diabetes research linking poor blood sugar control to particulate matter in the air. Particulate matter refers to almost invisible airborne particles in the environment. particulate matter can occur both naturally and unnaturally. The unnatural kind is what we call air pollution.

Natural sources of particulate matter

Unnatural sources of particulate matter

Another name for unnatural forms -those made by humans – is anthropogenic pollution. These types of pollution are a source of toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, and arsenic. Nitrogen dioxide, a highly toxic gas produced during the burning of fossil fuels is also part of the particulate matter we breathe.

Parciulate Matter & Diabetes?

Research shows particulate matter can worsen asthma symptoms in both children and adults. But can particulate matter cause diabetes or impair blood sugar control?

The company points to research revealing greater amounts of insulin resistance in people who live in higher air polluted areas, such as densely packed cities. In this research, air pollution not only appeared to impair insulin function but also was associated with higher blood sugar levels too. When researchers analyzed the data from 6 previous studies, they also found an association between air pollution and insulin resistance.


What Does This Mean?

Altai Balance Supplement Facts Label

Keep in mind most research finds type II diabetes (the most common form) is often more liked to eating too many calories and exercising less. The association between insulin resistance, diabetes to air population is intriguing and may be something to consider if you live in a city with higher levels of air pollution, like New York for instance. But remember to also look at lifestyle behaviors you partake in too.

Altai Balance Research

The company website lists an impressive number of clinical studies however a close look reveals that none of the research papers involved people taking the Altai Balance supplement. Rather the research is mostly on the ingredients in the supplement. That's common for most dietary supplements. Let's look at some of the research.


While biotin (vitamin B7) is mostly known as a hair and nails health supplement, it also has its share of diabetes research too. Most of the biotin blood sugar management research involves animals however at least one study suggests the combination of biotin and chromium helps maintain healthy blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes. Altai Balance contains a hefty dosage of both biotin and chromium. This suggests both biotin and chromium may be key ingredients in the glycemic management effects of Altai Balance.

Biotin & Blood Sugar Control (video)

Watch on my Youtube channel if you prefer.


Taurine is a sulfur-containing amino acid found throughout the body including the eyes, heart, and brain. Both seafood and eggs are good sources of taurine. While we can make taurine from cysteine, methionine, and vitamin B6, some suggest vegans may be deficient. Studies also show people with diabetes may be deficient in taurine. Other researchers have pointed out that taurine appears to have an anti-inflammatory effect on the cardiovascular system. Since heart disease often accompanies diabetes, this may be another avenue in which supplement benefits people.

Levels of taurine may also be linked to diabetic neuropathy. When researchers gave taurine to people with type II diabetes, the amino acid significantly elevated the antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD), and reduced free radical damage and cellular inflammation. These positive changes would also benefit people with diabetes.


Chromium has long been shown to modulate blood sugar levels. This is probably why the supplement contains so much of this trace mineral. Each capsule has 250 micrograms which is 714% of the daily value.  The Altai supplement contains chromium nicotinate glycinate, a chelated form, to boost absorption. Studies have shown chromium nicotinate can reduce blood sugar and A1C levels. Whether chromium helps people lose weight is another story though. I remain skeptical of its belly-slimming effects.


The mineral, zinc is not usually considered when trying to reduce blood sugar however, there is some research to support its use. People with diabetes tend to be deficient in zinc. So, would zinc supplements help diabetes? In one study, 20 mg of zinc improved insulin resistance and reduced inflammation in overweight kids after just 4 weeks. So, based on this, zinc seems to improve insulin sensitivity – how well insulin works at reducing blood sugar levels.

Licorice Root Extract

Licorice root

To most people, licorice candy, but also contains several flavonoid phytonutrients that appear to influence how well insulin works. Licorice appears to make insulin receptors work better. This increases the ability of insulin to lower glucose levels in the blood. This improves insulin sensitivity. One downside though is most of the licorice health effects research not on humans.

So we need better studies to know how effective it is for people who have diabetes and pre-diabetes (metabolic syndrome).


Cinnamon is one of the best-known blood sugar-lowering supplement ingredients. Altai Balance uses Cinnamomum cassia (cassia cinnamon), a very popular form of this spice.  It's been documented that cinnamon can reduce glucose levels and A1c levels. In one study, cinnamon lowered A1C levels by 1% after just 3 months. That's significant. Dropping A1c by less than 1 point can reduce diabetes complications (blindness, kidney problems, etc) by between 21% to 40%.

Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)

Like all-natural products, yarrow is home to thousands of flavonoids and other compounds with diverse bioactive effects. Yarrow has been used for thousands of years to treat wounds and gastrointestinal issues.  In animals, yarrow seems to act as an insulin secretagogue, mimicking the effects of insulin. Animal research also suggests yarrow has antioxidant effects and can restore glutathione levels.

Juniper Berries

Juniper Berries

Juniperus communis, better known as Juniper fruit is a rich source of antioxidants, as are other fruits too. It is also added as a flavoring agent to the alcoholic beverage, gin as well. Preliminary research tells us juniper inhibits an enzyme called alpha‐glucosidase, which raises blood sugar levels after eating carbohydrates. Inhibiting this enzyme lowers blood sugar.

Gymnema Sylvestre

Like several of the ingredients in Altai Balance, Gymnema sylvestre has been shown to have anti-diabetes effects. In one investigation, people with type II diabetes were given 400 mg of Gymnema sylvestre. After 18 to 20 months, 5 of the 22 people (23%) no longer needed their diabetes medications. Gymnema sylvestre may also help people lose weight.

When researchers gave people with metabolic syndrome, 600 mg of Gymnema sylvestre, they discovered it decreased body weight, body mass index, and reduced very-low-density lipoproteins  (VLDL) after 3 months.

Banaba Extract

Technically called Lagerstroemia speciosa, the blood sugar-lowering ability of banaba appears to be linked to corosolic acid, a substance extracted from the leaves of the plant. It's likely other extracts of banaba also have blood sugar modulating effects. In one study banaba reduced blood sugar by over 16% in people who started the study with high blood glucose levels. In another study, banaba reduced blood sugar levels by 30% after just 2 weeks. Preliminary evidence suggests banaba may inhibit fat storage and the formation of fat cells.

Other names for Banaba include the Pride of India and crepe myrtle.  Despite the similar-sounding names, banaba and banana are not related. Banaba is a type of tree while bananas are fruits.

Bitter Mellon (Momordica charantia)

In one review of 10 previous type II diabetes investigations, Bitter Mellon was shown to significantly reduce fasting blood sugar, blood sugar levels after eating, and A1c levels compared to people who took a placebo pill. The researchers however noted that most of the studies were low-quality so better investigations are needed. Since bitter mellon is listed toward the bottom of the proprietary blend, odds are it does not contain much. As such bitter mellon would not be considered a key ingredient in the Altai Balance supplement.

White Mulberry

White mulberry which is native to the Altai region of Asia is said to help reduce both blood sugar and inflation.  As proof, the Altai Science company refers to a study showing mulberry has both antiobesity effects. However, this is what mulberry does in mice. Does it do the same thing in people? At least one study has shown white mulberry reduces carbohydrate absorption in healthy people.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Popular in the world of sports supplements, alpha-lipoic acid also has its share of health research too. Studies have revealed alpha-lipoic acid (ALA) capable of reducing symptoms of diabetic neuropathy as well as reducing cellular inflammation and fasting insulin levels. In addition, at least one study has revealed that alpha-lipoic acid reduced body weight in obese kids.

Vanadyl Sulfate

Vanadyl sulfate comes from the trace mineral, vanadium. Shellfish, soy, and mushrooms are good sources of vanadium. Like other ingredients in Altai Balance, vanadyl sulfate appears to have hypoglycemic effects and accomplishes this function by acting like insulin. Not all studies show this effect, however.  For example, in one study vanadyl sulfate improved insulin sensitivity in people with type II diabetes but it did not appear to work in overweight people who did not have diabetes.

What Does All This Mean For Altai Balance?

Several of the ingredients in Altai Balance have clinical proof supporting their ability to reduce blood sugar levels and A1C. As such, the supplement might be considered to be effective at naturally improving glucose levels which should make a good impact on type II diabetes.

The premise of the Altai supplement is that high blood sugar is related to particulate matter from the environment. While there is some evidence for the bad air bad/blood sugar theory, there seems to be no proof that the ingredients in Altai Balance work by neutralizing the damaging effects of particulate matter in the body.

This does not take away how effective it might be. Rather it just seems the company is putting a new spin on the cause of diabetes for marketing purposes. You came here for a worts and all honest review and that's what you will get.

Guarantee & Refund Policy

To their credit, the company stands behind its supplement for 3 months. You have 180 days to get your money back if you are not happy with the results. This is a good thing because it will take at least 3 months to see if your hemoglobin A1C level is declining.

Hemoglobin A1C is something your doctor can test for you. It measures the amount of sugar bonded to a protein in your red blood cells. It is a good indicator of how bad your diabetes is. Generally, you want to aim for an A1C level of about 6% or less.

money-back guarantee

How To Get a Refund

Here are the steps to get your money back. You have 180 days to get a refund:

1 Return all bottles you want to be refunded -even if they are empty.

2 Include your full name, address, email address, and phone number. Also, include your ClickBank Order ID which is found on your receipt.  All this information must be included to get a refund.

3 Send the bottles to this address:

Altai Balance

1301  Ridgeview Dr

Mchenry, IL 60050

Once the company receives the bottles, your request will be processed and you should have the funds credited back to you within 5 to 10 business days.

If you have questions or need more information email the company at:

Who Makes Altai Balance

The company website is and this is the official website. This is good to remember because if you go searching for Alti Balance on Amazon or eBay you may see it sold by vendors such as Vitalina, SO labs, Aquamare, and Ideal performance. Sometimes the price is less or more. Are they counterfeit? Are they associated with the official company or just resellers? Do they contain the same ingredients? I reached out to the Altai company about this and was told the supplements are sold on Amazon and eBay. are not associated with the official company. It's not known if the ingredients in those other supplements are the same as what is covered in this review. They may be the same or not the same.

Altai Balance 3 Bottles: 180-day guarantee. Purchase from the official company

If you are interested in trying Altai Balance diet pills from another seller, make sure the ingredients are the same as what is listed above.  Or save yourself the frustration and just get it from the official company.

This supplement is sold via Clickbank, which has an A+ rating with the BBB. If you have questions about your order, call their customer support at 800-390-6035. If calling from outside the US, call 208 345 4245. You can also email the company directly at

How Do You Buy It?

This supplement is not available locally such as at Walmart, Costco, CVS, Walgreens, Walmart, Vitamin Shoppe, GNC, Kroger, or Target. While it may be sold on Amazon and eBay, ask about the ingredients and compare that and the price to what is listed in this review.

Altai Balance Customer Complaints & Negative Reviews

Like most supplements, there are those who love Altai and those who don't. That said claims of customers sounding alarms that the supplement is a scam appear to be overstated. Reviewing online comments, some have said:

While positive customer words exist for the supplement, it's wise to be skeptical of online reviews – both positive and negative. When reading negative reviews ask if the supplement was purchased through a reseller or from the one-and-only official company? Differences in ingredients may lead to different outcomes.

No More Medications?

If you are taking metformin, insulin, or other blood sugar management medication, realize that so far there is no evidence the Altai dietary supplement can wean people off their diabetes medications. While lack of evidence does not mean this is not possible, it would take several months to see if your A1C level is decreasing. So, if you have type II diabetes and are looking for a natural supplement to maintain better blood sugar, the best advice is to take Altai supplement in cooperation with your doctor who can regularly monitor your blood glucose and A1C levels.

Altai Balance Side Effects

There are no known side effects or adverse reactions. That said because we are dealing with a supplement that can lower blood sugar, do speak to your doctor if you take blood sugar-reducing medications. Here are some suggestions to reduce side effects if they were to occur:

The supplement is not FDA approved – and for a good reason. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not approve supplements. No dietary supplement is approved by the FDA. Companies do not have to seek FDA approval unless they contain new dietary ingredients that have not been used before. All the ingredients in Altai Balance have been used previously.

Altai Balance Pros & Cons

Pros Cons
Research exists on ingredients The supplement itself lacks research
3-month guarantee Not sold in local stores
Non-GMO Look-a-like products may exist
Easy to purchase
Only 1 capsule per day
One time payment
No auto-shipments
No stimulants

Does Altai Balance Work or Is It A Scam?

So does Altai Balance really work? While I think the results may vary according to the severity of your health issues, the ingredients mostly make sense, so it's possible the supplement might have a blood sugar-reducing effect in some people. While this may be good news for those dealing with type II diabetes, I'd still like to see clinical research. Claims that Altai is s scam may be related to counterfeit supplements that are not associated with the company. Despite some claims of seeing results without dieting, realize you'll see the best results if combining the supplement with eating better and losing some weight if needed. While blood glucose levels may start trending down after a week or two, it will take about 3 months to see a drop in A1c levels.

See the official website for discounts and prices

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